Oh! “enthusiasm”; not “euthanasia”. Makes so much more sense now. That’s what I get for earl morning reading.
104 1 ReplyI can't speak for the others, but my upvote is because I read it the exact same way.
29 0 ReplyComputer, earl morning reading. Lukewarm.
15 0 Replyeuthanasiasm
9 0 ReplyTell me you’re a millennial without telling me you’re a millennial.
4 1 Reply
Glad it wasn't just me
4 0 ReplySame
3 0 Reply
Sir, that’s my registered mental support toad
48 0 ReplyThat is one handsome fella, look at his size! I'm in awe because of this ginormous lad!
36 0 ReplyHere, take one
30 1 ReplyThe guy's expression tells all that needs to be said.
13 0 ReplyIs it wrong that I want to gently poke his leathery rotund belly
6 0 Reply
What an absolute unit
1 0 Reply
"That's the most unprofessional-"
"You're hired!"
35 0 ReplyPretty clever to bring hypno-toad to a job interview but need to be careful that it doesn't steal your job.
15 0 ReplyI’d hire her,
Most people aren’t qualified and lie anyway. At least she sounds interesting,
15 0 ReplyToad is enough qualification for me.
5 0 ReplyIt is a very cute toad. Hired! And I guess she's hired as well.
3 0 Reply
Source is https://www.instagram.com/flotsamm/
12 0 ReplyI was able to track it down to there but the content looked too varied for him to be the author of the comic. But I will take it on your word to put it in the header. Thanks.
9 0 Reply
It is (not) Wednesday my dudes!
12 0 ReplyBut it is wednesday, my dudes!
4 0 ReplyNow it is!
2 0 Reply
2 0 ReplyWednesdays are but a day on the calendar, the spirit of Wednesday is an unstoppable force!
2 0 Reply
"This was my last boss, after he wouldn't give me a raise. What about you, do you think I'm qualified to work here?"
7 0 ReplyHe looks very polite
6 0 ReplyHire that frog.
5 0 ReplyI'm in full support of bring your toad to work day!
4 0 ReplyHades II ass interview
4 0 ReplyBut what happens next?!
3 0 ReplyI dare you to move
2 0 ReplyAnal
1 3 Reply
2 0 ReplyI don't get it
2 0 ReplyLook on the table
5 1 Replythey're both a kilogram
1 0 Replyi guess toad also mean despicable/meanness, opposite of enthusiasm
1 0 Reply
Am I the only one that read that with Matt Berry's voice?
3 1 ReplyI'm seeing Dan Avidan
1 0 ReplyThe man or the woman?
Because "Ooooughhh, you MEEEAN my... Tooooooooaughd." Could easily be a Matt Berry quote
1 0 Reply
1 0 Reply