The largest study ever carried out on social media deactivation has found that disconnecting lowers users political participation and also their propensity to believe misinformation
I gave up selling on marketplace, and donate everything. People messaging you for months asking questions or wanting a refund after they broke it. I'm not your tech support, and no warranty claims. Have heard this is a regional issue and also depends on the category. I will never sell another car on marketplace. Craigslist is great for the anonymity.
I stopped actively using it in about 2015 and every time I happen to go on it (like once every 3 years because, like a lot of people, it's how I communicate with family members I don't see often) it's like uncovering and diving into a cesspool.
Lemmy isn't really an echo chamber. It's like saying going over to a friends place is an echo chamber because you and your friend get along. There's nothing wrong with hanging out with people who share your values and beliefs.
The problem with social media are their algorithms. They aren't designed to connect you with like-minded people, but to keep you engaged. The content that keeps people engaged tends to be terrible content.
The recent "a man or a bear" trend is a perfect example. Algorithms love divisive content like that because it drives engagement, but it also leads to people getting really upset over nothing. Lemmy doesn't have any algorithms driving engagement so it doesn't have that problem.
Lemmy’s a lot better than Reddit for not being an echo chamber because the communities are less interest specific, and most of us are here because we’re the type to seek out a better discussion rather than stick with status quo.
But as it gets bigger and the communities become more niché it will become a bigger issue.
I don't think lemmy is necessarily an echochamber per se, rather its just a place where misinformation exists and opinions are manipulated.
Lemmy does use algorithms to show you the most engaging content, and there are absolutely bots and bad actors manipulating which content is prioritised.
The genocide Joe / vote abstinence thing was a very clear example.
Lemmy is definitely an echo chamber, but I agree that it's not necessarily a bad thing as long as we recognize it for what it is.
There are a large number of people out there that have very different opinions than the majority of users on this platform, we need to keep things respectful even in our disagreements with them instead of tearing them down for their opinions.
Block Fox and the other right wing news stations, but also a couple liberal news stations like NBC. When they call you for tech support, tell them it's a weird issue happening with cable lately
Platforms like Facebook have an incredible hold on some people. I remember a few years ago when the "Momo" hoax happened, an older coworker arrived at the office and started warning us about the danger of "Momo" they'd seen on Facebook. I'd already heard about the hoax (and was aware of the original creepyasta origins), and brought up a few news articles explaining it, including an official statement from the police. Everyone seemed satisfied by the truth, except for the Facebook addict. They just gave me a blank stare, and a few hours later I heard them telling another group of colleagues to beware of "Momo" getting to their children.
I have family members and longstanding family friends who have succumbed to this. Interestingly almost all of them were decrying the internet as something that couldn't be trusted before the age of social media.
Yowza. My dad did the same until he died (shockingly, of COVID), so I just wanted to say I'm sorry. I know what it's like having a crazy parent and it sucks.
One of the best decisions I made was deleting my Facebook. I really mean that, one of the best decisions in my entire life. Not getting sucked into the absolute bullshit fest that greedy shit fuckers like Mark Zuckerberg set up for humanity is extremely relieving. Don't compare yourself to other people, you be you, just try to be your best self, it's worth it. Don't let the billionaire leeches of society take everything from you, fuck Facebook.
legit offline October is great, and works as a grassroots movement. I’m having an “offline October” is akin to when my friends and I do Dry July. I’m going to start doing this (despite the fact that I haven’t used social media in 2 years)
There's something on the tip of my tongue. Something like ____ Zuck. Something that rhymes, and expresses how I feel about him and his platform. I just can't quite put my finger on it...
Same sentence but replace it with Instagram for me. I can't help but peek into comments for some funny ones but they are all filled with vile stuff. Tiktok is no better but it's definitely better than Instagram. Even worse half of those comments come from my country :(
the vast majority of nutbags with low key mental issues i meet are social media addicts who furiously want to bring their 'curated' image into the real world and force others to worship them.
Propaganda is communication that is primarily used to influence or persuade an audience to further an agenda, which may not be objective and may be selectively presenting facts to encourage a particular synthesis or perception, or using loaded language to produce an emotional rather than a rational response to the information that is being presented.
Propaganda isn’t always fake news, it can also be true stuff presented in a biased way.
Similarly, fake news isn’t always propaganda. Some is just stuff spread by trolls to make fun of people.
Propaganda isn’t always fake news, it can also be true stuff presented in a biased way.
It can also be true stuff presented in an unbiased way. There's a disconnect here between the proper definition of the word, which is perfectly neutral, and its connotations because the what secretary for tsunami safety doesn't call their stuff "propaganda" but "public service announcement". Still the same thing, though, the tsunami safety secretary is trying to persuade the audience to not be stupid and get to high ground as soon as the sea recedes. Very much pushing an agenda, they *gasp* want people to survive and *gasp* use communication to achieve it.
YouTube is getting particularly bad about this to, unfortunately. They need to do more to remove harmful misinformation, but they don't care because it won't make them money.
The unfortunate thing is a lot of people won't remove it from their recommendations and will watch it, and the worse thing is there's actually even worse content than those you listed, it's awful.
For real. Not logged in, on a new PC, just having watched a few gaming videos and got recommended US right wing nonsense. I am not in the US, no VPN, nothing. No ability to tell them to stop showing me that garbage. Hell, just let me disable shorts in general.
It really sucks that YT has such shit "don't show me stuff" controls. Sometimes it feels like asking to not get recommended a certain channel will instead show all the alternatives that feel and look just like it
Youtube is good as a video hosting website, but bad as anything social-related. I just treat it like a video website and ignore the rest. Private browsing mode, no login used is my preferred way to access youtube videos
Social media in general is full of people that want to rage or exert control over someone else. I had two of my comments here on Lemmy (not sure what server) under the News community for "Victim Blaming" and "Victim Shaming" for saying that people need to take responsibility for their actions occasionally instead of constantly blaming it on the other party.
Or even more better: just get rid or all social media that is associated with massive corporate giants (YouTube is still too useful to get rid of, but it dors still have lots of problems)
I'm convinced those who want to be fearful of things will immediately latch onto a new source of misinformation.
This isn't to say Facebook is good, or that we shouldn't try to have stronger punishment for misinformation that leads to public harm, just that "people are dumb, panicky dangerous animals"
The last time I logged on to Facebook was this past fall because there was a death in our fairly tight knit group of high school classmates. It had been three or four years since I'd been in there.
So I went on and said my words.
While I was there, I didn't really notice what was in my feed.
What I noticed was suddenly I was getting notification after notification that my posts from years and years ago were getting deleted because they didn't fit whatever the current terms and conditions of use were.
This amused me.
So I left my words of dead classmate up for a week then sent my account silent again.
I can't see Facebook or any social media being a place I ever hang out again, which is a little bit of a bummer because without any social media, IRL social activities all but come to an immediate and total halt.
In EU you were given an option by META to pay for adfree experience or accept targeted ads
Problem 1: if you paid, they would not stop tracking you. They would just stop showing ads. They would still be able to suggest content from commercial accounts.
Problem 2: the price was unreasonable. It depended on how many accounts you have across the platforms but i believe that the price for my profile and a couple of pages was €32 every month
Problem 3: these two options replaced the option to accept untargeted ads. I was ok with untargeted but they removed the option
Their solution has since been deemed as 'not ok' by the EU data protection board
I want to quit Facebook so badly, but I NEED to use WhatsApp. Family, friends, work even. All informal and semi-formal chats go through WhatsApp where I live.
I hate Facebook. Marketplace is unfortunately the only place a lot of stuff is listed, even though it also sucks. I said I wanted stuff within 85 miles, why are you showing me stuff that's 400 miles away??? Craigslist is genuinely a better experience (via the mobile app) these days, but no one uses it.
I haven't viewed the actual Facebook app/feed in probably 7 or 8 years, but I have a Facebook for messenger. There are just too many people that rely on it as a sole form of communication, I was just getting left out of shit.
I don't really see the problem though, do you not have the self control not to browse?
I disabled my account four years ago when I realized how much plague stupidity and election stupidity on there was harming my mental health.
I doubt I will ever formally delete my account, as it’s the only source for pictures of some now-deceased family members. If hell freezes over and there’s a legit unavoidable need for me to be on there, I’m using desktop+web browser only, and probably in a browser that only gets used for the monthly visit to FB.
Can't you download those pictures locally? It would be good practice anyway to not rely on Facebook of all places to host your beloved photos indefinitely
Be careful, I logged out for too long and forgot my password and they wanted a copy of my driver's license before letting me have access to my account.
I think Tiktok can often be creative and informative, which Facebook is definitely not though. I don't use Tiktok but what people have sent me have usually been funny.
Facebook is 100% shitposts. Most of my friends on it have aged out of posting every little thing and so it’s mostly shitposts and soft core porn disguised as short form videos on the Facebook feed and not any of my friends that I actually wanted to follow when I made my account in the 00s.
I really want to delete my account but I still have to use it to organize class reunions and alumni events for my old high school. I’m going to try to float the idea that we move to a mailing list instead. I’d rather buy a domain and maintain a website for that than continue using Facebook for free
My mother in law entered some contest where the votes had to be verified through Facebook. It was the first time I logged in since 2016 or so. The majority of my feed was AI pics of kids missing limbs, or chicks with impossibly large tits/body proportions with the description "Please wish me a happy birthday no one else did" with 40 hashtags of celeb names or movies/shows that came out around then. Mixed in was fake news bullshit or videos that had 4 different watermarks on it. Maybe if I used it more I would see somewhat relevant things, but its worse than I thought if that's a normal feed.
See, I'm not real big on facebook, but I have an account because I live a considerable distance from when I am from. (Also because marketplace is nice.)
Lately those cockballs have been refollowing people I have unfollowed and it is a clusterfuck on there now. I just have to ignore the feed because it's full of trump shit and religious shit yet again.
Can confirm giving up popular social media has made my life a lot better. You don't need to know half the shit your friends are up to. It's just going to hurt you. Go outside. Take part in trivia night. Make new friends. Feel the grass beneath your feet.
I just 'deactivate' people that share news on facebook. I use FB to give my family (who don't live near me) and friends a small slice of what's going on in my world. I don't post daily/weekly but I only post stuff I create. I also use it for groups/market place since most forums went to FB groups.
I expect the same from my connections, and unfollow anyone that just forwards things (news, memes, other posts). This little bit of management has made my FB feed 'ok'
Meh. I have facebook but don't really use it much. my condo has a page so its like a semi public chat and sometimes have communication with folks. Certainly never use the feed though and I hate checking it every few weeks. I certainly don't want anyone im connected to to think they will get a faster response if they hit me up there. I bet other things besides facebook spreads bs though. I see it with youtube users. I use youtube but I don't really chase my feed.
So I was right when I thought social media is propelling us to collapse and that it is analogous to cigarettes on a collective scale.
Small solace though, it already permeated every corner of civilization changing us in mostly bad ways.
I think we really need to choose our social media carefully knowing that every type has their own mental illness flavour risks from body dysmorphia to groupthink. We need to be self aware of our shortcomings and tricks employed by corps for harvesting engagement.
Nowadays you turn off your brain and browse social media to relax but you should rather do the opposite. Focus the brain knowing the site was purposefully made to trick you to spend as much time on it as possible and invest as much emotions as possible. This isn’t some harmless casual leisure activity, you become a cog in a corporation war for information when you open the site. On unfriendly territory, a battlefield of digital war, you ought to wear a helmet at least.
I left FB back in 2020 among other social media accounts.
The problem with people, just in general.. regardless of who they are, what they believe in, what part of the world they live in... they just read headlines and quickly post it for attention. They don't take the time to read it, ingest it, question it, find other sources to provide more details or to counter the story. People don't care to have a holistic view of an issue and that's sad. At the same time I also blame the chitty producers of said news and the titles they decide to go with and how they love to bury the more important information 4-5-6-7 paragraphs or more down the page.. you have to read all this bs fluff to finally get to the meat and potatoes of the issue.
I'm hoping that some how, some way, an unbiased AI is created just for internet search purposes, where it can gather all the data, analyze it, then present its findings into a summary with all the sources listed.
For my relatives Facebook's not the problem, it's all the far right wing propaganda on YouTube that makes claims without backing them up with any sort of evidence. The more they watch, the more they believe it, and the less they believe evidence to the contrary.
irrational belief based on fantasy fuels people to action a lot more than rational belief based in reality.
because the former is exciting and meaningful, the latter is boring and mundane.
hence why the crazies tend to believe in cabal conspiracies of evil people whom they must fight against. whereas your average voter is like 'who do i want to have a beer with and make me feel like i'm doing better financially... i'll vote him'