How seriously painful is that boot time?
I have my Linux Thinkpad set up to just go directly to hibernation. If I flip the lid open, by the time I've closed up my laptop backpack, stashed it, pulled my seat out, sat down, and scootched up, it's pretty much up. And if it's hibernated, then you don't wind up with a case where you leave it in your bag for a long time, it draws down a bunch of a battery, and next time you open the thing up, maybe away from a plug, you don't have a big chunk of your battery slorped up.
does some timing
Booting up and responding after a hibernation is a little under 30 seconds.
Doing so after an S3 sleep is a little under 5 seconds.
Now, okay, that's just the system being back up, and it's gonna have to broadcast a query, wait for responses from WAPs, associate with a wireless access point and get a DHCP lease before the network's up, so maybe there's a little extra time until the thing is fully usable, but still.
I guess...hmm. I guess I can see doing a sleep-with-delayed hibernation for something like the case where someone's moving between an office and a conference room. Like, wait 5 or 10 minutes, and if it's still sleeping, then hibernate. What are the defaults?
goes looking
Hmm. Okay, so looks like on Debian, the default is to sleep (suspend) until the battery is down to 5%, then do a hibernate if it hits that critical level. Yeah, I never want to wait that long.
Aight, I'm gonna move from directly hibernating to a 5 minute sleep or 5% battery, whichever first, then hibernate. I guess that's maybe a good tradeoff for a scenario where a laptop is being frequently closed and opened, but it still shouldn't result in much extra power consumption.