They're usually dudes who got bumped there for being injured, for being psyched, or being incompetent but well meaning. Don't be mean to them, they legit don't want to do what they're doing they know how stupid and shitty it is but they still have time left in contract and gotta trudge it out day by day like the rest of us.
Some of them, sure, but there are a lot of stories of how many lies recruiters will tell you to get you to sign on, so a pretty significant number are genuinely bad people.
this actually was in mildly infuriating a while back from the original screenshotter, complaining abouth the fact that the army reqruiters can do this trough messaging apps. so I think it's very real
Last time a recruiter harassed me via text he tried to convince me of all the kickass benefits and fun of being in the military. Straight up just told him "Dude, if you put a gun in my hand, you're going to be responsible for a suicide. Not happening." For some reason he never replied.
Why I refuse to have guns even though I'm really interested in learning to shoot. I would love to go to a range and get better at target practice but I just don't want to go down that path. Maybe I should consider archery
Jesus, there is a non-zero number people, in this thread, that don't get guns because they are afraid they might suicide? I hope you get the help you need, keeping a gun out of your house is a good thing but it is just the tip of an iceberg.
Edit: Everyone on this thread is acting like this is normal, THIS ISN'T NORMAL OR OK. PLEASE take care of yourself.
I suggest if youre looking for a shooty type hobby that doesnt involve actual guns, yes archery is very neat, though modern compound bows are comparably pricey to many guns...
Perhaps try paintballing or airsoft?
Frankly I've always found airsoft and the community around it pretty cringey, but I had a blast 'woodsballing' as a kid. The indoor competitive ranges I found silly... but it can be great fun to stomp around in the woods for a day, if you don't mind huge bruises from getting hit haha!
Even so, probably most outdoor ranges have an area for chronoing (dialing in your gas pressure so your paint is flying at an appropriate speed) or just target practice, and you can probably just plink at such a range if you wanted to.
Idk if this is something that would be legal in every state, but most shooting ranges I've seen have firearm rentals. This typically helps them to sell guns because you can see how they feel, but there's no obligation to purchase. They also might let you rent stuff that you couldn't legally purchase without crazy licensing, like fully automatic machine guns.
I have a friend who doesn't think it's a good idea for himself to own a gun for similar reasons. Others here seem to be alluding to that being a huge issue, but I don't think that's necessarily the case. It's weird to assume that the people who don't want you own guns must have mental health issues. The data is clear that owning a gun makes a person significantly more likely to be harmed by a gun, whether it's self-inflicted, an accident, a robbery gone wrong, or any number of other events. If you feel like your health and safety are at risk because of anxiety or depression or anything like that, I hope you're able to help yourself by even just chatting with somebody who is qualified to help you, maybe getting some medication and lifestyle tips also. I found that I had a vitamin D deficiency, and just taking a standard supplement every day has had a big positive impact on my mood and attitude. Like, I still feel helpless in a shitty world that we as a species are actively making worse every single day, but now I know that that's a problem that's way too big for li'l ol' me to solve. But what I can do is take a few minutes to type something to an internet stranger to tell them that they matter and that they are worth the effort of helping. You matter and you're worth the effort of helping. Even if you don't think it's particularly dire, check in with yourself. Therapy is not for emergencies, so don't wait until it's an emergency to talk to somebody.
If you want a pretty close experience without the real risk of suicide, you could always go with lower caliber airguns. The lack of muzzle energy means it's not a ripe candidate for killing anything but small game at most, it requires you to be pretty on top of your shit as far as consistent follow through, holdover, windage. Shot per shot cost can be pretty low, especially if you get a swaging die and make the pellets or slugs yourself. The only downside is that the guns can get pretty pricey, up in the realm of very expensive normie guns, especially for something very high quality and with all the cool stuff, but overall it's a pretty cheap and less dangerous hobby if you like shooting. Most people have this conception that they're only for kids or whatever, based on what they see at the sportsman's warehouse, but with a bit of googling you can find some guns that are pretty performative for not a lot.
When somebody contacts me out of the blue without my input, tries to sign me up to get murdered for the benefit of the military industrial complex, and reads "No, I'm not interested" as "tell me more," I become less likely to be as polite about matters. No means No, and if you keep pushing I'm gonna be as blunt as I need to be.
Isn't this why we should embrace EVs and other cars that can use renewable energy so we don't have to worry about the middle east and other petrostates?
The best solution right now is to build out public and alternative transit. Busses, streetcars, lrt, greenways, woonerfs, etc are far superior and cheaper than anything we could figure out for cars.
Biodiesel is not a good option imo the NOx emmisions are generally significantly higher. Also most of the oil thats used to create biodiesel is not sourced responsibly. The production procces also still creates toxic waste although usually less than normal diesel.
Source: i just wrote a report on this if you're really interested. i can dig through my sources lmk
'Other Country' being mainly China, which happens to sit on most of the lithium deposits on Earth if I am not mistaken.
Also to a lesser extent, Afghanistan. I remember a few years back a report of huge lithium deposits being found there but uh... yeah good luck with running that operation.
Oh no! No the third most abundant element in the universe! WTF are we gonna do? Use another metal with a large valency shell that makes it ideal as a dense storage medium for electrons? the horror
I'm a big fan of hydrogen for stuff like cars. Install more than enough solar or hydro or whatever, then use the surplus energy to create hydrogen cells that can be stored long-term, so that the hydrogen itself is also created with clean, renewable energy, usable on demand.
I honestly doubt that. There aren’t really good alternatives to oil, but EVs just need any kind of accu and lithium-based accus are what’s most economic right now.
Furthermore lithium doesn’t get consumed like oil and there gets research done into recycling it.
Oddly enough emissions standards are one of the major reasons vehicles are getting so big.
In 2012 fuel economy standards were changed as a response to the manufacturers calling everything a truck to get around regulations (seriously - they classified the PT Cruiser as a truck in the 2000s). So now standards are weighted based on vehicle footprint instead of by class.
Notice how around 2012 was when the American auto manufacturers stopped making the old Rangers, S10s, Dakotas, etc? And now that the Ranger is back it's as big as the older F-150s and the F-150s are the size of a small airport? And as the CAFE standards get tougher over time the vehicles keep growing?
It's easier to just make the trucks bigger every refresh cycle than to make them more efficient, so that's what they do.
Yeah, EV's are not, in themselves, the cure for our environmental woes. Too much electricity is still generated from fossil fuels for the carbon footprint to actually be diminished much and the environmental toll of mining for lithium also needs to be factored in. BUT, at the very least, it removes some dependence on oil in particular, where coal and natural gas are other forms of fossil fuels used to generate electricity. If nothing else, it takes some pressure off very specific regions, pressure which has contributed to invasion, war, international manipulation, extreme politics and oligarchies. It spreads the sources for resources around further.
I think it's naive to think that the imperial core will stop with the needless wars simply because oil is no longer the hot commodity. There's always perverse interests to use the military for power projection and resource control.
Under your current voting system, this will never change.
I for one, refuse to be shipped off in our generation's tribute to America. Our government (Australia) is still the US' vassal state.
It's okay! Really! Sure China has nukes and millions of flying drones to kick out asses. But here in the US Elon has a humanoid robot! One that properly run and hide just like us!
That rep trolled you... Don't be naive. Homey probably clapped his bros and told his friends about "this pussy that sent a meme". And then called you a f@ggot.
This world isn't good, this world isn't for well-being. Most aren't treating you genuinely or honestly.
It's every man for themself. Unless you represent hell on earth. Then the world is your oyster and the American dream is God.