More wisdom from Supply Side Jesus
More wisdom from Supply Side Jesus
More wisdom from Supply Side Jesus
I hate when the far right says, "Who's gonna pay for it?!" Referring to any program that would help the poor or needy... What would Jesus do? Asshole.
There's a bill in the Canadian senate right now for UBI, and yeah, this is what the conservatives are saying.
For anyone interested in the bill:
Jesus would make sure they are tested for drugs before curing their leprosy.
how do we know they don't want to stay leprous ?
What would Jesus do? Asshole.
This is going to be my go-to response from now on.
Jesus would make a dupping glitch with food
We already see what happens with you duplicate glitch books/knowledge/art
Did Jesus ever teach anyone to fish? I remember the story where he just gave people fish. 🤔
So it seems Jesus is only good with feeding people for a day, instead of the rest of their lives. 😌
Good answer, and maybe. But you can be sure the magic would help, and even without magic he would help.
Yes, the magic of an impromptu potluck
Literally the whole point of this "miracle" was to show how if everyone pools resources, there's more than enough to go around
But that didn't fit the message the Romans were going for, so they magic'd it up
when the far right says, "Who's gonna pay for it?!"
It's funny, the obvious answer is "rich people who have magnitudes more money", but plenty of poor stupid people respond "BuT tHeY aLrEaDy PaY mOrE" as if someone with 100000x as much money as you should get off paying maybe pays 100 or 1000x when you're paying 25% and they're paying 5 or 10% of take home.
When they're asking genuinely, I don't mind giving a genuine reply. But when it becomes clear they're doing the online equivalent of filibustering? "You, you specifically are going to pay for it, and I hope it makes you go bankrupt."
Sorry, feeding you might make more money for the shareholders 2 years from now but not feeding you makes money for the shareholders today.
I won't even be working here in 2 years, the second that bonus hits my bank account I'm taking the CEO role at a startup religion
This is heresy.
He would explain that the baker and fishermen had an inviolable right that their craftsmanship not be replicated without their permission.
Yeah. You wouldn't download some kid's lunch of bread and fish!
Republican Jesus.
There's a conservative chud in these comments who apparently thinks this is exactly what Jesus taught.
Political satire is dead; it's impossible to satirize conservatives because for any ridiculous joke anyone can come up with, there'll be N + 1 conservatives out there going "yeah that's exactly what I believe"
Interestingly enough, right after feeding about 15k people, these same people tried to make Jesus their king. I mean, free food right?
And the absolute Chad just went out and retreated, refusing to involve himself in politics as he was to be already king of another kingdom
Even more interesting than that, the next day, the same people were expecting to be fed again..he clearly understood people were associating with him for material gain. He does exhort them to work for their sustenance.
But it's important to understand that at the time, Jesus was putting more focus on exhorting people to work on the pursuit of his father's kingdom and excellent deeds, declaring himself the son of god, and himself (as the word of god) living bread to be fed on
At which point most of these people lost all interest, being shocked as, as always, they suffered of literal thinking, asking themselves in disgust, "how can we eat this man's flesh?". This was the people who literally wanted him as King the day before.
This was basically all it took for everyone except the 12 apostles to leave
Interesting take. There's the standard conservative anti-welfare message, but also very old-fashioned anti-catholicism. I guess this is from a conservative US version of Protestantism. But which denomination exactly? Or is that standard fare for evangelicals these days?
I'm not sure I see the anti-catholicism?
“If I give all these starving people free food nobody will want to work anymore!” —Supply Side Jesus
So I have never actually understood the name of this meme. Why "supply side"? What does that mean?
It's from supply-side economics:
Supply-side economics is a macroeconomic theory postulating that economic growth can be most effectively fostered by lowering taxes, decreasing regulation, and allowing free trade.
Ahhh, thank you.
Supply and demand are two major parts of capitalist economic theory, Regan implimented economic relief for the supply side of the economy only. Corporations, owners, importers, and resource owners, like oil, gas, food, industries. While totally ignoring demand side, that's the working class side of the economy, if there isn't enough money in the demand side of the economy, it will eventually collapse. Which has happened several times, why are we still here and still doing this? Because were not a capitalist economy. We're a state capitalist economy. Financial institutions fail? Government bail outs, stagnating wages hurting demand? Work tax credit, still not enough money in the market? Deregulate credit lenders, payroll still can't cover basic living? SNAP program subsidized the cost of living, letting owners continue to stagnate wages while not paying enough to keep the middle class capable of participating in the market.
We've been doing this a long time.
The State now controls the economy, almost exclusively helping corporations and the very rich, with no strings attached.
Supply side only economics at work.
It's a caricature Al Franken (who went on to become a Democrat senator) came up with for his book Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them.
You can see some of the original comics here:
Thomas Robert Malthus literally a cleric of Christianity who exposed these morals.
Probably the largest reason economics is completely fucked.
Come back OG Jesus, all is forgiven.
Conservatives would literally murder him if he were to come back. A brown-skinned wokist telling people to love each other would not be popular
I'm not sure I'd like the actual guy, either. The stories we have are the result of several decades of embellishment before eventually being written down. Some no doubt make him look better than the actual story, and others are just made up entirely.
From what we do know about him, he was a weird apocalyptic peasant preacher. He probably was executed for exactly what he was accused of before the Romans: trying to make himself the king of the Jews by leading an overthrow of the Romans. People like that aren't healthy people to be around; see your modern apocalyptic cult leader for details.
Might want to re-read the Parable of the Talents sometime.
yeah remember when Jesus said "if I were to feed you, it would disincentivize you from finding a job and just enable your laziness. Use your god-given talents to feed yourself you moocher" and then gave all the fish and bread to the rich?
Use your god-given talents to feed yourself you moocher" and then gave all the fish and bread to the rich?
That's literally what the Parable of the Talents is about. Matthew 25:14-30 if you are having trouble finding it.
That's why 60% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck! All they have to do is invest the pennies they have left over! Crazy how a group of people that motherfucking huge aren't just pulling themselves up by their bootstraps!
I think the moral of that story is that you should at least make a bare minimum effort in order to justify your existence. The Parable of the Wedding feast has a very similar lean: there, a guy gets thrown out of the wedding (after having been invited for free because the original guests wouldn't come) because he wouldn't even dress up for it.
The point is, there ARE examples of Jesus cutting people off because they're not worth his continued investment in them.
I did, and though we can expect those with a talent to be profitable, what about those with a tenth of one?
Let's put that parable in modern terms. One day a hedge fund manager decided to leave the country for a while to his other home overseas. He went and told His workers to go and be profitable with the money. And so he gave one a million dollars , another 100, 000, and another $50,000.
The one with a million dollars, invested his money and time into making a new business. He managed to turn that $1 million into $2.3 million. The one with 100,000 managed to make $170,000 with shrewd investing. But the man with $50,000 sat on it and didn't do anything. He put it in a savings account and left it there.
The hedge fund manager came back, and saw how successful the other managers were. And he asked the one with 10k "Why didn't you do anything with what I gave you?
The one with the 50 k said "I didn't want to lose any of the money."
The manager rebuked him though because he could have at least taken 1 year bonds and beat interest.
It's a parable about using what God gave you. God gives us gifts to bring in profits. Not in money, as that's not what God really needs, but in faith. You could live for a while with 50k even. But there are people who live paycheck to paycheck who don't have that 1 talent of silver in the first place. They're paid 800 dollars bi-weekly. Rent is 800 dollars. Good luck living with 800 left for everything else. And you still call them lazy
What does Jesus say about people with money? Two things stick out to me. The first one are the Rich donors to the the synagogue, and the poor woman who gives a quarter of her wealth to it. Jesus remarks that the woman gave more than those Rich donors ever will. The other is about a rich man who seeks to enter the kingdom of God and ask Jesus how to do this. Jesus tells him that he must give all his money to the poor. The man was disappointed because he had a lot of wealth.
What boggles my mind as a Christian is that we idolize Rich people and shame poor people. When in fact The most pious people I know, are poor
Prosperity Gospel is a scourge and a poor excuse to claim that God is on the side of the rich.
Thanks for your response, but I don’t think I was promoting prosperity gospel? I understand that this parable is a favorite of theirs, but as you correct pointed out, there’s more to Jesus than that, and the point of the parable is by no means to rag on poor people, but on people who make poor decisions.
My understanding is that if someone has little talent but still makes the most of it, that person is still more welcome in the Kingdom of Heaven than someone who has a lot but makes little use of it. In other words, if it was the servant who received the most money who ended up burying it and making no profit, it would have been him who would be cast out instead. See also the Parable of the Wedding Feast, where everyone receives exactly the same (an invitation to the king’s wedding), but one person shows up without the proper clothes on.