Yes, the same Mike Johnson who says he and his son use special software to ensure neither is looking at porn.
House Speaker Mike Johnson describes himself as a Christian before anything else. He has said his “faith informs everything I do.” He has told people curious about his views to “pick up a Bible.” His wife reportedly runs a counseling service whose operating agreement, which he himself notarized, states, “We believe and the Bible teaches that any form of sexual immorality, such as adultery…is sinful and offensive to God.” He has said he and his son use a software program called Covenant Eyes to ensure neither is looking at porn.
Given all this, you may think that Johnson would not be comfortable showing up to a criminal trial to defend a guy who allegedly had an affair with an adult film star (according to the adult film star anyway, though Trump denies it), paid her to stay quiet about the alleged affair, and then was accused of covering up said payment. But you would think wrong!
On Tuesday, Johnson attended Donald Trump’s hush money trial in Manhattan, where—prior to the proceedings getting underway—the congressional leader nodded approvingly at Trump from behind a metal barrier, like a groupie at his favorite band’s concert.
and is known to have shitloads of other affairs, and has been determined by a court to be a rapist.
Oh also he's a liar, a thief, a cheat. He's corrupt, he doesn't pay taxes or other bills and is a fucking traitor and oathbreaker.
also according to Mike's scriptures... Trump is a mass murderer. (the scriptures make it clear that murder is the only of the ten commandants that could be broken by inaction. for example, the parable of the good Samaritan, the reason that parable was offensive was that the two who did nothing both 'pillars of the community' types- a prominent and respected business man, and a priest- but they committed murder by not providing aid they could provide where the "dirty" Samaritan did.) (edit just to clarify, COVID trump could have saved millions of lives by countering the antivax narrative. or by encouraging masking. Or lockdowns. or just shutting the fuck up. he did not, and who knows how many people died as a result. biblically, Trump is a mass murderer.)
Who was it that said Trump “lacks the character and the moral center we desperately need again in the White House”? Cause Mike Johnson should listen to that guy.
David had Bathsheba's husband killed; Noah was a drunk; Lot had sex with his daughters. All were holy men, chosen by the Almighty to perform great deeds for the faith.
Apologetics is an amazing thing! You'll never guess how that one thing doesn't mean what you think it means, and I'm the sole authority to tell you why!
Yeah, self made man Obama who never looked at another woman after he married is a tool of Satan, and the guy who embodies all Seven Deadly Sins is the finest man alive.
I was gonna say this was on par for the modern Christianity as we know it. I don't think death threats are very Christian either but it seems that's been par for the course now.
Lust: “I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait,” Trump said. “When you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything.”
Gluttony: Trump's favorite McDonald's order: two Big Macs, two Filet-O-Fishes, and a large chocolate milkshake.
Greed: Do we really need examples?
Sloth: Trump ascribes to what has been described as the “battery” theory of, um, life force. Evan Osnos, in a profile of Trump in the New Yorker a few years back, described it thusly: “Other than golf, he considers exercise misguided, arguing that a person, like a battery, is born with a finite amount of energy.”
Wrath: “Lyin’ Cassidy said that I threw my lunch at the wall,” Trump wrote on his social network, Truth Social. “I actually threw it at Rudy Giuliani, and he ducked.”
Envy: We have a new ailment that has come onto the political scene and that is presidential jealousy. I don’t ever remember a current president taking constant and ongoing digs at a former president. Now, I can say that I have seen it. Almost since day one, Donald Trump has made disparaging and disrespectful remarks about Barack Obama.
Pride: Do we need examples? The man puts his name in gold letters on everything he touches.
The bible is not univocal. So saying "pick up a bible" to understand his views perhaps includes killing those who wear mixed fabrics and giving women instructions for abortions. Maybe it also includes killing his firstborn son whenever the voices say he should. Or maybe he doesn't think those parts mean what they say, but other parts do?
Correct. If you actually read the bible you know that all these people are just making it up as they go along. You will find some quote that supports whatever you're trying to say and you'll find some quotes for the opposite too.
If Trump weren't such an existential threat to our country, I'd be enjoying all his republican friends debasing themselves publicly in very humiliating situations.
I believe he's a devout Christo-fascist. I think only a special kind of devout Christian could come up with the porn accountability scheme with his son. He's a "lying for the lord" kind of person.
All Christians are hypocrites, it's simply not possible to follow the letter of the Bible because it's self contradictory, so the only way to be Christian is to be a hypocrite.
But even among religious/Christian hypocrites, Mike Johnson is a particularly bad one. So bad it's borderline insanity.
Defense tried to say that it never happened, which opened the door to Stormy telling the jury about what was effectively a rape by the defendant. They probably didn't want to be arguing these facts, but that's where they ended up!
They were put in a box by Trump's refusal to admit any guilt, even for things that are not crimes.
Any normal defense attorney would admit the fact that their client cheated on their wife and tried to cover it up. Those are not illegal, and are pretty defamatory, so you can have the judge exclude any testimony about the act.
Then it's just a boring documents case. The jury doesn't pay as much attention when the evidence is less interesting, so the prosecution's case seems weaker.
Stormy came out a few years ago though and admitted they never had sex. She also said that she wasn't a victim and wasn't a part of the "me too" crowd. If you're watching the MSM though, you probably don't know about that
It's about falsifying business records although they still haven't said what the actual crime was and Trump has always denied the sex allegations. Stormy even lost a defamation case against Trump and owes him 500k. The MSM tries to get you to think they slept together though
There is a world of difference between "he didn't do it" and "so what if he did it?" and opened the link aiming to figure out which of these two kinds of defenses Johnson was trying to make - but his approach was not even relevant enough to the actual issue for that distinction to be meaningful.
according to the bible, the character jesus said that he was here to bring a sword and turn families against each other, so fits right in from what I can see.
This is a violation of trump's gag order since it's just johnson acting as a ventriloquist's dummy for trump, so the speaker can shore up support on his right.
Ah yes, Mike Johnson and Donald Trump. Pinnacles of American virtue, as evidenced by Americans electing them into office. Indeed, all of our politicians are examples of the best America has to offer.
A hypocritical, insurrectionist false prophet shows up to support and grift for a greedy, lying, malignant narcissist rapist - seems normal, for Republicans.
If Mango Mussolini wins the election, the lunatic hypocrite Christian Fascist will force Covenant Eyes on every single resident in the USA. Johnson is sick.
The christianity he is involved in is a corrupted version of cherrypickers so he is self agrandised and will argue his version is the only one that counts.
He's not. He's on trial for labeling the payments to his lawyer a "legal expense" and Braggs trying to say he should've used campaign money instead of personal money and if he would've done that, they would've charged him for campaign finance violation. That's why almost everyone knows it's a sham trial. The FEC already declined to prosecute the case as well as Braggs office. The only reason they brought the case all these years later was to keep him off the campain trail. Why do you think they brought every case they could against him during campaign season? Someone's got to be pretty naive and gullible to believe this isn't political.
You're close... Stormy Daniels, through disgraced former lawyer Michael Avenetti (hey, remember him??!?), sued Trump for defamation, not the other way around.
When that case failed, she was on the hook for Trump's legal fees, not for any defamation on her part.
$300,000, not $500,000, later reduced to $120,000.
NPR isn't a very good source for news. They even recently had 25 year veteran reporter blow the whistle on them about how they've been reporting news since around 2015-16. They're completely one-sided similar to MSDNC, Rawstory, etc. Anytime a news organization doesn't allow healthy debate, I've quit using them as they're no more than propaganda now