Danielle Johnson, the mother who killed her husband and pushed her child out of a moving car on the 405 freeway was an astrology influencer who posted about being afraid of the total solar eclipse on Monday.
Danielle Johnson was worried about the eclipse.
The astrology influencer and “divine healer” who went by the name Danielle Ayoka online called the upcoming astronomical event “the epitome of spiritual warfare” and told people they needed to “pick a side,” in posts on X on April 4.
Less than three days later, in the early morning before the partial solar eclipse, Johnson left a trail of tragedy in her wake: her partner stabbed to death in the kitchen of the family apartment in Woodland Hills, her 8-month-old baby dead after being pushed from Johnson’s moving Porsche Cayenne on the 405, and Johnson herself dead after crashing her car on Pacific Coast Highway in Redondo Beach.
And on top of that, they're predictable hundreds of years in advance. We've known exactly when and where this eclipse was going to happen since before her grandparents were born. But somehow it's a bad omen.
We know the position of the planets know to the second. Still not a single astrologer predicted COVID except in the usual vague "There might be a challenge ahead" kind of predictions.
Esotericism is absolute cancer. A lot of those people don't even understand that eclipses are very localized events. They're moronically stupid. Even more so if they're people of color, because this whole subculture is full of Neonazis.
Wait, do you mean that non-whites go crazy because they're neonazis themselves? I'm a bit confused, as I know very little about this subculture but it sounds counterintuitive.
Under the Ayoka moniker, Johnson issued a torrent of antisemitic screeds, conspiracy theories and alarmist warnings on April 4 and 5. These included a repost of a debunked apocryphal speech attributed to Ben Franklin about how Jewish people “depreciated” societies wherever they settled, a video about Jews promoting pedophilia in the entertainment industry, and unproven theories about the origin of COVID-19.
Yeah I'm gonna say that mental illness played a part in this.
Also apparently the kid that pushed out of the car survived. I hope they're able to handle it.
I've seen enough people experiencing severe mania yell racist obscenities who later stabilized and were mortified at their previous behavior to know that no, this is not "just hate." This is either severe mania with psychotic features or straight up severe psychosis.
...the only ones who can provide an identity to the nation are its enemies. Thus at the root of the Ur-Fascist psychology there is the obsession with a plot, possibly an international one. The followers must feel besieged. The easiest way to solve the plot is the appeal to xenophobia. But the plot must also come from the inside: Jews are usually the best target because they have the advantage of being at the same time inside and outside. In the U.S., a prominent instance of the plot obsession is to be found in Pat Robertson’s The New World Order, but, as we have recently seen, there are many others.
Jewish communities are often insular, which leads to an impression of otherness. Orthodox Jews may not frequent non-jewish run restaurants or other businesses due to religious restrictions/ pressure (i.e dietary restrictions). Often, those communities congregate in the same neighborhoods, within walking distance of synagogues and schools (prohibitions against driving on the Sabbath). There is pressure to frequent businesses and professional services of those neighbors. Also, the closer you live to someone, the more likely you are to have a relationship with those people (propinquity), which strengthens community integration. They are a minority religion, with obstacles to new participants joining. They may dress in identifiable ways. Wrap all of that together and you have a group of people that are often easily identified and perhaps perceived as "too good for" my restaurant, or my store or my school....etc... they become easy targets for hate.
Ironically, almost everyone else does the same thing, it's just less noticable especially in larger cities or towns. But go to any small town, and it'll be easier to see the similarities. Again people's relationships are strongly informed by religion and propinquity... But because they are a blue eyed 'merican, who never misses the baptist sermon on sunday, and wouldn't be caught dead in Pam's hair salon because word on the street is she might be gay, they are seen as "normal."
Yeah, I was mainly just mocking Linda Yaccarino's attempt to force "It's all happening on X" as a catchphrase while the site spirals down the drain. That being said, while the amount of crazy and hatred seems to be going up on every platform, X seems to be outperforming most other sites at becoming a toxic cesspit.
She also offered a $6.99 per month home purifying cleanse that stripped people’s residences of “stagnant energy,” citing better sleep and an increased “vibration” as some of the benefits. Activating the service was simple: purchase the cleanse, get a piece of paper and title it “home purifying cleanse” and write your address on it. Then tuck it away in a safe place, she wrote.
Reminds me of that flat-earther Behind The Curve documentary. Such conspiracy theorist and woowoo believers basically fall into the grifted, and the grifters. Those outcast and outsiders who lack critical-thinking skills and who find community in like-minded eccentrics, and the ones just exploiting the gullible for money.
Secular people, or people without religious membership, tend to look for substitutes.
We need normalization of post-graduate secular community organizations that have a set schedule of yearly events, and regular, ideology based meeting times. The Freemasons kind of come to mind, but they have their own set of historical issues. Something like co-ed fraternities for non-college going adults, but without superstitious concepts associated with membership. The only criteria should be “no conning other people” or something similar.
The Satanic temple has done a good job of framing a reasonable humanitarian charter, but I don’t like their religious movement framing. Supernatural concepts and superstition needs to be removed from such community membership.
Those poor babies. Who the fuck throws an 8 month old and 9 year old out of a moving vehicle on the freeway?! What a monster. I hope that 9 year old girl is able to heal from this… by some miracle. Such a senseless tragedy.
Anyone who unironically begins a statement with "WAKE UP" all in caps like that can safely be assumed to, shall we say, have a tenuous grasp on reality.
It still implies you're the only person aware of it and not like that very article on global temps was on the front page today. So yeah, it actually does make you seem a bit crazy.
Nightfall is a few levels above an eclipse on Earth. I finally got the idea that Asimov was going for when playing Elite Dangerous and visiting the core, seeing millions of stars vs. what we see in our solar system. It is a bit maddening.
Under the Ayoka moniker, Johnson issued a torrent of antisemitic screeds, conspiracy theories and alarmist warnings on Thursday and Friday. These included a repost of a debunked apocryphal speech attributed to Ben Franklin about how Jewish people “depreciated” societies wherever they settled, a video about Jews promoting pedophilia in the entertainment industry, and unproven theories about the origin of COVID-19.
This is qanon shit. Don't know why OP didn't include it in their excerpts of the article.