"I'm pepper spraying the water but it won't stop obstructing traffic!"
- Local police probably
157 1 ReplyMust not be American police. That water would be half bullets here.
51 1 ReplyNah, the acorn won't be very loud when it hits the water.
26 0 Reply
This is Germany. Most bullets fired here end up in deer instead of people.
19 2 ReplyAs it should be
Deer is delicious
5 3 ReplyHere in Germany the police tend to call the responsible hunter to avoid the paperwork, that comes with shooting their weapons.
1 0 Reply
I keep punching and choking it but it keeps coming back for more! Oh... Oh God..... IT LOOKS EVEN DARKER NOW!!! EVERY POLICE MAN FOR HIMSELF
11 0 ReplyOFFICER DOWN!!!
7 0 Reply
So what you're saying is, we need tougher laws against activists! /s
41 0 ReplyArrest that water!
10 0 ReplyBeat it with a baton until it stops resisting
5 0 Reply
Theyre still not gonna make the connection
32 0 ReplyGive post10 15 minutes with a simple rake and traffic will be back normal
27 0 ReplyThe climate knows that doing a protest that blocks highways are illiegal.
19 0 ReplyI'm so confused about the text. why would the climate paralyze climate activists? and what does that have to do with the image? so confused.
11 2 ReplyClimate activists paralyze traffic with protests - straight to jail. Climate paralyzes traffic - pikachu face.
27 1 ReplyBecause the top text should read "when climate change instead of climate activists...". It confused me for half a minute too
2 0 Replyoooohhhhhh, is that what they meant. that makes more sense
2 0 Reply
wE jusT neeD tO sPend a feW, MorE billioN raisinG thE road Aa littlE BiT hiGher...
1 0 Reply
Are we doing the switcheroo thing on Lemmy? How does it work? Do we link to Reddit?
1 0 Reply
Looks like bad engineering to me.
18 11 ReplyA lot of engineering was done assuming that rainfall behaved the way it did in the past. That's not a valid assumption anymore.
110 0 ReplyThose "once in a lifetime" or "once in a decade" weather events seem to be quite common these days
57 1 ReplyAt some point even the best plans aren't going to be enough, and the more we built the worse it gets. When an area gets water amounts in a day that it used to get in a year, that water simply isn't going anywhere fast. You know how evolution is about adaptation? I don't think we're adapting all that well or fast enough. (Yes, it's not quite the same thing, but the same point. Don't change, don't expect to survive)
17 0 Reply
When people talk about the cost of climate change, the updated/improved replacement engineering and construction are some of those costs. And the same exact people who initially denied climate change even existed and who are now downplaying its effects are the exact same people who will complain about the additional costs caused by the consequence of inaction.
41 2 ReplyCorporate spin: Climate change is creating more engineering jobs! We should keep at it!
4 0 Reply
4 0 ReplyIt is time to hold mother nature accountable!
4 0 Reply