factoid (2) - an assumption or speculation that is reported and repeated so often that it becomes accepted as fact.
Absolutely 100% made up. So, if that's the most interesting thing about each state, and it's fictional, imagine how mind numbingly boring the corn states must be
(I'm joking ofc, Ohio has a few redeeming qualities. The southeastern portion is particularly beautiful, Idaho has some staggering vistas, and Iowa… I mean, 75% of their name is vowels I guess)
The driving in the hills of southern Ohio can be pretty nice. I used to spend a lot of time in the Dover area. Michigan and Ohio were my sales territory for a few years
I just went to Jungle Jim's for the first time this weekend actually. What an amazing place. For those that don't know, it's basically an IKEA sized grocery store. Over 6 acres (24000 m^2 )
I sometimes also call Australia as a whole the Texas of the Commonwealth nations. We're big, we have snakes and desert, we love big things, we're ornery and we've flirted with secession more than once.
In Australia we believe in equality, so I'll piss off all the states.
Victoria : "afDanistan", wokeville. Small latte drinkers who don't have a driver's licence. Labourers and Stop/Go people on $200,000.
New South Wales: dumb boomers on $3m property. Driving at 80kmh on their Learner drivers plates. Shit at rugby. Sydney nightlife ends at 9pm.
South Australia: "oh yeah I have an auntie there I think." Nothing to do. Their water tastes funny. Churches everywhere. Weird 1.5hr timezone.
Western Australia: If you want to know why there's a wait time for Toyota's, it's bloody WA buying them all. Full of cashed up bogans in lifted land cruisers. Have to watch footy at lunch time because they are 3 timezones away. If you are anti social and don't mind a 6hr drive to anywhere live there.
Tasmania: 10 people live there with a mild sense of imbreeding. Looks kinda nice, but why would you go to Tassy if you can go to New Zealand for the same price.
Northern Territory: biggest employers, the mines and Pine Gap (the CIA base). Otherwise it's Australia's poverty lane.
Australian Capital Territory: Australia's Uni campus. A concrete jungle, a tiny town where we keep the big wigs who are driven everywhere in black BMWs or Camry's.
As a US southerner I think you want to make Queensland a combo of Mississippi, Alabama, and Georgia With SE Qld as Atlanta. Only thing fancy about Louisiana is the food
With the amount of inbreeding in Tasmania, it's probably more Alabama than Queensland... Which probably should have been marked Florida - if you've ever been to the Gold Coast