Donald Trump was ridiculed Saturday after attending what his campaign called a Black roundtable at a Detroit church — with photos showing a largely white audience.Trump’s campaign reached out to the 180 Church to set up the event at which attendees asked a handful of questions before bursting into a...
Donald Trump was ridiculed Saturday after attending what his campaign called a Black roundtable at a Detroit church — with photos showing a largely white audience.
Trump’s campaign reached out to the 180 Church to set up the event at which attendees asked a handful of questions before bursting into a rendition of Happy Birthday.
The evangelical church is in the heart of Detroit’s west side and has a mainly Black congregation.
But photos caught by the media, and shared widely online, showed a lot of white people in the audience.
What makes you think anyone is upset? Ridicule comes not from people being upset about something, but thinking that this is the dumbest thing they've seen in quite a while. Getting ridicule should tell you you need to be a bit more introspective about what you're doing. And since this is Trump we're talking about here, we know that shithead isn't going to be introspective about anything, so we just point out the irony that Trump claims he has "very strong support, so very strong" with the Black community, but can't seem to find a single Black person to put in his photos of the event.
I guess the only option here is to literally Youtube, "Blacks Trump". The general consensus is that Blacks are tired of being fooled by Democrats.
They should have taken Malcolm X more seriously /shrug
If you haven't heard/read about this, your bubble is seriously tight and secured.
I'm not making the claim that, "all Black Americans" are voting for Trump. Rather that Democrats are losing Black voters. When questioned why, the general consensus, the general response, is that the Democrats have ignored Black communities. This wasn't just in one location like Atlanta, but all around the country. The most recent being NY and Michigan.
Honestly, sincerely... I don't even know the jackass who would put this article together and take a picture of a specific part of the room and make it a big deal. I have to assume they're White, they hate Whites, and vote for Biden. Seriously the literal article in of itself is pointless.
Or that when Trump fans hear that he's coming to town... they're quick to flock to see him. Hey at least you're not claiming, "cultural appropriation". Right?
I have to assume they’re White, they hate Whites, and vote for Biden
I have to assume Biden is popular with whites and blacks and everybody who doesn't make asinine assumptions and is not racist and/or neofascist and doesn't want to vote for a Certified Sex Offender and Convicted Felon
Taking your point seriously, are you suggesting that Blacks would do better under Trump and the GOP? I mean, they just spent the last 3.5 years blocking each and every Dem initiative?
The Republicans shove a stick in the spokes and when the bike crashes they blame the Dems?
I'm not even American, so have no skin in the game, but the American Kabuki theatre is open for anyone to watch. Plus, it's way better than Netflix.
And I agree with you, our government is full of idiots. I hate both sides. Just recently America learned that Republicans, at least, and more than likely the Democrats too, have AIPAC/Israeli handlers whispering into their ears. Essentially the U.S. has been hijacked the way I see it. We need leaders like Bukele. I support the idea of investigating every single member of government (local/state/federal) for corruption.
Yeah it's interesting. It seems like if you disagree, you're automatically the opposition. When in reality their opposition is really no different than them, they're just rooting for the other team. Me and others like me are sitting here like, "wtf??"
Im not sure if you realized the source you posted has a disclaimer:
"[APP NOTE: Like all "Campaign Press Releases" this document was entirely the product of a partisan political campaign. It is archived at the APP as part of the record of campaign communications. The APP has not assessed the accuracy of any claims made here either pro or con.]"
Since this release came from Trump, it shouldn't be used to add validity to Trumps claims about helping African Americans, right?
Take notice, all those Democrats that went after Trump, more than likely when Trump becomes president, he's going to ram it up their angus. And most of the country will support their demise.
Take notice, all those tribalistic rightwing cultists who are obsessed with their feelings because they have inferiority complexes. You have a mental illness. Mature adults aren't obsessed with people's feelings. Neither yours nor mine.
As for Treason Trump, his neofascist War on Democracy is going against 246 years of American culture. Convicted Sex Offender Loser Trump picked the worst country in the world to try to take people's freedom away from them.
Malcolm X: possibly the most famous American Muslim besides Muhammad Ali. A man who changed his name to el-Hajj Malik el-Shabazz. A fierce advocate for black liberation and self-determination
Some clown in 2024: I think he would've liked the 'ban all Muslims' and 'look at my African-American' guy
Instead of using YouTube for guidance, why don't you talk to your Imam on Friday. The answer you get will be 1000 times more compassionate, practical and in-line with what your belief systems are than watching 'Blacks for Trump' videos.
It really sounds like you're brainwashed by online content if you're a pro-Trump muslim when Trump is the most anti-Muslim President in history. He literally tried to stop all Muslims entering the United States and then changed it to 'countries which happen to be muslim' when he was told it was illegal and discriminatory. The list of Islamophobic Trump quotes is endless, and if you're going to search the internet for anything I suggest you start there.
Unless you're a multi-millionaire or your last name is Trump, this guy is not your friend. He is nobody's friend. Please stop caping for him on the internet because you're only hurting yourself
lol don't worry about my deen, son. If I see bs, just like any other user here on lemmy, I'm going to call it out. At the very least question it to get more context and go from there.
I'm not worried, as a Muslim, what Trump thinks about Muslims. However, Trump is the only running candidate that will fix the chit show that Biden has given us. And don't worry, I'm not putting the full blame on Biden.. we had previous presidents that have neglected its people and done more harm to the U.S. than terrorists have.
Name the specific policy failures that Biden has made which you believe are 'a shitshow' and 'done more harm to the U.S. than terrorists' and then tell us exactly what Trump has said he will do to fix them
The general consensus as to why white, black, and all kinds of Americans are leaving the Republican Party is because Convicted Sex Offender Treason Trump is a threat to democracy and the rule of law and repeatly slanders our great country and attacks our longstanding core values every f*cking time he loses court cases and elections.
Good luck with what? Maintaining our 246 year record of democracy and the rule of law? Did you really think proud Americans would let some petty loser and con artist come along after hundreds of years and steal that from us?
Trump’s side marketed going to a black church and having thousands turn out to support him
It was an attempt to sway the black demographic into supporting him because other blacks do. The pictures paint a different story than what was advertised
The video shows a "black church" filled with white people. So they either went to a mixed church (that leans white) and called it a black church, or they went to a black church and the majority of people who wanted to go hear him speak were white anyways.
So hes either a liar trying to make it look like black people like him, or black people find him so offensive they wouldnt even go to their own church to hear him speak, allowing the space to be filled with white people.
I suppose there is the possibility black people were prevented from going, and white people were purposefully placed into the crowds but im not sure who would gain from that.
You guys are getting played by the media. They're providing images at certain angles and certain parts of the building instead of giving you a zoomed out version. I can't even find anything to provide a zoomed out version. There's also photos that are taken before the event began that are being used as proof. It's pretty embarrassing.
It's like that CIA persuasion tactic they used, where they bring in 19 CIA agents, pretending to not be CIA or in any way related... and the 20th person is some random (the test subject). They pull up a square, all 19 agents say it's a triangle... and the 20th person, the one that's getting tested, has no other option but to be persuaded that it is a triangle, not the actual square that their eyes can clearly see.
You just posted a heavily cropped and compressed picture of a handful of black people, whereas there are pictures in this thread showing wide shots of hundreds of white people. What are you trying to prove here?
They’re providing images at certain angles and certain parts of the building instead of giving you a zoomed out version. I can’t even find anything to provide a zoomed out version.
This guy lol. Completely ignores every wide shot available of the event, complains there are no wide shots, then uses a tight cropped photo from something. Then goes on about some cia conspiracy.
Well it's kind of interesting that social media like TikTok and Telegram tends to challenge the mainstream narrative of both sides. I'm very wary of anything from mainstream media, honestly.
No, it's more that it is another obvious failed attempt at exploiting an image. Remember all those white folk holding placards saying "Blacks for Trump" at rallies? Or, holding a bible (upsidedown) after he stormed a protest to a church (putting his secret service detail in a sweat).
You need to take a peek at what's going on beyond the projection. It's pretty obvious.
That video shows like 70 % to 80 % of the people beeing white. How is are you calling this fake news and then post a link that literally proves the point of the article??