Blow some cannabis smoke in my face and point me in the direction of a comfortable chair. Now it’s a chill hangout session, not a boss fight. But you still win.
Ask me about something I'm above average knowledged about that I'm also interested in, and then you can disarm the bomb, save the pricess, destroy my entire species before I'm done oversharing the introductory part or even its preface.
I was driven mad by the unrelenting noises of society. The clamor, the insanity of humanity. The protagonistic figure decides a more peaceful option is adequate for my type of villainy and offers me quiet respite. A lovely cottage suitable for my hermit-like needs.
With this, I am at peace. I have a home. I have quiet. No quarrels with the world anymore
Hmmmmm, I might have a shiny rock or two. But I think the general public would be the providers of most appreciation awards due to not having me around anymore
I actually wrote out an outline for this back when I was making small videogames as a hobby. I never actually made the game, which was probably overly ambitious, which is fitting because it was a game about ambition and hubris with me as the villains (multiverse shenanigans) and a pair of scrappy teenage sleuths as the protagonists.
Intended method: three phase fight where the PC must break a magic shield before I get off a spell (DPS check). Breaking the shield releases a shockwave which either needs to be dodged or cancelled by an optional item (magic earmuffs). Failure to break the shield fails the fight, sends them to the room before (fuck you watch the whole cutscenes again)
Pacifist method: compliment me a couple of times and I won't know what to do with myself. I teleport away, leaving the key
I'm not an incompetent fighter or anything. I assume it wouldn't be a chance encounter, though, and I'd probably be prepared. In that case, well, they'd definitely have their work cut out for them. Prepare to dodge bullets, and engage in hand-to-hand combat with someone who can take a good beating before giving up.
I'm exhausted easily in my current state, however. Anything more than a short close quarters fight will likely do me in. That is, importantly, assuming I don't use 💫drugs💫.