I was just thinking the other day about how I went to a highschool with the panther as the mascot, and how disgusting it is that we used to play Cat Scratch Fever in band at football games...
“When I saw you comin’ outta school that day - I mean, uh, out of . . your office complex . . . Where you’re a, uh, regional sales manager . . . I knew I got to have you!”
These guys were pretty on the nose about what they liked...
Only band that was even more on the nose was Oingo Boingo with the song "Little Girls", though I guess the singer said it was meant to be some kind of sick joke intended to offend.
Also a random coincidence, but apparently the parody song "My Bologna" was what kickstarted Al Yankovic's career.
I am not trying to be edgy. Just a very recent revelation..I didn't know until that movie that Elvis was dating a 14 year old. So the only progress in this scenario we made as humanity from Mohammed to Elvis was one year. I guess that's progress?
But honestly, reading the lyrics of classic rock has really really hindered my ability to listen to some of my favorite bands.
Just a light example. The Animals. Love. Don't let me me misunderstood.... Comes off as domestic abuse apologist. Maybe I'm way off. I'll show myself out.
So the only progress in this scenario we made as humanity from Mohammed to Elvis was one year.
Aisha was 6 when they married and 9 when "the marriage was consummated", so it's more than one year. Still not great but pedophiles won't ever completely vanish.
The worst one in that vein for me is Little Girls by Oingo Bingo. It feels like it's trying to be a parody, but never quite gets there and just comes across as super uncomfortable.
It's definitely a parody, but a parody of something so uncomfortable that making fun of it puts a bad taste in your mouth, because you can't really mock it without.. ya know.. remembering that the music industry was (and probably still is) full of pedos, and that such things used to be perfectly acceptable...
It's definitely a satire but also yes very dark. The music video really makes it, for anyone who wants to see one of the most unhinged pieces of media out there in its full glory
You weren’t kidding. I don’t know how I’d never seen it before. I love crazy music videos, I click through old 80s/90s videos all the time. I guess that one doesn’t make it into many recommendations.
Was just coming here to mention that. I heard that song in a film or series I don't remember and thought it was sus then I paid more attention and oh boy oh boy WHAT IN THE FRIED FUCK .
The 1970s and 1980s in Europe were a terrible time in regards of pedophilia. In the aftermath of the sexual revolution and the decriminalization of homosexuality, some people thought everything goes and weren't really stopped. Take people like Volker Beck in Germany who openly demanded pedophilia to be decriminalized or Daniel Cohn-Bendit, who wrote a text about having sex with a 6 year old (he was working at a Kindergarten at the time). And they were by far not the only people who went way too far.
Volker Beck later became a member of the German parliament (for ~20 years), a leading figure of green politics and is currently serving as the president of the German–Israeli Society. Daniel Cohn-Bendit later became a member of the European parliament (for ~20 years)...
It is. The workarounds I’ve found never seem to work for me. Maybe I’ve just never entered the time code correctly into the url? But I dunno, I’ve tried a few times and failed every single time.
"winger"? I mean, hair metal sucks, but the names of these lower tier bands are just crap, it makes me think of the Patton Oswald bit about music videos. "Maybe I'll get some action from the guys of haircut 100 because I'm not getting any from the guys in Jackal with a y!"
I'll lead by saying that's not a fetish of mine, but I kind of get it, and in a way that has nothing to do with age.
If a person who is attracted to girls is surrounded by almost exclusively girls in school uniforms during several formative years of their life in which their sexual interests are initially developing, is it that strange they'd grow to find the uniform attractive?
Maybe the fact that I didn't go to a school with uniforms is part of the reason I don't share that particular taste.
Personally I always thought it was just because it looked good, like it's stylish and esthetically pleasing. But now as an adult I realize that for a lot of people it is about that connection to younger girls. Gross.
Well, now you're only fifteen, And you look good.
I'll take you under my wing, Somebody should.
They've persuasive ways, And you'll believe what they say.
It's just a question of time, And it's running out for you.
It won't be long until you'll do, Exactly what they want you to…
No no, see, it's gotta uhh, be ironic. It's ironic, they're ironically calling all the other pedo artists out, see. It's, no, see, it's because they're just being ironic and edgy as a tasteless kind of joke, see.
I dunno man. The point at which it becomes totally indefensible is the point at which the 30 or late 20's artist is sleeping or having romantic relationships with like, kids, basically. I dunno. I respect the right of artists to write songs about shitty or super insanely weird subject matter but goddamn these guys are just confessing that they're pedophiles straight up huh