The idea that it's better to have single/few entities profiting instead of every Canadian benefitting is ridiculous.
Nobody is saying you can't be profitable and wealthy if you run a successful business.
But that's not what Canada is about, what we have in Canada is collusion and price fixing by like 8 businesses that own nearly everything in Canada completely unchecked.
Since most grocers in Canada have internalized a large portion of the supply chain (and don't have to really compete with each other since there aren't many options) they have several ways to affect prices at multiple points in the supply chain.
"we only make 3% profits at retail!" while they jack up farm cost, processing cost, warehouse cost, distribution cost, etc etc. They are picking up profits from themselves, but counting it at a cost to obfuscate their margins as only being obtained once its bought at the end of the supply line (retail)
You can nationalize food by knowing how much real costs are throughout the supply chain and capping costs for consumers either through policy, or by mandating that prices for groceries are set by the government.
It can still be operated by a private business, but they would have to stop unlimited profits at the expense of the population for guaranteed, smaller profits to the benefit of everyone who eats food.
Let me tell ya, if I had the option to eat a capitalism apple at $8/each, or the same nationalized apple for $1/each I'm eating the nationalized apple.
The general population seems to hate taxes (mostly because the wealthy don't actually pay taxes and also receive subsidies) - but somehow don't associate profiteering as a wealth Tax that never returns to the public like real taxes, and instead often defend a businesses prerogative to profit seek, even at their own detriment.
Public taxes that pay for social systems? Bad!
Private taxes (excess profits) that exclusively benefit the wealthy? Good!
I think a good approach would be to create a nationalized not-for-profit option that the other chains would have to compete with. Maybe it wouldn’t have all the fancy stuff, but your bread, eggs, meat and produce would be cheap.
This would bring down prices all around and if you want to pay more for better stuff, you can do that at the private stores, and that’s where the capitalists can invest.
At the very least there needs to be a baseline minimum that is available from your municipality, 50/50Mbps for instance. If that is inadequate for your needs you can pay more or purchase speciality service from a private provider.
Yes, because the requirement for extensive infrastructure running across large stretches of land makes market entry nearly impossible for new competitors (while also being disruptive for customers if it does become possible). Hence all the issues we have with lack of competition and its effects.
If by the nature of the product or service there is no ease of switching providers and if the thing is a necessity to get by in the modern world, it shouldn't be (solely) private.
Yes, cell towers should all be nationalized, then anyone can compete on service and price, not on coverage. Instantly everyone gets better coverage in more places, with more bandwidth because they can get service from any tower. Instantly, prices hit rock bottom because there's no barrier to entry.
Fucking right it should be, the triopoly is not working with the interest of the average Canadian.
My small town the best wired internet I can get is 10/5 Mbps. Just moved from a small city 30 min away and they have a standard 1.5 Gbps and we're looking to upgrade to 3 Gbps right before I moved
Am currently on a wireless 20/10 Mbps with a 400 GB cap. Yet the fibre connections get UNLIMITED bandwidth.
Oh and that 10/5 connection also costs more than fibre...
I don't trustpoliticianns to be farsighted than enough to run such well. But if we keep the politicians out and allow the workers to seize the telecommunications systems from the bosses free of consequence, that might actually work.
Yes, in Saskatchewan we have the cheapest telecoms because of a crown corporation that is very profitable.
Our provincial government is trying to shut it down and sell it because they are bunch or corrupt assholes and hate their constituents and want not but wealth for themselves and friends.
Should parts of the system, specifically the last mile where economies of scale and first mover advantage are being exploited, be nationalized? Probably
Are you drunk or something...everyone gets fucked over by telecom companies, they need not exist. This is just a dumb question because it's painfully obvious answer amongst the majority who have literally no control over anything