America is undergoing a devastating erosion of trust that threatens the foundations of democracy.
Disinformation is the deliberate use of lies to manipulate people, whether to extract profit or to advance a political agenda. Its unwitting accomplice, misinformation, is spread by unknowing dupes who repeat lies they believe to be true. In America today, both forms of falsehood are distorting our perception of reality.
In a democracy, the people need a shared set of facts as a basis to debate and make decisions that advance and secure their collective interests. Differences of opinion, and even propaganda, have always existed in the United States, but now, enemies of democracy are using disinformation to attack our sovereign right to truthful information, intellectual integrity, and the exercise of the will of the people. Online disinformation is particularly insidious because of its immediacy, its capacity to deceive, and its ability to reach its target.
Both sides have pretty bad disinformation going on. Left is just more polished about it, I'm guessing because their demographic is on average much more educated. Right wing stuff you can at least immediately see right through.
Israel coverage from the main stream left has been stunning
It's the disinformation alright, but it's the disinformation from billionaires dividing us so they can get away with all the wealth while we fight for scraps. The call is coming from inside the house.
This is it. I have been chastised for suggesting that many social problems are red herrings to distract us from the one true problem, that it's us versus them. Until that problem is solved, nothing else can be.
It’s usually feelings over facts. Or I just love when they tell you to Google it. Then you do and prove them wrong and then they tell you that’s the wrong site lol Republicans really made the uneducated loud and annoying.
My dad was trying to tell me that the COVID vaccine is dangerous, so he googled it, sent me a blog with the Google link in it, then got upset when I found that the source that blogger used said "those who are able to be vaccinated help those who cannot be vaccinated." This was all because of my and my wife's request to get the vaccine to meet our 3 month old.
He didn't like that I did actual research on his partisan blog to prove him wrong.
People have a desire to be correct in their beliefs, and they have found comfort in disinformation instead of having to change or reflect on dated world views.
They aren't being tricked, they actively seek and embrace the disinformation.
Especially when a right wing pet protect for about 50 years now has been dismantling public education to churn out soft brained, frightened voters primed to be republicans.
For all of Trump’s public life, tastemakers and intellectuals have dismissed him as a vulgarian and carnival barker, a showman with big flash and little substance. But what those critics never understood was that their disdain gave him strength. For years, he fed off the disrespect and used it to grab more tabloid headlines, to connect to common people. Now he has upended the leadership of both major political parties and effectively shifted the political direction of the international order. He will soon command history’s most lethal military, along with economic levers that can change the lives of billions. And the people he has to thank are those he calls “the forgotten,” millions of American voters who get paid by the hour in shoes that will never touch these carpets—working folk, regular Janes and Joes, the dots in the distance.
And that's not even touching its hagiographies of various Evangelical ministers from Billy Graham (1954, 1993, 1996, 2007) and Jimmy Swaggart and Jim & Tammy Faye Bakker (both in the glorious year of 1987). An assortment of nine Catholic Bishops scored nine covers (the last in 1966), and of course eight Popes have worn the red frame more thirty-three times. And then there's the straight-up pandering Jesus-y editions.
The majority of people are against funding a genocide yet we're full tilt killing woman and children with Made In America weapons. We are not a democracy. Just an illusion of choice.
I think they're talking about who won the last election and whether covid vaccines are harmful, but ok ... Can't even start to address the Israel lobby until fptp voting and the ec are abolished
Biden and establishment democrats will never allow this. I really wish people would stop saying this as if it's some kind of viable solution. It has no more chance of becoming reality than medicare for all with the current power structures in place. They either need to change or we need a different approach.
the current regime in power here in the US is pushing out propaganda that stretches the truth such as the one proclaiming our economy is the envy of the world at accelerated rates
I see most other countries with reliable public transportation meaning they were not impacted by inflation costs of vehicles and insurance. I see most other countries with socialized healthcare meaning they were not impacted by inflation costs of health insurance, premiums, co-pays and healthcare in general. I see most other countries have much better protections for renters which makes home ownership less of a necessity and therefore less impacted by inflation there.
Newsflash, people don't look at the GDP and go "Oh my life is great!"