People say you come back. Reincarnation. Do you think so? Well, it doesn't seem mathematically possible to me, man. Uh, 'course at one time what we had on the earth was six people, you know. I avoid "two" because it's controversial but six... most people agree, "fuck, yeah, we had six at one time." Six people, six souls... cool. They died, souls went back to the place; six new people souls- still six souls. Now we have four billion people... claiming to have souls. Someone is printing up souls... and it lowers their value, you know.
There's no particular reason to think souls and reincarnation would follow the normal flow of time. If you can be reincarnated in a different place from where you lived, why not a different time? Maybe you could be reincarnated as anyone who had ever lived, or anyone ever will live. Taken to the extreme, there could be just one soul and we're all reincarnations of each other. It's all woo, so why not?
Are you going to be a dairy cow? In order to produce milk, dairy cows are kept almost continually pregnant. Unwanted male calves are slaughtered in their first week of life so that their mothers' milk can be harvested for human consumption.
I hate milk, but I love my other milk products like cheese, and yogurt.
Way easier to lie about it. Just pick babies out to be indentured servants for life to repay some imagined debts. Maybe make them feel it was their fault for not paying off the debt previously. We could even target kids from poor families for this, so they have less hope of fighting back.
Yeah so it turns out you’re responsible for the things everyone in your group did in the past. And a lot of them died without paying their bills so that’s on you kid.
This is why reincarnation would come to be. It would then be spun in a way that would be beneficial for people. You can buy that house with a 250 year, 3 lives mortgage!
Rich people would probably set something up so that their future incarnation inherits their wealth, since it's statistically likely that they'd be reincarnated as someone poorer. I could also imagine a much stronger push to bring the birthrate up even at the cost of using unethical means to force it, because if the population decreases, there wouldn't be enough children born for an increasingly large percentage to reincarnate into
Considering the Rich tend to control governments, this would result in shit like a ban on contraception and abortion, mayhaps legally requiring everyone have a minimum amount of children.
And class action lawsuits for damages caused in previous lives. Started a war? Polluted the land? Several million people want compensation. Can't pay now? No problem, several lifetimes to pay off that debt.
Politicians would be the ones passing the bills, lobbyist spend a good amount of money on buying politicians and our gov'ts to screw the working class.
The first season was awesome, the second season not so much. I feel they wanted to put too much story into too few episodes in season two, which just left kind of a mess.
I loved the concept though, sorry to have seen it canceled.
The first season stuck mostly to the first book. The second season was based on about 1/3 of the third book and 2/3 of stuff they pulled out of their ass, which is probably why it seems so disjointed. They hardly touched the second book, which focused on how corporate captured governments start wars to maintain the military industrial complex.
Yeah, but it could also fix some things regarding racism, sexism, ableism, trans issues, immigration, geographic disadvantages etc. Maybe climate change?
Optimistic of you to think people wouldn't use it as an excuse to be even MORE discriminatory. There would be Ultra-Whites who could claim they were never non-white in the past X years, with seniority by how far back they can trace their reincarnated whiteness. And of course there would be new religions claiming that if you follow them you'll be reincarnated into the race/environment of your choice.
Odds are you aren't going to be reincarnated as a white person though. Seems like they would cut the shit out the first time they are reincarnated as something different.
If you're an ssshole don't you come back as an insect or animal? That would mean rich folks would have to do actual good to avoid that. Whatever their policies, after the first few trust fund dung beetles and assorted other multi-lifetime embarrassments, they'd probably snap out of it.
Hey check out the cockroach yacht club guys! Lol, how did that forced birth + soul tracking debt thing work out for you!?
Then like half their debtors would achieve nervana and fuck off to heaven or whatever.
I think the kharma religions, this would take care of itself.
I have no idea of the context or even if there is any, but this kind of utterly directionless chirping and unwarranted shittalking is the reason I love the Internet.
That's actually a horrible thought... The idea that even after death, you're still going to get fucked. But luckily everything will eventually be gone... surely. X_x