Let me get this straight. These absolute psychopaths want you to:
Pay them
To employ
Are you FUCKING joking with me right now what the FUCK is this dystopian hellhole bullshit
Okay, okay. I wasn't thinking clearly when I wrote this, it makes no sense for this to be a thing during opening hours. I think it's understandable why I read it that way, and I think at least a few others did too, but I can recognise I was wrong, that this is an actual "summer camp" kind of thing, and that the company isn't being cartoonishly evil here.
I do not doubt that whoever approved it thought that it might add to the crop of future applicants in a "butterfly effect" manner, and smiled at the thought, but it would be too much even to say that's a secondary goal.
Christ. You're right that it's not better. Work experience I can get behind, apprenticeship I can get behind, but this is so blatantly exploitative and dangerous the only thing that surprises me more is that parents are dumb enough to fall for it.
Employ? I might be missing some info but on this image, they only talk about learning. I am aware of some states legalizing child labor, but this could as well be nothing more than fun activity to discover how things work for kids, especially if they enjoy going there to eat, they may be curious about what happens behind the counter. I would like my kids to understand some of the work that happens before they can enjoy their meal.
You're absolutely right, of course, they'd be insane to do this during opening hours for their restaurants. I overreacted. I gave an upvote, but here's a delta too: Δ
My only defense is Chick-Fil-A's atrocious record with regard to worker's rights, their already hiring actual children due to multiple states legalising child labour, my outrage at the children maimed or killed on the job at other companies, the image describing some of the basic duties of an employee, my extreme fatigue from being sick for five days and not sleeping at all last night, and the fact that it also seems like a way to glow up the experience to "get them early" so at least some of them will provide cheap exploitable labour in let's call it 3-7 years.
Uhhh, isn't it just 3 possible days where you choose from? And pay them $35 for 3 hours to do this shit? It's not a camp at all it seems. Or I'm missing something.
Congratulations on feeding a demonstrably terrible company, and being proud of it just to be contrarian. You know what, that phrasing wasn't the best way to get my sentiment across. I understand why the cost is so attractive, and it gets the kids out of the house during the summer. I think there are better activities of course, but I'm sure you're kids will have a blast - and I do mean that sincerely, I hope they enjoy it if you send them. I also sincerely hope they don't get hurt.
Ok, I also don't like glamorizing a cooperation but I'll let folks in on something as a parent; kids genuinely are interested in occupational stuff, especially if they see it regularly. Just at Target, for instance, they sell kid sized target branded cashier make believe stuff. And I do mean branded, with all the store brand names and everything.
I'm not getting my kid this mostly cause I'd rather not support the brands, but I do think it's important to let kids know that it's ok to work these jobs if that's your deal. If anything, we as adults need to make the jobs give a living wage and not be expoitive, and to do that, you also have to teach the next generation that these jobs have value.
(And honestly, I prefer it over glamorizing police or military, which we've done with toys and events since forever!)
This. Kids love "dramatic" play...that is, imaginative play in a costumed role.
Plenty of kids with day-glow vests and hardhats, nobody is knocking them. Plenty of kids with cop costumes, or cowboy hats, or spacesuits, or fireman jackets.
I agree with you entirely...it's a bit "weird" on the surface, but this is really great play for kids. Kids are absolutely interested in what happens behind the scenes (or at least behind the counter) and building independence by making their own snacks and stuff.
Just as long as they aren't having kids working at factory chicken farms. Because that would likely scar them for life. Then again, maybe they should.
i do feel like they could just skip the fucking cost for it, i get that they need to cover the food and tshirt and stuff, but also they are a massive corporation that is getting to propagandize to their future workers, so like maybe just eat that cost so it doesn't leave a dystopian aftertaste?
Put a different way: if a poor family is able to get their kid into this so the kid gets a free meal and a better shot at landing a job, that's probably the closest they can get to doing something wholesome.
That reminds me of a joke. I'll change some of the words though. What's the best thing about having thirty five year olds working for you? there's thirty
Oh does this mean we can change all those _ _ _ _ baby jokes into labor baby jokes? What’s better than a baby working in a factory? A baby working in two factories!
This reminds me of an old Michael Jackson joke from the 90s. What does MJ like about 21 year olds? There's twenty of them. Slaps knee :explosion: .. God
Lol yeah, this will definitely be a net loss in productivity.
It is lame as a children's activity, but I could see some novelty in it, it's sort of like those Mr Rogers segments where they go behind the scenes at a factory.
Exactly. All 30 kids will probably love it. This probably isn't something that parents would sign their kids up for unless they genuinely think their kid would enjoy it, lol
It probably wasn't written by a professional, and they're trying to satisfy two demographics.
There's the part for the kids, obviously, but the other demographic is the parents who want their kids to LEARN something at the camp.
Parents don't necessarily send their kids to Pokemon Camp because their kid loves Pokemon, but because the camp advertises to parents that their kids will learn X, Y, and Z skills and stuff, lol
I worked at an ice cream shop in the early 2000s that did this for cub scouts. They had a great time and got free ice cream. It's not like we were actually making them work, lol. It's a novelty experience for children.
It used to be that employers trained new employees. Then they wanted entry-level positions to be filled by people with 3-5y experience in the role. Now they want you to pay for your own training.
Fuck Chick-fil-A aside, I have no problem with kids having an experience where they learn to respect the work that goes into stereotypically "unskilled" labor.