I was looking into getting a Window Cleaner to make cleaning windows a bit easier and quicker, and was wondering if anyone had any experience with the Karcher WV 6 Plus?
The reviews online seem to be pretty good, but wanted some first hand insight :)
I find streakiness comes down to squeegee technique just the same as if there was no vacuum. I can do a pretty good job but my partner is better. Having the vacuum is no magic bullet in this regard
They're fantastic. Wipe down the window with the cleaning solution and then just suction it all off. So much easier than going through 50 paper towels or newspaper.
The suction works well. Occasionally if you’re not careful with the pressure on the glass you can leave a streak and have to go down twice.
Not sure if it’s relevant to you, but we have some very high up windows. You can get a pole attachment which works great for cleaning without getting the ladder out.
I run a cleaning company- we tried this once (they gave it to us) and wit was more trouble than worth. Get a blade, good squeegee and an hour of practice. Karcher products are overengineered and amazing in a specific role, and I think this took it s little far past practical.
We've loved our window vac, WV2 I think, for sucking condensation off the windows. Way less mess and faster job overall than squeegee plus towel and even sucks it up off the sill.
Maybe not a smart buy for how expensive it is, but over however many years of mopping up windows... worth
I've got one at home, only used it the one time and wasn't really impressed with the results; but to be fair that may be down to my technique. It's basically a squeegee with a weak vacuum, and as others have said it's probably easier / cheaper / quicker just to use soap and water.
Seems to be pretty underwhelming. I was planning on using it for indoors and out, and to significantly reduce the time and mess, but it seems it may not be so worth it.