Another great example is "Chunk" from the Goonies (1985). He was considered so fat that it was comic relief. Now you can walk through any Middle School in the United States and find dozens, if not hundreds, of kids that are MUCH larger!
I'm the flip side, Go back and watch Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. Once you're done cringing at the racism, think about the fact that Harrison Ford went on an intense weightlifting program for that movie, and was considered the most shredded leading man in Hollywood at the time. Actors using steroids has become so common that it has also skewed our perception of a normal fit guy's body.
IMO Harrison Ford looks pretty damn fit in that picture and I wouldn't bat an eye if he were in a super hero movie today. Like that's not a Thor body but there are many characters where that body would fit in just fine. I agree that movie bodies are not very attainable for most people with busy lives, but on the other hand, if you're playing a super hero you're not playing an average person. It would probably be weird to see an average body shape doing the impossible stunts you see in action movies.
Yeah thats totally true. Just look at photos of Bruce Lee for example. A fighting machine but not nearly as big as any one of the gym bros nowadays that train for volume.
Yeah Hollywood ugly is a meme. Oh man she's so ugly... But she's like solidly at least an 8, just not wearing makeup and in unflattering clothes and lighting l
Watch out, I had to battle a group of 6 foot tall toddlers the other day just to get on a swing set. Ankle biters are becoming 2nd floor balcony biters. It's insanity!
But at this point in the film, hadn't he lost like 15+ pounds and also shouldn't soldiers be held to a slimmer standard than others? And yeah the movie was made a long time ago. Most people are actually fat now.
This was my thought exactly. The military has actual weight standards. So he could be fat compared to all his fellow soldiers, but not fat by normal standards.
Don’t know about slimmer but soldiers should definitely be carrying less fat reserves and moving with more muscle mass. Calories supplied in the field, and if the logistics for that break down then you’re not going to live long enough to starve.
Shit, have you seen all those fatass larping gravy seals out there at right wing larps? Some of them are so fat on their rascals it's amazing they can even hold a gun and have enough strength to squeeze out a runny turd, let alone a trigger!
But you'd be amazed how strong the ones who can walk are. Can you carry 250 pounds up a flight of stairs without significant effort? Because there are 400-pound people who walk up staircases every day without trouble. The fact that they can walk, get up after lying down, etc requires that they be immensely strong.
All this is to say, don't get yourself into a position where one may take a swing at you. They may be out of shape, slow, etc, but if they land a hit there's a lot of muscle and mass behind it that shouldn't be underestimated just because they're unhealthy.
They claim "well-regulated" means "properly functioning" and not "subject to regulations", but how functional is a militia of morbidly obese men with no combat training, no psychological assessments and no demonstrated ability to use or safely handle a weapon, who probably enthusiastically voted for the government that needs overthrowing?
They're children claiming they need a PlayStation 5 "for homework".
Born to late to die of consumption, born to early to be infused with microplastics, but born just in time to enjoy all the asbestos and cigarettes he could possibly want
It's a fucking movie and they wrote the character that way. The actor, Vincent D'Onofrio was in much better shape than what he made us believe. That's what acting is, after all.
It's military standards and boot camp. It has literally nothing to do with perception. Look at drill for a fraction of a second while standing at attention and he will berate you endlessly for trying to suck him off with your eyes. Your bootlace is dragging because you're dumb. You're tired because you're weak. And you are the fattest motherfucker in this universe because you stood in front of the cake in the chow line for too long. It's not about perception. It's just basic. Even in active duty today, he would still be considered overweight, and even if he passed the PT test it wouldn't protect him from getting chaptered out for fitness.
6' 5", 200#, according to the Army, I was overweight by 15 lbs. I ran A group most mornings in PT (fastest, farthest runners), ran low 6 min miles, maxed situps and still had to wait 40 seconds for the test to end. Pushups were always low but fuck off, soy alto. I started lifting, gained 50 lbs, and my neck grew to 19"+ and all of the sudden I was "fit", even though I couldn't run A group anymore, couldn't break 7 min miles, and barely finished the situps in time. No improvement on pushups so don't stop fucking off. It's just military standards. It has literally nothing to do with perception. And people were fat before the 80s, JTFC did I just have to say that? Sure, there are more today, but it's not like Pvt Pyle was broadly considered obese by civilians at the time. The people ITT... 🙄
No, it was exactly that. When my neck taped in over 19, it was the first time I had ever not been on PT watch. I had to do higher frequency PT testing. It was dumb.
In Bridget Jones Diary, Renee Zellweger has fat jokes made about her the entire film (because to Richard Curtis, cruelty to fat people is comedy) but she's not even remotely fat.
It is now year-round bulking season, and I'm loving every minute of it, jerry.
Biggest difference between your conventional fat dude and a sumo wrestler is the nature of their fat deposits. Regular fat dudes, no exercise, have what is called "visceral fat", where the fat is beneath the skin, and exists in between the organs. Sumo wrestlers have subcutaneous fat deposits, just right beneath the skin, as a sort of layer between the organs and the skin. It truly matters less whether or not you're fat, and more whether or not you're active, and have a good dietary composition regardless of potential caloric excess.
The only major limitation on this that I might qualify is that overweight people will probably have to put more effort into flexibility and strength exercises, especially in their lower body, their ankles, their knees, for the same reason that extremely tall people tend to have similar injuries. There's also the problem that it tends to be harder to cut back later in life, and so you can kind of see a huge onset of lots of visceral fat if you keep up the same lifestyle choices while cutting back on the activity, or even keeping the same level of activity as your metabolism slows down, so that's something to also consider.
People also have made points about how the excess of simply carbohydrates, like high fructose corn syrup, and palm oil as a preservative in highly processed american foods, and food deserts, are contributing factors to why americans tend to be super fat. This is true. The other side of this coin also tends to be that american civic infrastructure doesn't tend to keep you as active as perhaps other countries might, so there are less opportunities to burn calories without making a kind of committed lifestyle choice centered around that.
In any case, I do find it really, sad, and funny also, that people tend to treat obesity as a kind of personal moral failing, rather than treating it like any other kind of public health problem, or epidemic. Reminds me of how they treated HIV.
Yeah. Strikes me as the laziest possible explanation for a thing, and it always seems to ironically come from people who are convinced that they're better than others because they're working harder or trying more.
I think my kids are old enough to appreciate the jokes in Full Metal Jacket now. I got them to watch LOTR and now we started with The Hobbit. Star Wars next, but that's a tough one, since it seems old to them, but maybe I'll start with Rogue One since it's the best modern star wars movie.
Honestly it might be the best Star wars movie, period. At least from todays perspective.
The original trilogy was groundbreaking for their own time but haven't aged the best. As with many media, what was innovative 40 years ago is cliche and stale today.
My only problem is the plot sucked. Like visually it looks great, but it’s kind of just loosely connected scenes that more or less copy the same story from a new hope.
I always hear that. I couldn't get more than 30 seconds into the movie
Episode 8 made me unable to watch the movies. But Episode 7 killed Star wars for me though - when it came down our entire department took a half day to go together
I'll never forget walking out of that theatre, the people who only kinda liked it were happy, the guy who memorized wookepedia was disappointed, then I shared a look with my team lead, who has been a diehard fan since the originals, he's a big old school nerd.
We just shared a look of despair and loss, something we loved died that day. We'd both extensively read the extended universe, and we'd talk about it frequently. I don't think we ever brought up Star wars again after that day
I was watching Steve Mc Queen in The Getaway. When he takes his shirt off I think that this guy isn't very well built. At the time of that moive McQueen was one of the top action stars. A few days later I'm watching a show about an average cop, and when he takes off his shirt he looks like he's been working out every day.
People go to buy the Luke Skywalker doll they'd had as kids. The original looked like Mark Hamill, but the new one has Luke built like a young Arnie Schwarzenegger
I swear no one in this whole ass thread remembers John Candy or Chris Farley. There were plenty of fat dudes and dudettes back in the 80s and 90s. Yes Americans are getting fatter, but it's not nearly as profound as everyone is making it out to be. Trust me there were tons of fat motherfuckers running around back then too.
"In the early 1960s, roughly 13% of people were considered obese by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines. Recent figures suggest that a current national obesity rate closer to 43%."
Looks to me the fatties have doubled since the 80s and 90s. Just because there used to be fat people before, doesn't mean there's no problem today. Line goes up. If the trend continues, it's just like 2-3 decades till almost everyone is fat.
What are you even arguing? OP is talking about what is accepted as fat has changed. Those two examples you mentioned? Fat. Gomer Pile? Disgusting fat body.
No one is talking about comparative stats against other countries or questioning the existence of fat people 😂
Also, you type like you're trying to not sound like the mid 30s person you are, whole assidly 😭🤣
Yes, dear, but go find a photo of someone’s birthday party in 1985 and compare to today. The average weight has increased dramatically. If you deny this then you’re just being oppositional.
well you're in luck, it's one of the best movies of all time.
btw, when the guy says "Easy, you just don't lead them so much.", leading means to aim your gun where they're running to, to account for the time it takes the bullet to travel...
referring to the fact that women and children don't run as fast as men...
that line always confused me...
also, all the shots with the news reporters are exact recreations of real news footage... word for word...
Alternatively: Capitalism has robbed the working class of any time for exercise while simultaneously pushing food that is dirt cheap to make with artificial additives that lead to excess consumption.
But that doesn't fit the convenient narrative of "it's all society's fault," which pushes all blame and need for action off the observer.
As a not fat person that doesn't have time to exercise, it's not hard to avoid one or two meals a day. Fat people eat too much, period. Don't blame capitalism.
Proud of consuming truckloads of food? I must have missed that memo. Alternative take - overstressed, overworked, and struggling to survive, seeking out any kind of dopamine or serotonin bandaid to make the struggle with bothering for one more day worth it. It's not something people typically WANT to do, but it can be an unhealthy coping mechanism when options are limited.