Drones understood to be heading towards Israel as Biden returned from Delaware on Saturday to meet with national security team
Iran said it launched dozens of drones and ballistic missiles towards Israel on Saturday in a major attack following days of acute tension building up in the region and warnings from the US and elsewhere about a wider conflict erupting.
Air attack warning sirens began wailing over Jerusalem just before 2am local time on Sunday after the weapons were fired a few hours earlier from Iran with US and Jordanian military assisting Israel’s air defenses in intercepting the first incoming barrage.
With weapons believed to be still in the air en route to Israel, Iran’s mission to the United Nations posted on X: “Iran’s military action was in response to the Zionist regime’s aggression against our diplomatic premises in Damascus. The matter can be deemed concluded.”
However, it threatened more severe action in the face of further Israeli aggression and warned the US and Jordan specifically not to assist Israel.
Yeah, Iran sucks and everything, but didn't Israel start this by bombing their embassy in Syria? If Israel had been held to account for that, maybe we wouldn't be looking at yet another flashpoint involving a nuclear armed state.
I don't know what anyone expected Iran to do here.
didn’t Israel start this by bombing their embassy in Syria?
Israel bombed their embassy in Syria as a response to Iran helping Hezbollah and Hamas. At one point an Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps spokesman said October 7th was a response to the death of Quds Force commander Qasem Soleimani, although they later retracted that. The Israelis wanted Soleimani gone because of his role in supporting Hamas and Hezbollah and earlier attacks on Israel, including his involvement in the 2006 war in Lebanon. Etc. etc. etc. on and on back to before Iran became Iran.
The middle-east is an illustration of the idiom "An Eye for an Eye Will Make the Whole World Blind".
If we keep going back, Israel has committed far too many hostilities that were never responded to. Hell, they bomb syria most weeks without any retaliation form Syria. They commit horrors against west bank citizens all the time.
Yep. Most places the UN would come in and try to settle everyone down, but the US basically blocks anything like that, and it's possible that's mostly because of mystical prophecies they believe.
Let’s not forget the same thing I have to say every fucking time in one of these posts: Just because the United States did something wrong does not mean others should follow
Meanwhile Israel funds and arms terrorist groups in Iran like the Mojahiden-e-khalq or Al-Nusra in Syria, in addition to their cyber attacks on Iran and assassinations of Iranian scientists.
Yes, it does, and it sucks. It's basically war over there. That said, attacking an embassy is a line where Israel's actions should have been condemned. The point is not that Iran is in the right in any way, the point is Israel is just as wrong here.
So now the Zionist spam brigades have started infesting Lemmy as well judging from some of the comments here. Very sad to see that. Last time I checked on Reddit it was already unbearable there.
This is really bad news, and by no means do I support Iran. But the attack on Irans embassy should have caused sanctions and condemnations. Instead Biden rushed to defend Israel as if Israel wouldn’t have started this.
I can’t believe what a fucking tragedy this is. With the US elections upcoming, Biden being prepared to die on this hill is what may actually cause that Trump wins and the US turns into full on fascism. Needless to say Trump won’t do jackshit for Palestinians either.
Western media hypocrisy made it seem mike an ordinary thing to target embassies, which have a very particular status akin to targeting the homeland territory , some mainstream media barely touched upon the news or dismissed it completely, if it were any other country like Russia targeting an EU embassy in asia or Africa it would have been non-stop news and escalation. they manufacture the outrage on small issues and keep the people ignorant on more important ones.
My local news straight up called these air attacks "Iranian aggression". No, you fuckers, Israel went first this time. Usually it's a slight slant but that's just lies.
I’ve seen the media careful to make a distinction between the embassy and “a consular building adjacent to the embassy”. I did a quick search expecting the to be the defense.
But international law is the real wtf. According to the Wikipedia entry
is the obligation of the country in which an embassy is located to protect the embassy, but international treaties do not expressly prohibit a third country to target diplomatic premises if they host combatants and are targeted in an act of self-defense, although a claim of self-defense cannot usually justify an attack on the territory of a country not participating in hostilities.
So, it’s Syria’s fault for not protecting diplomatic buildings? Plus Syria probably has a claim against Israel, whereas Iran doesn’t?
I’m sure Israel will attempt to argue self defense based on the targeted officers and however they may have participated in the original attack and involvement of Yemen, but that’s a pretty big stretch.
This is all due to the breakdown of norms by allowing Israel to do whatever it wants. Respect for American soft power is non existent because of the double standard with Israel, Russia and the Middle East. Now American citizens get dragged into another war that they don't want by the ruling class.
Not just allowing israel to do so, but providing them with weapons and now America and the UK are even intercepting any retaliation. Making sure nobody can fight back against the bully.
I think it's fair to rush to intercept. It's a purely defensive action, and if they're able to intercept the entire barrage of attacks, Israel may not retaliate. It's in everyone's best interest -- Iran included -- that this doesn't escalate even farther and farther.
Iran had all the right to do this, but that doesn't mean they should have. The ideal situation would be for the US and company to prevent attacks from landing and then telling Israel to end their genocidal operations unless they want to face the next wave themselves.
And if Israel refuses, then let Netanyahu handle it himself. Make good on our threat to not help.
Unfortunately, I'm not certain it's in Israel's best interest that this doesn't escalate. They can probably do serious damage to Iran whereas the reverse is far less certain (evidently from this attack). And they knew very well that their embassy attack will bring Iranian retaliation. Now they'll just use that for an even greater response.
This drone attack by Iran may have more to do with "showing" it's little vassal terrorist groups it's prodding and bankrolling into doing Iran's dirty work that Iran is "doing" something militarily in support of Hamas and the Houthi.
What is a drone strike that is going to take 8 to 10 hours to arrive supposed to accomplish when it's so easy to spot coming well ahead of time. It's not like Iran doesn't have missiles that can hit Israel in a handful of minutes if Iran really wanted to do damage.
They've been here for a while. Try reading new posts and find the negative vote comments. Same for y'all-queda and the qultists and white supremacists, and tankies, and most misinformation campaigns. It is the internet after all.
God I hope this place doesn't turn into something like Voat where it's just another 4chan like environment filled with all the users banned for posting racist shit and CP.
Based on what evidence? Even if it were, an attack on an embassy or consulate is akin to attacking their territory. If Israel has a right to retaliate against Hamas then Iran has every right to retaliate against Israel.
By terrorism you mean brown people committing acts of violence? This is a response to Israel attacking Iran much like the genocide in Palestine is a response to Hamas attacking Israel.
It feels like watching the Cuban missile crisis. A sinking uncomfortable feeling. I think the news has legitimately traumatized me. Breaking news means the next horrible thing has happened.
Netanyahu picked this fight, he should fight it himself. Otherwise its just encouraging other US allies to create chaos in bids for additional military support. Turkey is probably taking notes right now.
Turkey is watching and taking notes about how the US supports full on genocide if you are Jew and doing it. If you are a Muslim or Turkish, the US will keep on supporting the local terror organizations like PKK through bordering YPG branch.
Turkey is researching ways to become Jewish.
Edit: Not just about the US but also the UK, France and Germany that oppresses protests against Israel's genocide and arming Netanyahu with offensive weapons and using their own ships to defend against any retaliatory attacks. Turkey keeps thinking if her allies are the bad guys.
I know Israel is a small country of only 10M people with a traumatic history surrounded by enemies...so they need to act tough in their neighbourhood, take no shit and all...but they start to feel like the tiny angry girlfriend who dates a big guy and picks up fights in every bar expecting everyone to be afraid that her date will come to the rescue every time...
Painting Israel as a victim just for having a small population / geography... I don't know about that. They've committed far too many massscres since their inception to be portrayed like that.
They were victims of the Holocaust. They were aggressors in the Nakba. They were probably victims one or more times after that, as well as aggressors (I'm a bit fuzzy on that history, honestly), and now they're aggressors doing a "proportionate genocide" in Gaza. And they want to start shit with Iran, which might just be a case of two assholes fighting each other.
but they start to feel like the tiny angry girlfriend who dates a big guy and picks up fights in every bar expecting everyone to be afraid that her date will come to the rescue every time…
Lol, I called them US's little Chihuahua dog that rabidly barks at any moving object
Also they have started the hostilities and made enemies of neighbors, not like they weren't offered a fair share of land even in the face of them settling in there because the big ex-boyfriend just forced so.
I'm not quite sure how to fit Netanyahu into this analogy, but that's also a factor. The dude doesn't want to go to jail and it looks like he has no problem flattening the Middle East if it helps prop him up.
It is an open air prison, no doubt about that. Yet the apartheid in this case did not arise out of pure racism, but as a reaction to a history of constant suicide bombings. Besides, there are 2 million palestinian israelis living peacefully inside Israel...but there is also a part of Israel that does not help their case either by covering for every nationalist invading the West Bank or the cruelty they allow to go unpunished e.g. Shireen Abu Akleh.
I am going to take the US perspective in all this and ask why they fuck are we even getting involved? They are half a world away. Why are Israel and Turkey? US allies? What have they done for us? Because it seems like we give them an awful lot and don't get very much in return. The US should focus on defending the US and let Israel, Iran and all the rest of them have their part of the world with their conflicts. Just leave us the hell out of it.
Edit: And we need to stay the hell out of their business and leave them the fuck alone to run their countries the way they want to.
Not looking to be antagonizing, as you're correct those are the reasons. But it should be said that they are stupid reasons. We should be weaning off oil as quickly as possible. The second point is in a lot of ways a hindrance, as shipping zones means shipping away manufacturing jobs.
And none of that is worth the price of war, or supporting genocide.
It's the Middle East. It has a huge amount of a particularly important strategic resource. Additionally, the countries there generally have, at best, a cold relationship with the US. If not outright adversarial.
Israel is smack dab in the middle of it with access to the sea. It holds a massively important strategic military and geopolitical position for the US.
So, sure, what the other poster says is definitely part of it, but I think what primarily drives US support to be seemingly unequivocal is that the US/Israel alliance is also very important to US geopolitical influence as well.
As for that natural resource, we have quite a bit of it here in the United States itself. So we wouldn't have to rely on them to get that resource. That, and if the US really wanted to break away, they could very seriously incentivize the purchase of electric mobility devices, such as electric bikes and scooters and cars.
It has a huge amount of a particularly important strategic resource.
This is not accurate. There are multiple nearby allied/NATO countries in the area as well as carrier groups in the Med that more than cover what Israel offers us.
Israel does not offer us a unique strategic advantage in any scenario. They only increase tensions with our existing trade partners in the region and threaten to bring us into wars that they start. They are very much using us, and have been for decades. We allow/justify it because of religious and traditional reasons. Nothing more.
Biden is backing Israel because some of the U.S.'s biggest political donors (AIPAC) will shift their support back to the Republicans in the upcoming election if he doesn't. Mark my words: Biden will back off Israel support the instant it becomes too late for certain donors to negatively affect the upcoming election.
I don't know about Turkey, but US politicians mostly care about Israel because AIPAC pumps a ton of money into US politics, both in the form of funneling it to pro-Israel candidates, and ads and campaign funding against those who don't bow down to swear fealty to Israel.
To a lesser extent, you also have a large chunk of fundamentalist Christians in the us who will support Israel no matter what because they believe Israel needs to exist as a nation with its full, Biblical territory, in order for Armageddon and the return of Jesus to occur. Just yet another way conservative Christians are trying to wreck the US for their insane beliefs.
You can't be on top of the global trade and neglect strategic points that protect strategic trade routes. I mean, you can, but it will make USA shrink in global importance even faster. You leave, others fill the void, pay the price, reap the benefits. Isolationism isn't likely to save the USA world dominance. Dominance which is the very biggest reason your currency is the most stable in the world: it's backed by the biggest military apparatus ever, stop caring about the world, find out soon when your prices skyrocket and economy crashes. The real question is how the USA should behave in this, not if they should do a thing but rather what they should do.
Israel offers absolutely no unique strategic value to U.S. trade or military logistics. There are nearby NATO countries, bases in nearby allied countries as well as carriers in the Med that more than cover us.
Israel is only a liability to us. They exacerbate tensions with our existing trade partners in the region and risk bringing us into unecessary conflicts.
As it should be, I would expect Israel to be Israel first. I would expect Iran to be Iran first. I would expect France to be France first. I would expect China to be China first, etc etc.
There can not be a "cost of doing business" for the likes of Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran. Has anyone here ever wondered why Hezbollah are so tame in this conflict, why they are so deathly afraid of an escalation? Hint: They are seeing the footage from Gaza too, they too are keeping track of how every single Hamas commander is being systematically hunted down, how Israel is willing and able to level an entire apartment block just to get one of them, global public opinion be damned - or, if they are feeling particularly humane that day, sending a small missile or drone precisely into the window that commander happens to be sitting behind.
How anyone expected anything but pure hellfire in response to the October 7 massacres and rapes is beyond me. No nation on Earth would have reacted any differently. The likes of Switzerland or Denmark would have gone medieval on the perpetrators in a situation like this. Iran is playing a very dangerous game. One "lucky" hit by one of their missiles or drones, e.g. into a busy crowd, school or hospital, could spell the end of the regime in Tehran.
That is unconfirmed. So far it's drones according to the article and US intelligence. Our intelligence guys have been doing a good job forecasting what is happening so I'm inclined to believe them. Guess we will see in a few hours.
I have trouble seeing anyone risking escalating this beyond the Middle East, so not exactly. Millions could die there, though, and Europe still relies pretty heavily on the Gulf for fuel.
Congratulations to the US for breaking apart any sort of pretension of support for international law by allowing Israel to do whatever the fuck they want. Now we're going to let the crazed leadership of Iran and Israel to drag everyone around them and abroad into further military conflict. Goddamn morons don't know how to say "this is too far".
Israel couldn't function without continued US support, this isn't some abstract, the US political establishment enables Israeli atrocities and turns a blind eye to their seizing of territory, even just last month Israel annexed Palestinian territory illegally with the full support of the West.
This is an awful take. Jews and Muslim populations are not separate races that have fought since existence. Israeli's are mostly German; they do not have a corresponding Muslim population.
Palestinian Jews and Palestinian Muslims lived fine together till Israel started 75 years ago.
Same with Iranian Jews and Iranian Muslims.
Same with Iraqis, Yemenis, and North Africans
Warden (War loving Biden) has focused more on Israel than abortion, legalizing marijuana, equality, health insurance, taxes, and everything else he promised since he has took office.
The world is waking up to the fact that treaties are just papers and words mean nothing. Basically what Hitler did 80 years ago but now it's every leader.
Iran has officially declared the start of the attack on Israel. "The evil regime will be punished," its leader said.
Iran, the Houthis from Yemen, Syria, Hezbollah are performing massive strikes on Israel with drones and missiles. Over 200 combat drones and missiles are in the air - media.
Iran's defense minister: "We will also perform a strike on those who open their airspace or territory to Israel to attack Iran."
Iran has all the right in the world to do this and is justified in doing so, but I really wish they hadn't. Hopefully the attacks can be intercepted, and that's that. Escalation benefits no one at all except Netanyahu and the Ayatollahs.
The best case scenario here is that everything is intercepted and Israel stands down from doing anything else. And, Jordan and the US and the UK use this moment to force Netanyahu to stop the genocide. This attack highlights just how reliant Israel is on its allies, and why it should listen to them when they say it's time to stop.
We should be threatening to not act next time unless he completely capitulates and does a full withdrawal -- and if he refuses, we keep our word and leave them to themselves.
Joe Biden was rushing back to the White House on Saturday afternoon from a weekend trip to Delaware as Iran fired dozens of drones against Israel.
The US president had been due to spend the weekend in Delaware at his residence in Rehoboth Beach but early on Saturday afternoon set off at short notice to return to the White House.
This followed Biden saying on Friday that he expects an Iranian attack on Israel “sooner rather than later” and issued a last-ditch message to Tehran, saying: “Don’t.”
Earlier on Saturday, Iran’s paramilitary Revolutionary Guard Corps in the strait of Hormuz, 50 nautical miles off the coast of the United Arab Emirates, seized an Israeli-affiliated container ship.
National Security Council spokesperson Adrienne Watson said the US strongly condemned the seizure and urged Iran to release the ship and crew immediately.
“We will work with our partners to hold Iran to account for its actions,” she said, warning that “seizing a civilian vessel without provocation is a blatant violation of international law and an act of piracy.”.
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Of course it has no relation to Israel bombing their embassy in Syria. Of course Iran didn't offer the not retaliate if Israel just fucking stopped their genocide.
Of course it is their internal shenanigans vs our valiant international justice movement.
Fuck off to Reddit or Xitter where you can keep on being the white or jewish supremacist troll.
It's related, but it's an excuse for what Iran really wants. Similarly Iran does not really care about the Palestinians beyond their usefulness as a grudging pawn.
A proportional response from Iran would have been more rockets from Hezbollah, Hamas, or the Houthis. Or maybe a very limited drone attack on a specific target.
A response like this on the part of Iran is disproportionate, so there must be another motive. Iran isn't so stupid as to think Israel won't bomb the shit out of them, thus Iran must want to be bombed.
The only reason I can think of for Iran to want to be bombed is to quell their internal troubles. It feels like every other week another woman without a hijab is killed, or disappeared, or beat to shit, and every other month another protester is executed by the state. There is unrest in Iran, people are getting tired of the theocratic bullshit. So what better time to need an external threat?
Iran's long-running narrative against israel, painting them as their great satan, could use a refresh, and what better way than to have israeli bombs fall on iran?
You must have missed the Israeli attack on Iran that led to this. Do you think any nation would just allow themselves to be bombed and their military officials killed without a response?
Iran has officially declared the start of the attack on Israel. “The evil regime will be punished,” its leader said.
LOL! Iran calling someone else evil is really something. I'm eager to see where this round of fuck around and find out ends, since Israel is not known for forgivness. Only good thing I see at the moment is that Iran maybe has to stop supporting the russians to save equipment for their own stupid war.
I didn’t realize that whenever you punched someone else and they punched back that’s fucking around and finding out.
Israel started this, remember that.
The stupid fucking British are involved.
Everybody wants to kick off fucking World War III because Israel wanted to fucking destroy shit and then hide because they’re too tiny to do anything about it
What was evil about Iran's attack? It was in response to an attack on their territory, and only damaged military infrastructure with no deaths unlike every attack by Israel.
I know this is not the time for this typa comment, but I'm really annoyed that what I said last week is proven true
Imma be completely honest and say that Iran probably won’t do anything except maybe throw some cruise missiles from afar that hit some random outpost or send a drone because they don’t want to risk anything.
I’d love to see a competent air force take on the IAF, but I don’t think anyone in the middle east actually has one besides Israel and the USA’s own bases.
This attack is over hyped and kinda lame. When India and Pakistan had beef in 2019, they had a whole ass air skirmish which ended with a captured pilot, fratricide'd helicopter, a crap ton of artillery barrages, and possibly a second aircraft shot down.
Regardless of the poor reasoning behind it, at least they had the guts to fight each other properly.
Iran is just sitting back and sending a swarm of drones that will probably fail to deal any damage proportional to their embassy attack, all the while escalating with Israel which gives both Israel and the USA a reason to send even more weapons and supplies and finish their job decimating Gaza.
Weird world we're in. One country retaliating against another, and for some reason the reaction of a country on the other side of the world is the news. If only biden gave half as much of a shit about his own country.