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What email provider do you use for sign ups?

I used to use Protonmail, however the verification steps become tedious when creating unique emails for sign ups. I've switched to Tutanota despite it contravening their one account policy. What do you all use for one off emails (for sign ups etc )? Or do you prefer one of those 10 minute email sites?

  • For trash sites (random forums, free software downloads, porn etc.) that do not get my real information, and it doesn't matter if I lose the account, I just use a random 10 minute email site.

    For anything where I input my personal information, or deem slightly more important, I use a catch-all address in Protonmail with my own domain.

  • I use Gmail as a trash account for easy logins and proton for the rest with Gmail forwarded to proton so I never have to open Gmail itself.

  • I have an account with Tuta. I set it up to be able to use my own domain, so Ive created a few throwaway accts.