The difference is that on Reddit I got suspended from the entire site for "report abuse" because I (correctly) reported misinformation in r/conservative and it hurt the snowflake mods' fee-fees.
In other words, Lemmy is structurally superior because there are no fascist admins with the power to ban you from the entire network.
For my "worldnews" ban, I called someone out for ONLY posting pro-israel content, from biased Israeli media sources, and how every comment under all their posts that disagreed were downvoted into oblivion 😅
The upvote/downvotes for my comment were shifting by dozens of votes in both directions for DAYS. It was hilarious
Site bans don't carry the same weight here though. You get site banned, you can still be on all the other sites. With Reddit, a site ban means you can't access the whole network.
I got an account wiped out because I explained how Merari01 (a powermod with powers in hundreds of subreddits, plenty of them among the top 100 subscribers) permanently banned people in r/ContraPoints for complaining about its mods banning people for participating in third subreddits, without even checking what sort of comments they had there. I got a perma for one comment in a subreddit that didn't even show up in r/all. Back then, I looked for comments of people complaining about Merari01 in the whole site, and the only thing I could find was another powermod explaining that Merari01 had always been involved in drama with other mods and was possibly grooming a minor.
Tell them I sent you. That'll probably be enough to get you banned for "Ban Evasion" because they think somebody's running a sock puppet thing or whatever. I don't know, I was permanently banned for that reason when I pointed that Obama actually WASN'T separating children from their parents under a blanket policy at the border. Being right really triggers them.
It's full of bad faith arguments, putting rules before humanity, the strictest possible interpretation of those rules, and they LOVE to put words in your mouth or waste your time asking for resources that they won't read and will just respond "What are you even talking about?" because they've already moved the goal posts. Their newest mod spent his first hour as a mod getting in fights about Hunter Biden's laptop and is so vehemently against tax increases because he's one of the rich whose taxes would probably go up. He'll gladly tell you that the rich are already paying TOO MUCH and they wouldn't benefit from paying more.
But, hey, at least they ban the R word and homophobia.
They should scuttle back to Truth Social or X. It's pretty obvious their ideas aren't welcome here. Comments, posts, anything with a lick of conservative coding to it is downvoted heavily. But they tell themselves it's a few bad actors following them around. Fucking narcissists.
I can understand conservatism at a base level. While it's not something I agree with, I can see why people would lean towards it, and respect that people have different political beliefs.
However, as someone in Europe...what most Americans believe is conservatism would be very right-wing anywhere else in the developed world. If anything, many conservatives in Europe are at odds with the rise of the right, as populism has pushed traditional conservatism out of the conservative parties. In the UK, Boris Johnson literally kicked many conservatives out of the conservatives for not backing him on a Brexit vote, leaving the current PM Rishi Sunak looking at an election wipeout AND basically no MP's remaining that believe in what the party was originally about.
I feel for those that have lost their party, because it basically means that the likes of Trump (win or lose) will likely mean few people that can continue their beliefs in their primary party.
I don't feel sorry for the people who "lost" their party. To start, it was never a good party to begin with and for the final nail in the coffin, they didn't fucking fight very hard to not lose it, did they?
The people who lost the Republican party were already far right by european standards. The average Democrat is closer to your moderate Euro conservative, sans immigration and maybe LGBT rights
Eh, in the UK moderate conservatives brought through equal marriage rights and were quietly content about increasing immigration while talking a big game about it to appease the swivel eyed tabloid readers.
Then Brexit and Boris happened.
My point being the DNC are on Parr with moderate UK conseratives. The problem we have over here now is that the Labour Party have been sprinting to the right to try and gobble up those disaffected conservative moderates as those swing voters are worth twice that of any conscientious lefty's. So they're currently barely indistinguishable from the 2010 Conservative/LibDem coalition.
Just please be kind to yourself. It's not your job to fix the world and everyone in it, and there's too many asshats out there for you to be able to.
Also, please be kind to others. There are a lot of people in the world against this bullshit who are too busy with necessities to spend time arguing with internet ghouls, or too tired with everything else in their lives. Everyone has their own struggles and has to pick and choose the battles they can fight.
Silence definitely aids the spread of reprehensible beliefs, but it's absolutely not the same as outright acceptance ir agreement. There's just not enough time in life to debate every fucking chud out there.