I gotta get me one of those.
49 1 ReplyThe Legos or the wife?
16 0 ReplyYes
26 0 ReplyBoth?
4 0 Reply
Lego playsets? They're everywhere.
13 0 ReplyWhich one?
3 0 Reply
As a nearly 40-year-old man who loves buying Star Wars Lego, and who has a bread-winning wife, this hit all the way to home.
30 0 ReplyWhat did your wife say when you sent her the meme?
16 0 ReplyLaughed out loud. Then asked for a divorce.
18 1 Reply
Yeah same, I sent it to her and she said. "I literally laughed out loud"
6 0 Reply
I'm in this meme, and I'm totally ok with that. Hun if you see this the landspeeder with 1890 pieces please! Love you!
14 0 ReplyThat set is pretty dope.
5 0 Reply
In case someone doesn’t already know these 58 licensed Star Trek sets: https://www.bluebrixx.com/en/sets/star_trek?filter=parts&order=desc&limit=58
15 3 ReplyThose aren't Lego...
12 2 ReplyOkay?
If you want a more LEGO-like feel, you can probably replace the high quality printed blocks with some stickers.
6 2 Reply
Look at me! I am the trophy wife now!
8 0 ReplyThis is the dream.
6 0 ReplyBeverly or the Lego?
6 0 ReplyExactly this.
5 0 Reply
I hope you mean the Blue Brixx Star Trek set
5 0 ReplyNo, Jean Luc is obviously a man of taste. Star wars is the superior choice, of course.
2 2 ReplyHe's LEGO pirates of the Caribbean just because old ships. In bottles.
2 0 Reply
Where do I get one of those?
6 1 ReplyThis hit close to home. Except the kids destroy my Lego sets or steal parts.
4 0 ReplyUse the kragle.
2 0 Reply
Somehow, I have become both at the same time.
3 0 Replyshort hair bev crusher changed me permanently
3 0 ReplyHmm... and here I've been buying myself all these Lego sets... Have I been doing this wrong all this time?
That said, I've already pre-ordered the Ghost and am pretty hyped for it because I've been staring at the old Ghost set on ebay for a couple years longingly...
...And I still need to finish building my xwing...
2 0 ReplyOnly in my dreams... Only in my dreams.... Or VR I guess at some point.
2 1 ReplyWhere are all of these competitions or lotteries where you can win bread
1 0 ReplyThe bread shop!
1 0 Reply