In the past few days, I flew on 3 very different planes.
Flew to and from a little GA airport to see the eclipse in a Cessna 182. Flew commercial from a little airport to a big airport on a Cessna Caravan, and then flew between major airports on A319. The flight on the Caravan was probably the most pleasant commercial flight I've been on.
Some images for people like me who don't know anything about planes:
Cessna 182
Cessna 207 Caravan. This one is however from the Iraq air force...
I don't really know if I get why the Cessna 182 and Cessna caravan are two completely different planes but I also don't know anything about planes. Or maybe I got the images wrong or you flew on a different type of Cessna caravan? But I can anyways agree that the caravan looks like a nice airplane.
EDIT: after a closer look I see that the caravan and 182 are quite different in size
yea, the 182 has room for 4 (including pilot) and popular among private pilots. The Caravan was designed as a cargo plane. The I was on had room for ~12, Including pilots. The 182 also has a piston engine and the caravan is a turboprop.
182 4 seats (including pilot) piston engine, you might see one for a sightseeing adventure, but otherwise a popular model for General Aviation (private, non commercial) pilots.
Caravan, turboprop built as a cargo plane. The one I was on was set up for passenger service and had room for ~12 people (including pilots)
A319, The short plane in Airbuses A320 line. That competes with Boeing 737s
How do you find flights like these? Are they on kayak if you punch in the little airport, or do you have to know someone/some company to book with them?
For the 182, your pretty much have to know someone. There might be some sightseeing charters, but only 3 seats seems a little small.
For the caravan, your best bet is with small commuters operating under part 135. Try from a major city to a little but not too little city I'm sure there are others, but that is the one I know of.