There are a few subreddits I check out from time to time because Lemmy doesn’t have the volume of users required to keep those niche conversations active.
Wow, what a pain! There’s so much hostility and byzantine rules. It’s just not worth it.
That place really went to shit over the past year. Which is hardly surprising seeing how many good people were pushed away from the platform.
Good mods were replaced by power tripping shitheads and good posters and commenters were driven off when they couldn’t use their desired app and the subreddits they liked went to shit or were nuked. Meanwhile, bots are ruining everything else.
And let’s not even get started on the ads, the IPO shenanigans, the AI thing…
Reddit needs to be taken out back and shot. It’s the humane thing to do; we shouldn’t let it suffer like this.
Alternate viewpoint: Whatever was good about reddit died long ago anyway. Whatever’s left is just a useless cash-grab cesspool. I’m perfectly fine with letting it simultaneously decay and cannibalize itself. Watching it play out is funny.
The problem is that nothing left alive still will ever die now. They have too many visitors, and too much money, and it's damned near impossible to spin up alternatives without State level funding now. None of the average internet users give a fuck about quality, nor are they willing to visit a site that doesn't already have a fully established community. Since you can't establish a community without users, and you can't get users when you don't have users, it's a done deal. The internet is like 5 sites now, and those sites can't fuck up enough to drive a critical mass of people away. I mean look at what Facebook has become. It's completely fucking worthless as a social media site now, full of 98% sponsored bullshit, yet they still have 3 billion visitors per day. The good Internet is dead. The corpos stole it & killed it. We will never get it back.
Instead, Huffman will eat it from the inside out like a parasite devouring its prey.
And people will praise him for being such a "success" (at business), and will be outright shocked, Shocked I tell you, SHOCKED that the Reddit experience does not improve as he promised it would.
But hopefully some of us at least will choose to learn from the clusterfuck that was Rexit.
I'd argue that reddit has been on the decline for years. We are just now starting to see the impacts of it: power tripping mods, admins that don't care about anything except click count and allow it, spez being a pedophile piece of shit who made the unofficial apps useless, the allowance of hate subs that only got banned due to the outrage, people leaving in droves etc. I do agree with you, it needs to be put out of its misery.
I recently finished season 2 of One-Punch Man and I looked to see if there were any announcements about a season 3. I came across a reddit thread about season 3 being announced and holy shit are people nuts. The animation of OPM season 2 wasn't as good as season 1, but it wasn't actually bad; it just wasn't as good as season 1. However, the reddit thread would make you think it was animated by preschoolers.
To be frank, that's not a trait exclusive to Reddit - it's a common characteristic of many (most) online fan communities.
My pet theory is that it's a result of the community members spending excessive amounts of time analyzing the minutia of their interest. From there, a combination of nostalgia and the tendency of people to focus on flaws creates a perfect environment for negativity to flourish.
Personally, I've tried to do my part to push back against that trend in the spaces I favor, but it's not easy.
To be frank, that's not a trait exclusive to Reddit - it's a common characteristic of many (most) online fan communities.
I agree 100%
I am a patient anime watcher, which in a nutshell means that I usually watch stuff when it is about to end or have ended way ago.. anyway, I like to read what people thought about specific episodes so I headed to MyAnimeList to see what people thought about some seasons of Attack on Titan, and countless episodes where shitting about the animations and the usage of CGI lol, like dude, it looks fine, can we discuss about the plot?
Fwiw, my own experience changed dramatically after I blocked and Some people also block but I like the memes so I do not go that far - yet when people do come back with the most inane shit replies, it is >90% from there.
The Fediverse does require curation to be halfway usable, but the fact that nice places exist here at all makes it very different from Reddit imho. That takes effort to maintain, and while mods may not always be perfect, consider the kind of person that would remain as a mod on Reddit after the protests... overworked, entirely unappreciated, and having to deal with the most childish people. When old-reddit gets further shut down (as it seems to have started to people say, e.g. when accessed via a VPN) it will degrade even further. The scabs will run the show, even more so than now. Just like happened with X.
Ofc, do as you please, but I hope this perspective helps:-).
Your first paragraph is spot on for me. I also haven't blocked yet, but I'm this fucking close man. Personally, I hope that lemmy grows, grows more diverse, and the politically toxic side of lemmy gets diluted a bit.
The list of people, communities, and instances I have blocked on Lemmy is like 20x longer than what I had blocked on Reddit. And every day new accounts and communities pop up that get added to the list. At this point the only reason I don't go back to Reddit is out of principle. Because Lemmy, for as good of an idea as it is, is like a cesspool for people who believe politics/social politics is a personality trait. And Reddit was becoming that way too, but maybe its different now considering Lemmy is like a sponge for those kind of folk.
I’m not talking about users who make crazy comments. I’m talking about how I made a legitimate, on-topic, non-controversial post in good faith and it got removed with no explanation. Then when I followed the sub’s instructions about how to ask why my post disappeared, the mod replied with a bunch of passive aggressive snarky shit and muted me.
Wasn’t comparing it. I was really stating that humans are toxic… especially when anonymous and I’ve seen/witnessed plenty of it on here. I’ve even been an asshole quite a few times. There’s a lot of good moderation that may be hiding it from you. Especially on world.
Consider for a moment where you live. Now consider how we live.
People are crushed all day at both their jobs. They have their livelihoods stolen away from them to increase the profits of mega sized corporations and the 1%ers that control them.
The bi partisan police state is stronger then ever despite the George floydd protests (this is the 1% telling us the protests didn't go far enough by the way)
There is little representation to be had at the voting booth. You would think the conservatives would be happy since they can choose between two right wing parties, but even they want their shitty version of change.
This isn't a great way to live our lives for the majority of the population. Deep down, most people understand how broken and toxic living like this is, and it gets expresses itself through this toxic behavior. Not that this is any excuse for said behavior.
However, if you live in the shitter multiverse, don't be surprised shitty people are shitty after getting treated like shit by other shitters while living a exploitative shitty way of life. Shit.
On the topic of byzantine rules, I'd found out at sometime last year that a major subreddit had banned linking other subreddits...
In the 6 years I was there I thought that's what Reddit was all about, but what do I know?
The Fediverse is perfectly set up for linking people to new communities they might not have come across on their own.
Trying to figure out which rule I broke on Reddit and when it was implemented from moderators was a pain. In contrast, Lemmy mods have messaged me when they want me to edit my comment to conform better to the rules which was great. Lemmy public modlogs are also a huge improvement since while it can't stop tyrant mods/admins, it makes knowing how you crossed them much clearer for people.
tbh I've had almost exclusively hostile(-ish) exchanges on lemmy as well, but obviously going back to that morally bankrupt place isn't gonna be the answer.
So, I used to be a redditor. For eleven years, to be precise. Back then, for the first few years I was there, things were awesome. But as time went on, things seemed to get worse. Reddit has been on the decline for a very, very long time now. The community has become very toxic at this point; if you have an opinion they don't like, they'll dogpile you over it. They let their mods get away with abusing their powers (/r/SteamDeck is a great example), and they used to allow massive hate subreddits until the backlash caught up to them as well. All in all, they don't care about their users. All they care about is keeping those clicks up. I was recently permabanned because I criticized some mods who reported it as "harassment". Reddit is not a good place anymore, but they sure like to pretend they are.
I'm officially labeling Reddit as Nazi sympathizers, this isn't a joke I am completely genuine.
The reason I know about Lemmy is because a few days ago they permanently suspended my account for "glorifying violence"
The horrible thing I said was that "I should have a legally protected right to punch Nazis" in a post featuring a video where a big dude knocks a neo nazi the fuck out. They swiftly denied an appeal to this ban as well so fuck me I guess.
Even if you think that I shouldn't be allowed to say that, (which is stupid), I don't think it's permanent ban sitewide territory, especially when far worse things are happening on that site.
Some fuckwit had to actually manually flag that, according to their obnoxiously long DM about it.
On top of everything else they had the balls to say I should "familiarize myself with the TOS" like removed you just banned me from the whole ass site forever I think it's pretty safe to wipe my ass with the reddit TOS at this point.
You endorsed violence, that is against terms of service, there is no clause for "it's ok to endorse violence against people we don't like". If you think that a blanket ban against endorsements of violence makes them nazi sympathisers, then you have some growing up to do.
You only have yourself to blame and you should be careful that you don't find yourself banned elsewhere.
I too have been recently banned. I had the audacity to criticize some mods. It's funny how you're permanently banned for "glorifying violence" when "justice served," for example, a sub full of violence glorification, exists. But the violence is directed at bad people, so I guess it gets a pass.
My last interaction had me answering someone’s question then getting a permaban from some insecure mod who didn’t like that reality made them sad. I just walked away after 16 years.
Worse: the question was “why do people think that..,” and the answer was literally just why those people think that. That had me apparently advocating for the abuse of children for some reason. It was weird. When I asked, they went off, called me sick, told me to get help, etc. It was totally bizarre.
You get banned and muted even if you don't follow the rules. Also many of these rules are just umbrellas to give mods reason to surpress your ability to be heard if they deem fit.
Between it apparently using location to show you a front page even not logged in, and not being able to block sub reddits, i was just done with the website. I can't fucking stand /r/onguardforthee or all those other tim horton trademark half wit "patriotic" twats.