Go into any culture that isn't American or Western European; East Asian, Eastern European, Middle Eastern, African, Latin American, Caribbean, literally anywhere in the world, and you will find people cooking whole feasts because there is a possibility of an acquaintance dropping by for 5 minutes.
My family background is Belarussian, and guests must have a full 3 course dinner, bread, tea, a lot of sweets to go with the tea, some fresh fruit, and 5 large Tupperware containers of extra dinner. If they do not go through this process they will be bared from leaving the house.
I have also never left a Portuguese friends house without their Avó using an excavator to shovel food into my mouth.
It has been drilled into me from birth that I should never EVER eat or drink anything in front of friends, or houseguests without offering them some lmao. I don't understand how people, especially well off people, can religiously guard food. Even when I am starving and have 10 dollars worth of food to make it through the week, I can't imagine not sharing or offering anything to a guest or friend, it just seems so rude and selfish.
Dear fake wokers: saying that a woman shouldn't cook for other people is just as sexist as saying a woman should.
Feminism is not about changing what women can and can't do in society, it's about women's right to freely choose without coersion or societal pressure what they do and don't do.