I think my kids are old enough to appreciate the jokes in Full Metal Jacket now. I got them to watch LOTR and now we started with The Hobbit. Star Wars next, but that's a tough one, since it seems old to them, but maybe I'll start with Rogue One since it's the best modern star wars movie.
Honestly it might be the best Star wars movie, period. At least from todays perspective.
The original trilogy was groundbreaking for their own time but haven't aged the best. As with many media, what was innovative 40 years ago is cliche and stale today.
I suppose "aged badly" means something different to me: that something was socially appropriate at the time but is not any more, like overt sexism. The only thing somewhat going there is slave girl leia, though that scene ends with her strangling her oppressor. I’d say that’s at best a bit sexualized, but that’s nothing bad in my opinion. Sex positivity please
Sexualization and sexism are not the same thing. The former is fine (for any gender, if the role asks for it) and the latter isn’t any more, which is also great.
My only problem is the plot sucked. Like visually it looks great, but it’s kind of just loosely connected scenes that more or less copy the same story from a new hope.
I always hear that. I couldn't get more than 30 seconds into the movie
Episode 8 made me unable to watch the movies. But Episode 7 killed Star wars for me though - when it came down our entire department took a half day to go together
I'll never forget walking out of that theatre, the people who only kinda liked it were happy, the guy who memorized wookepedia was disappointed, then I shared a look with my team lead, who has been a diehard fan since the originals, he's a big old school nerd.
We just shared a look of despair and loss, something we loved died that day. We'd both extensively read the extended universe, and we'd talk about it frequently. I don't think we ever brought up Star wars again after that day
It was set in the Star Wars universe which I love, but my statement is more about the “yee haw hold on to your assholes” that Star Wars was before there was a Empire strikes Back even.
What I loved about Star Wars is what Solo did for me