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  • You can literally donate 1ct. I have no idea how people can complain when developers want money for their work.

    The "Linux community" is 80% users that dont contribute, 10% "powerusers" that still dont contribute, 5% people that help with nondevelopment work (bug reporting, community support, etc.) and 5% actual developers.

    (Completely rough estimation)

    • I have no problem with "pay what you can". I just hate "you must donate X amount to use this software". If I need to donate, then it is not a donate. It is payment.

      • Never had this but yeah maybe. "Pay for binaries" is still free software though

  • In a lot of religious areas, you're not allowed to buy religious iconography.

    But if you make a set-price donation, they'll give you religious iconography as a completely unrelated gift to recognize your piety.