Family-related arrangement taking place at our house tomorrow. Our house has been drafty with in-laws for a few days now, and it'll peak tomorrow.
So my weekend won't start until tomorrow evening when everyone has left. I am about to head to the store to buy myself a six pack of IPA as therapy for the PTSD I'll be having tomorrow. There's no better cure for social exhaustion than beer, factorio, and some eclectic music of my choosing.
UPDATE: The day is here. May the gods show me mercy.
Sitting on the back porch in Oregon City this morning. I’m recording and identifying birbs with a birb app. I can hear a woodpecker off in the distance. Last night we went to one of those casual sushi places with the food going by on a belt and you can grab whatever you like and start eating! I grew up in a rural village so I’m pretty easy to impress. I think we’re going on a helicopter tour tonight, I have never been in a helicopter so I hope it’s as super cool as it seems.
Going to the opera tonight! My favourite tenor who I have an absurdly huge crush on is singing. Thinking of flinging my panties at him at the ovation, just kidding but by GOD he is hot in a cape and some knee high leather boots.
My wife and I had a baby a few weeks ago, so we'll hopefully be figuring out our first mother's day while taking care of a newborn. Hoping to get us all out of the house for a bit if the weather is nice enough.
Congrats! There’s a bunch of dad-based communities on Lemmy. None are as active as this community, unfortunately, but definitely join some of them and reach out if you need any advice from other dads!
Going to a pick up basketball game tonight and another one tomorrow morning (if my knees can still take it). I'm getting too old for random pickup games with younger folks at the park, so I'm trying to find a regular group who don't play too hard.