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  • I got a curated list of shortcuts found on different tracks in Mario Kart 64.

    Looks like it hasn't been updated since 1997. I kinda wanna track down the author and see if he's kept up with some of the new world record tricks that have been found since then!

  • I've realized this true randomness is something that current Web does not offer, all the algorithms are so optimized to keep bringing "what interests you" or "what interests lot of people".

    The randomness is so addictive, and perhaps even a bit dangerous.

  • I got the albino squirrel preservation society. It doesn’t get more random than that. I checked out a couple more and it makes miss the old web of the 90s.

  • The nostalgia this brings me when I look at these pages and they are just straight to the point.

    Sometimes I miss the old internet and web pages.

    • It was such an exciting time. Being an awkward teen back then the internet was a great place for me to socialize and meet new people. There was nothing better than seeing my hit counter number go up showing that people were visiting the website I made.