And some contemptible people who have more free time and resources than they know that do to with - they must focus all efforts on acquiring more resources AND making it harder for others to catch up.
It would be reason to pity the emptiness of some lives, were they not so destructive.
I am not talking about people that find their work or their career fulfilling and keep working hard at it. That’s different than a billionaire who spends millions every year to bust unions and prevent raises to the minimum wage. (Or assassinate whistle blowers, as the case may be)
I don't disagree, just a quite reminder that not everyone can afford this. The meme doesn't say it but it gives "money doesn't buy happiness" vibes and while this isn't false, a certain amount of money is required for this.
Maybe I'm misunderstanding the picture, but I thought that's why they were called luxuries - because not everyone gets to have them. Though they aren't what we usually associate with a luxurious lifestyle.
E: just to be clear, everyone should have them, but many are too occupied with the daily battle for survival.
In capitalism, one must first pay for basic necessities like food and shelter before anything else. For some people who make low wages this requires an amount of time and effort that interferes with their leisure time.
That said, there are also some people who think they are in this category when in reality their stress is due to self-imposed standards of living that are higher than necessary. Or anxiety and other psychological problems that could be addressed through non-material strategies.
How much money does one need to not have to choose between spending their evenings on a long walk listening to birds vs delivering pizzas as a third job to avoid eviction?
Why add a symbol that is almost solely used by totalitarian governments?
The hammer and sickle remains commonplace in self-declared socialist states, such as China, Cuba, North Korea, Laos, and Vietnam, but also some former Soviet republics following the dissolution of the Soviet Union, such as Belarus and Russia.
I can't tell if you're being ignorant or disingenuous. The Ⓐ should be a clue as to my opinion on government in general, no? As for ☭ - check the first sentence of the article you linked. Or the description written under it, for what I meant to invoke.
I am no USSR apologist. I just consider that symbol useful as a marker for worker solidarity.
This. Especially in modern first-world nations. There are plenty of resources for the wealthy to still be wealthy and everyone to have at least economic security.
a mother in ar who had kill her three kids, they are taking the three babby back to new york too lady to rest. my pary are with the father who lost his chrilden ; i am truley sorry for your lots
Yeah I think it's been found that there is a sweet spot for income and happiness. Having billions of dollars won't make you any happier, but I think it's something around $120K per year that provides everything needed to have a happy life without having to stress much about paying the bills.
Unfortunately the vast majority of people fall way below the level of income needed that's necessary to be able to have a stress free long walk and a good conversation that's not about how to make ends meet, etc.
That figure heavily depends on cost-of-living in your area. Somewhere between 1x and 3x your local living wage is a good starting point.
Yeah, truth. Nobody has complete freedom in a world of other people. I don't get to run around being an ax murderer, for example (not that I want to be). There are plenty of guardrails and rules and laws, many for good reason.
I'm on the fence about hearings birds singing. It is really annoying to get woken up way too early by a bird who just knows two tunes and sings it over and over and over again. Like what the fuck?! Didn't they teach you a third tune at bird school to make your song a bit more melodic and less irritating? Fucking twitter.
There's this big male cardinal who lives in my rhododendron. He's not the problem. The problem are the loud, brash younglings who show up and try to muscle in on his territory. They start before dawn, screaming at the top of a tree, making up for their lack of style with sheer volume.
Plus they sound like fucking car alarms. The Big Boy has a gorgeous call, and perches on the fence between the houses to take advantage of the acoustics, and starts at least an hour after dawn because no lady wants to be woken up early by a fuckboy.
He must be back early this year because there's only been one asshole bird who woke me up.
Hard to have a slow morning and day naps when you're rushing between two jobs because you don't have money.
If you had money, you could be more selective in finding work that provided the balance and flexibility needed to appreciate the things in life that are free.
But all of these things are too expensive when you're time-poor, and most people are time poor because they're desperately trying to avoid being financially poor.
A lot of people cannot get a good night of sleep because they have to wake up super fucking early in order to arrive at their work on time. A number of them might then go from work straight to classes (like a cheap college-level graduation, in hopes of getting a better paying job sometime in the future), so by the time they get home, their free time is spent caring for the home and prepping for tomorrow. Even those that have "free nights" may not end up spending that time for leisure
Birds singing are rare in big cities. You know, the so called concrete jungles? They'll have a number of pigeons and sparrows, but depending on the city, the lack of trees means that's the only 2 kinds of birds you'll see or hear, period.
A friend literally just gifted me a copy of this because I've been feeling so burnt out by capitalism, and let me tell you, I devoured that book. It spoke to my weary soul. And made me want to quit my job (I already was wanting to quit my job)
I read Moby Dick once and it was not enjoyable in the least. It is boring as fuck. Maybe it's imitating through prose the long monotonous stretches between whale sightings, but that's not an engaging read.
I agree these are the real luxuries but they CAN be supplemented by a little happy consumerism here and there. I love to have a good conversation with friends over a good lunch at a restaurant, or going to a nice dinner. Have meals out is a nice luxury also.
I’d also add science - a subset of reading I suppose, but it can lead to experiments and theoretical models. I love it, costs me nothing (thanks Wiki supporters) and there’s still so much to learn and discover.
The weird thing about this is, a few of these things are rather hard once you have kids.
Don't know the last time when I slept alone in my bed or had a slow morning.
But well, you get other things in return, like the pure love of you children so it's fine haha.
That's because we destroyed the primitive communal family to create the nuclear family. Humans throughout most of history would raise their children collectively, rather than all the responsibility just being dumped directly onto the parents.
That's true, we also have the unfortunate situation that we don't have any relatives that could support us. All grand parents live at least ~5 hours away. Moving isn't really an option for my wife because of her work currently.
Just saw a meme today (can't find it again or I would share it) where a bird is threatening to commit all this violence against another bird, a la Gus Fring talking to Walter White, and all the human hears is a happy bird song.
The other morning my dogs woke me up way too damn early, but it meant I got to watch a very fat pigeon on the power line behind my house, and I got to see the finch population rapidly increase around it. (I swear I saw one little bird and by the time I got out of bed there were 5 jetting around. Pigeon did not move.)
I agree that these are luxuries for a lot of people. Some of them can be found with mindset shifts (from "fuck you dogs" to "oh look, pretty birds" for example) but it's also hard to shift your mindset to positivity when our society tries its damnedest to beat happiness out of you.
I'll substitute sunrise in place of sunset and remove naps because I rarely sleep during the day because it fucks up my circadian rhythm. Everything else is spot on.
Something about naps I discovered I that there is two kind of naps
short naps around 20-30min where you don't get any deep sleep
long naps around 1 or 2 full sleep cycles, so for most peoples 1.5 or 3 hours nap.
Waking up from a short nap should be easy and you should feel energized almost immediately, if its not the case it probably means that your body started a full sleep cycle.
So to be able to nap during the day we need to find a way to tell or body that this is just a short break and we are not going for a full sleep, usually sleeping somewhere different like the couch or in a different position in the bed
Fuck solarpunk. I buy carefully, not mindlessly, based on what I'm getting and for how long, with the intent of not having to replace what I buy. So let's get that out of the way, this isn't about the merits of environmental preservation or efficient use of our resources.
I need mass media because I ENJOY PLAYING VIDEO GAMES. I don't want to live in the fucking "gay space commune", I want to live in a world that feels good to me, and you solarpunk assholes seem to say people like me who escape from reality because they've NEVER been capable of supporting themselves should start a fucking garden?!
Newsflash. I. Don't. Like. Your. "Utopia". I never will. If you ever succeed in making your idea of a future a reality, I'll burn it to the fucking ground as my revenge on you bastards. I hate your idea because all it does is change how I am oppressed as a disabled adult to how I was oppressed as a special needs child illegally taken from my parents by a corrupt mental health system.
You want to see a real utopia? A place where everyone is happy in the world they live in? Fucking find an oneirogenic drug that induces lucid dreams or create a VR metaverse.
Who I am in reality does not matter. Who I am in my mind can't be expressed in a solarpunk world, only online. At least that's how it used to be.
Why am I named the same as an Open Source Game? Cyperprep doesn't have to mean "the future megacorps are not so bad!" but rather "megacorps control this dystopian future but they can't always stop the signal and that means Open Source Software is the way to fight back".
The difference between FOSS for smart devices and social networks and FOSS for games is that games are art and that means paid food production will take precedence over volunteer video games.
And no, you don't get to say "get another hobby". I know myself. I like technology. I don't like preachy people. I stopped buying Apple when I stopped seeing unique-looking devices. I am a gamer. Most importantly, I am a sci-fi writer who wants optimistic stories that don't assume the reader is a fully-capable person.
I am not demanding you write what I want to see. Only that you not try to turn reality into it. If you see this, once again, fuck solarpunk.
No one is talking about you, mass media and consumerism has nothing to do with anything you described. Video games as a whole does not equal consumerism or mass media. Micro transactions and other terrible patterns do.
I'm a shut-in, with untreated health issues, someone who partakes in escapism, and even someone who likes the idea of programming but can't really do much (I tinkered on rendering polygons from text input last September and didn't even finish it enough to be usable for me).
I haven't seen much solarpunk but I've never thought to myself that it'd be worse for me. If I existed in an environment like that (particularly from birth or at least for a long time) I don't think I'd be the same escapist shut-in. I could see open-source games still existing, and maybe programming being better even if people are less likely to have videogames as their most common activity. I've taken care of already-growing plants before, but it seems to me like a lax solarpunk environment would offer more options/opportunity than employment currently offers. Probably actual opportunity to travel, too.
Even carrying over my current mindset and (lack of) capability, I can't see a solarpunk environment being even half as restricted as my experience now. I mean the whole idea is better community and technology used to help people (not strictly for money) so it seems to me you wouldn't be required to garden.
To be fair, it seems like I may have had bad luck in the first three solarpunk works I ever experienced. My issue against the whole idea is "this is a society that can no longer afford to value non-practical pursuits, it is the future we are headed towards, therefore our present society can no longer afford to value non-practical pursuits" that was somehow in all three solarpunk works I encountered.
The three in question were Girl in Wave: Wave in Girl, the Necroverse by "RichM", and a story that a fair-weather friend wrote that I no longer have a copy of that showed a dystopian cybersolarpunk hybrid where "Covid-19 has ended the modern age and now everything is powered by wind turbines because most of us are dead".
As a result of such bad luck, I may have overestimated how central that theme of "self-sufficiency or die" is to the genre.
So you think hurting people to make things the way you want them is acceptable? Because of video games? You are a dangerous man child (or maybe just a child).