Technically the existance of non-binaries also makes the binaries no longer binaries (due to increased optionality), so it would be fair to say everyone is non-binary
That's not how that works. If there isn't a binary (because there isn't just 2 options) then this would be a non-binary system and so everyone would be non-binary.
That's just like Hangul, but for computer numbers.
Once you're quite good at reading hexadecimals, you no longer need to look up binary, though you still need decimal-hexadecimal conversion, which is slower.
Define "all the other numbers". Do we include only natural numbers? Or all instegers? Or even rational numbers? Do we include imaginary numbers? How about complex numbers? Orbetter go for quaternions?
And don't talk to me. I'd rather be surrounded by twelve "women" (i.e. trans men) in the men's room (or even just women) than one cis guy who insists on having a conversation with me.
If there already exists "a binary" then that says there are 2 states. "Non-binary" only means there are not-two-states. This could be unary (there is one kind of thing), trinary (there are now 3 things, the old 2 and new, secret 3rd thing), or really any n-ary set of n distinctly numbered things, so long as there aren't only exactly 2 of them.
The state of having two states and the state of not-having-two-states is itself a two-state solution.
Unfortunately, once you rule out non-binary as a third state, you collapse back into the original binary state. Thus, non-binary exists as a quantum superposition between states, as we fluctuate between whether or not being non-binary is politically correct.
But nobody is in the state of having two states, though. People range from being in one state to "it's complicated", but how would you be in exactly two states?
I want to upvote the OP for presenting an interesting discussion but downvote them for being wrong. This presents a case for a non-binary voting option.
A singular like button would still only express one portion of my sentiment. A third option could be many things, none are sufficient: a none or 0 or neutral option is effectively not voting, a sideways arrow or maybe state, or mixed state would express indecision or indeterminism rather than mixed feelings.
Therefore, I propose that a second positive-negative axis is required. The addition of these "sideways" arrows allow expressing 2 kinds of sentiment: towards the post content, and towards the poster themselves. I will not specify whether left or right is positive nor will i clarify which axis (x or y) corresponds to which kind of sentiment. I'm sure this undefined behavior will cause no problems.
They really should be called genres or noun class as outside of Europe they really aren't tied to gender and can have way more different cases than just two or three.
One day aliens are going to meet us and wonder what happened in our evolution that made us biased towards seeing every noun in groups of two, except for rules of nouns which are in groups of three.
Error: Math.round() failed - 'gender' is not a single value but a multi-dimensional spectrum! Use Math.matrixRound() instead, where each value is rounded individually. Note: Rounding 'gender' to a single value is deprecated and not supported in modern libraries.
Yes, but the probabilities (for the lightning) are not independent. So, while everyday there is a 50% chance to be hit be lightning, it's the same outcome every day. If you didn't get hit by lightning yesterday, you probably won't today either.
I think it's just the term. "Binary" isn't exactly neutral as it can imply narrow minded. Also labelling non-X imply that everyone else is X which often includes too many people that are kind of in the middle / doesn't really care.
Where did this come from? Why am I grouped into some kind of hater group suddenly?
Language has changed ... silly to start a movement to rollback english to 1724
Ya and I was commenting on how I don't like the choose of word in this specific change. Why not use better words when you start to describe something new?
I always think there is a we vs them vibe in the non-binary thing which is kind of toxic
I dunno if there is much "we" inside the non-binary community. Like Non-binary is an umbrella term that encapsulates everything from a both/neither/almost but not quite binary/gender fluid betwixt multiple states/people who identify as trans non-binary, people who identify as non-trans non-binary/ cultural third genders/ political gender activists /DID people with alters that swap... There's a lot of different concepts and sometimes contradictory needs there.
Like people tend to just group non-binary people into a third category and don't really ask questions of individuals what their actual deal is. I blew a friend's mind recently when he introduced his enbyfriend to me and while we were out on a walk I asked "Apart from the umbrella non-binary term how do you conceptualize yourself?" because he had never thought to ask that question of either of us.
More like Man, Woman and 60 plus different other categories even good sports in the first two categories don't tend to be bothered to learn about.
It's not that it's secret it's that if you don't ask for specifics we assume you don't care, don't know there are specifics or you really just don't want to know.
Us Enbyfolk respecting that you probably don't need to be burdened with actual specifics or interpreting that knowledge as being additional social pressure is us being polite.
actually, technically it would be a trinary system, if we're looking at it like a spectrum, and if we're looking at it like a spectrum, i think it's funnier to conceive of it like a circle. Or to get the point across, like those political alignment charts.
How do you figure that? Also "hermaphrodite" is not the accurate term - that would refer to an organism which creates both gametes, which humans never do, even intersex ones.
Probably because "hermaphrodite" is considered a slur to intersex people.
Also intersex and non-binary are not remotely the same thing. Some Intersex people are non-binary but a lot of them have binary identities. It's a different axis.
It's always hilarious and frustrating when people who don't understand a topic try to disprove it. This is the same energy as flat earthers pointing to the horizon and going "See!?!" or anti-vaxxers pointing out people who still get sick.
Anyone who thinks this logic is compelling should actually crack a book. I'd recommend Judith butlers gender trouble, but this sort of meme is peak dunning kruger. Literally too ignorant of a topic to actually argue against it.
Even if it was completely serious, it just becomes a dumb statement. Its just showing how everything can be reworded to be presented as a binary choice like this. It doesn't actually say anything bad about people for identifying any sort of way.
For example, there are a lot of species birds, but they can all be described by the binary choices of: Is Crow, or Not Crow. Still, its very obvious to anyone with a brain that it's not the most helpful way to classify things.
other people are trying to disprove you about the post content and maybe they are right
but you are absolutely correct about the site getting worse. i reported multiple transphobic comments under this post and elsewhere in the past day. so maybe the post isn’t transphobic but it is giving a place to spew hateful rot