Which country/language? In Turkish, the idea is similar but the wording a bit different, "karıncalanma" (being ant-y) is commonly used. Same thing is also used for when a body part goes numb due to having it in weird position for some time, like sleeping with your arm under your body or sitting on the toilet too much and having your legs be numb.
There is also "parazit yapma" (making/doing parasites) used for the television thing.
California, here, and not any of the parts that get snow. (Closest we get is hail, which feels like it happens maybe twice a decade.) We called it "snow," too. :)
What prompted this question is some Japanese TV service ended this past weekend for a relative and the word to describe the static noise was "sand storm".
Thought it might be interesting to hear what it's called elsewhere.
So Japan still uses analog broadcast TV? Maybe it's different for other US TVs, but since the switch to the digital broadcast system my TVs show black when a channel is not available. Snow has gone the way of the old test pattern of years ago.
Analog went offline in Japan around 2010/2011 if my memory serves me correctly, but some still have digital receivers that works with the RF jack. Now more or less it's out of style and the static is just proverbial.
Had the exact same two in my childhood and youth in Finland. Probably some nuance differences in language, but semantically very similar ones! Muurahaissota and lumisade 🕺
Some of it is cosmic background radiation - it's also machine vibrations, manufacturer defects, power line radiation, and nearby appliances. The more remote and well shielded you are the more likely it's pure background radiation... but in a big city it's likely to be local radiation sources. The inverse square law has a big role here.
…and if you are interested in the sound of static rather than the image, then the Polish word is: „szumi”. This can be approximated in English as: 'shoomy'. The 'sz' sound does sound like static.
The funny thing is that our 'sz' (in „szumi”) and 'ś' (in „śnieży”) usually sound exactly the same to English or French speakers, while for us they are quite distinct sounds.
Back in the days when we all had antennas and cable hadn't been born yet, the static stations were a great thing to watch if there might be a tornado in your area. Apparently if one formed, it would significantly change the look of the snow on the TV and give you a warning to quickly head to the basement. I never actually saw it happen, but there were a couple times we had local warnings and my parents plopped me down to keep an eye on the TV.
Hahaha, if you remove the stereotype and reference to China, it makes for a reasonable approximation of the visuals and sound, imagining a torrent of rice being blasted at you.
In Germany it's called "Weißes Rauschen" (so akin to white noise, white rustling / murmuring?). It seems to be both about the sound (rauschen) and the visuals (weiß).
Something like that. I always heard it from my parents and grandparents that "it's with fleas" or "you can see with fleas" when that happened. I never knew what was the link between those, but it sounds funny all the time, lol.
Sometimes there was channel interference or something for sure. I know this because sometimes I would stay up late at night to try to see boobies. I don't remember the reason or channel or anything, maybe it was on an adult channel and it mostly wouldn't come through because it wasn't being paid for? Back when you othersise had to find boobies in the woods on paper, or had a friend with a single father who worked a lot.
The world was a lot more simple back then. I can't imagine the stress of being a kid today.
Essentially the TV just plays whatever data is there on that frequency band. When there is nothing on the channel, it picks up background radiation from space; cosmic gamma rays that just happened to have lengthened to the wavelengths that the TV happens to be playing on.