From what I heard, they were dropping from four companions to three, Mass Effect style, and wanted the combat to be more like God of War. So my fear is it’s gonna be like Andromeda, where you can’t control your companions’ abilities at all.
I mean I always thought the world of dragon age was interesting enough to do any game style. But I do think it’s a bit of a mistake to not market it as an alternative to a traditional dragon age.
They said full announcement this summer, so this is encouraging! It's completely 50/50 right now. Either it's going to just flop and that's it for Bioware - or they learned their lesson and it's going to rejuvenate the brand.
BioWare has EA’s grubby fat fingers all up inside of it so I ain’t holding my breath. And I say that as someone who has a relative working for BioWare.
Their last decent game was over a decade ago and I'm half convinced the only good they actually put out was either a fluke or just didn't have any competition to show how bad it was. No way are they turning it around now, sadly.
At this point, I won’t believe it’s actually coming out until it’s actually for sale. I also don’t have any high hopes for it being very good if it does come out.