Well yeah one are peaceful protestors, the other is armed. Cops get scared when someone else can fight back on an even playing field. Even if that somebody is a horrible monster murdering children. They didn't join the force to protect people they joined so people had to do what they say.
It was actually ruled they exist to protect property. So you aren't far off from the truth. We live in backwards land. The changes were so imperceptible, that we didn't even notice them replacing the sky with the ground.
No you are absolutely right. Cops should have just stormed the room at that point. But they knew he had a gun and they valued their lives more. A cop's wife died while he fucken waited.
Both the cowardice in the face of actual risk to themselves and the senseless use of violence when they feel safe against those who can or won't resist in a way that endagers them, are core bully traits.
College protesters really need to learn firearm safety and start open carrying rifles at their protests. But they all gotta do it. Can't be one or two random people.
Never forget that CA governor Ronald Reagan pushed for a law against folks exercising their second amendment rights to bear arms while patrolling and protecting their communities.
Cops are gutless cowards who can only punch down on people who can't fight back; as soon as they meet someone who poses even a slight threat they cower away.
Yeah, they're bullies. They want to beat/kill unarmed minorities and college students for "not respecting their authority" (exercising their constitutional rights), not actually uphold the law. Cowards...
I mean sure but then we are absolutely asking for a massacre and internal war.
Guns only work if you are willing to use them. And once we are, we are saying we don't find police presence valid and the state comes crashing down upon you to end your pitiful existence for posing an internal threat.
We are a country with essentially a bad auto-immune disease that attacks whatever it deems as foreign.
Not at all wrong. I hate to use this word because it denigrates our wonderful lady friends (both bio and of choice), but cops are pussies. Like the ultimate ones. "look at me! I'm a badass cop gonna violate your rights! Back the Blue!" Let's see what my lawyer has to say about your "badassery". I thought so, removed. Here's a coupon code for Dunkin. Go away.