Remember, the American Nazi party had a ridiculous amount of traction. Enough to fill Madison Square Garden for Washington's birthday. Those people didn't just vanish after WWII. They didn't denounce their beliefs. They just crawled into the cracks like cockroaches.
Also the Nazis took example with the pledge of allegiance as an effective tool for indoctrination of school children. In the US it also used to be done with the same gesture that is now the Nazi salute.
Furthermore eugenics and race theory were prominent as "sciences" in the US and the Nazis also took example there. If it wasnt for the alliance to the Japanese and Pearl Harbor, the US might well have been on the Nazis side of history, given that the social and ideological culture had many more similarities than disagreements.
While your comment about the Nazis getting a lot of their eugenics ideas from America in the 20's-30's is accurate, there's no way in hell that we'd have just accidentally ended up in the Axis powers like that.
Were there Nazis in the US? Absolutely. Was their ideology common and/or the majority? Not at all.
We were literally allied with countries that the Nazis were attacking, and assisting them with supplies long before we ever entered the war due to Pearl Harbor. That's before we even get into things like the Zimmerman note which indicated that the Germans in WW1 wanted to engage us as an enemy, which doesn't bode well for their actions against those same allies 20 years later.
You're taking the fact that eugenics existed here in the US and making up a metric fuck ton of revisionist history surrounding it.
As long as FDR was in office, there was literally no way the US would have joined Germany. It wasn't a matter of if, but a matter of when the USA got involved. The us was in by proxy before 41/42, Doing the same stuff the modern US has done for Ukraine, but for the Commonwealth nations.
The raised-arm salute isn't inherently bad, it's bad now because the Nazis did it. And so, America using a similar salute before the Nazis doesn't mean America was as evil as the Nazis.
Don't forget, however, that it was not the "right" in the US that was pro eugenics. It was the left and the Fabien socialists. Also didn't forget, how those were the groups that were aligning themselves with the KKK.
There's definitely a discussion to be had for how the very far right (people whose core political ideology is based in racial prejudice and literal palingenetic ultranationalism) latch onto the sole major conservative political party in the United States and how they, as a component voting block, are catered to, if not explicitly represented by, portions of that party, and even dog whistled to by the party as a whole. This post, though, comes across as straight liberal smugposting and is somewhere between completely useless and actively harmful.
Agree with almost everything except the useless or harmful part. It's just a meme meant for a quick laugh, it's not that serious.
If we want to be serious though, the Republican party has been going further and further right in the past couple of years. The meme is kind of expressing this in a way.
Well then take the first shot and start the war... Otherwise it'll just be drama memes for LIFE.
The war is inevitable... The sooner it starts the sooner it's over. Neighbors, family, cops, thugs, there's no knowing who the enemy is. It's everyone vs everyone...
I see no point in furthing my personal life and goals until something real is done.
Targets was a minor one but still a good update! The new logo is much more eye catching, the red is what you immediately notice first, whereas the old one your attention was divided between the name text and circular logo.
The new logo is also much larger and uniform in colour making it easier to remember.
Is there any "Memes" community that doesn't post shit like this? We non Americans don't care about this, we just want some fun memes and not being forcefed your culture war crap.
Internet culture for certain will be affected by the cultures of member's nation. Here in this community we (assuming)have many people around the globe so it easy to see we have americans too. Not all memes will be understood or found hilarious by everyone but you just cant say "shit".
To be honest, a lot of Republicans are still very respectable. The republican platform is fucked up, but if you are talking to your neighbor, don't make his party affliation equal to his personal belief. A Democrat doesn't believe in everything in the Democrat's platform either.
In that sense, insulting a party is not generally helpful for public discourse.
I don't give a shit about personal beliefs, I care about outcomes. Republicans' desired outcomes actively hurt people I care about, so I can absolutely tell them to fuck off. Even if they don't "believe in everything," they are indifferent enough to let horrible things happen.
Oh you don't give a shit about personal beliefs? You the kind who thinks a king is better than a democracy? Because democracy is all about personal beliefs, and convincing your fellow citizens of what you think is right.
Then where is the Republican outrage against the fascist policies so many Republican politicians are advocating for? There are only two options: either they don't care, or they're secretly happy.
"First, I must confess that over the last few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in the stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Council-er or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate who is more devoted to "order" than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says "I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I can't agree with your methods of direct action;" who paternalistically feels he can set the timetable for another man's freedom; who lives by the myth of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait until a "more convenient season." ~~Martin Luther King, Jr
Exactly anyone today that votes Republican or calls themselves one (my boss) yet continues to vote republican just because either don't care or wants what they want.
Dehumanizing your subject is easy. Republicans do that to people on the left too. Let's just hate each other till we destroy each other. That's gonna get a good society going.
Your comment implies that people take insult when someone calls them out for supporting a platform that - just to take one example - decides it’s proper to prosecute victims of crime because they also think the government should have jurisdiction over woman’s body and a say in their health and wellbeing.
Is them taking umbrage to valid crisis the real issue here?
You support a platform for many different reasons. For example you really want small government, so what choice do you have? And how do you know that a republican definitely is a pro-lifer? And if he is a prolifer, how do you know he believes government should control woman? You can't just paint them all as evil as you imagined. What you imagined is not your neighbor.
In the argument you call out, wasn't the republican side pushing the decision of abortion legality to state level, putting it more in the hands of the people?
Edit: should clarify, I'm unaffiliated, and just looking for answers.
Ok I hate that you are beeing down voted. The downvote button is not the "I disagree" button, but more like a "this does not help the discussion" button. And your point was fair and your opinion. If you agree or not does not matter. That's the point of a discussion for fucks sake.
Pls don't get to that reddit point of downvoting. The downvote behavior was so nice here the first few weeks, after I joined, but got so much worse after the last very big reddit migration wave.
I agree the original commenter doesn't deserve to be downvoted. If you disagree then leave a comment. Mass downvoting will build an echo chamber a la reddit
Republicans and Democrats are the same. If Republicans are the Nazis at home, Democrats are funding the Nazis abroad.
People are hurting and the right is blaming people (because that's what the right always does), and people are eating it up. I've got a bunch of friends that are currently drinking the hate-machine cool-aid, but when I ask them questions to explain why they hold those views, they just simply can't answer - propaganda works.
For example, a good friend of mine last week said in a car full of people he wished everyone in California died of a massive nuclear blast and he would throw a party on the news of their millions of deaths. I called him out about it to explain why - he said the governor was fucking everything up. I asked for a specific detail, he couldn't think of one other than yelling woke woke woke. I asked him what woke means, he said he doesn't know but it's bad - gays and rainbows and trans and something about he has to like it. Needless to point out that he is a victim of the hate machine (his kid came out as trans, and I asked if he wanted his kid to be mistreated, and of course he wants the best for his kid...)
People don't form these opinions where they wish the death of millions of unknown people all on their own, and they usually get echo chambered into those extreme views first.
I've said this many times. Republicans are bad...and democrats are just as bad, the only difference is what they pretend to care about. You might've seen a democrat promise good things, but not a single one of them has ever even tried to get any of those things done
FDR didn't have the votes either. He used his popularity to twist arms for the votes he needed. LBJ did the same thing. AOC and the squad could just as easily do that too, but they've wasted every opportunity they've had to pressure Pelosi and Schumer to do something.
Oh by the way, remember why we couldn't have a vote on medicare for all or raising wages because the current speaker Kevin McCarthy would become speaker? And then when the democrats did nothing at all McCarthy became speaker and the people got nothing?
Did you know that a majority of republican voters want medicare for all once they understand what it is? "We need to go to the center and be against medicare for all to get votes from the other side"
Meh. Only one party wants to take away my rights or stop my friends from getting married because they're both women, make birth control illegal, kill people for performing in drag and let 12 year olds get married. . Your idea of "just as bad" is a little strange.
Name one thing the democrats did that was good for regular people. Something they actually tried to get done instead of just complaining that they don't have the votes. Something that they actually fought for instead of caving in to the republicans after 2 seconds.
I still don't understand how so many people equate the party that supports free speech with the Nazis, and equate the party that wants to disarm the poor with the freedom fighters.
Yeah, right, "free speech," unless you write a book with two guys kissing, then it must be banned from schools. Or tear up a photo on TV. Or protest wars in the Middle East. Or kneel during the national anthem. They are all for Cancel Culture and silencing people who speak out against them and their ideas.
The only time conservatives actually get up in arms about "free speech," which they don't actually know what it even is, is when they get banned on Twitter for spewing lies and hate. So get out of here with your "supports free speech" nonsense.
Cancel culture has nothing to do with free speech. One is people deciding not to support a company. The other is the government threatening to steal more of a companies money if that company doesn't silence a person.
Definitely curious how the party actively working to ban books and prevent people from expressing themselves artistically in public is supporting free speech.
It wasn't really a switch, more like both parties having an ideological shift. A switch implies they didn't change core beliefs at all and just flipped, when many of the beliefs of both parties changed.