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  • It's always amazing where some Republicans draw the line. Overt racism? Bizarre incoherence? Trying to overturn an election with a riot? Spousal assault previously documented in court? Paying off prostitutes with campaign money? Trying to use federal foreign aid money to start a fake smear campaign on an opponent? Calling up state election officials and pressuring them to create a bullshit election investigation? Politicizing public health because you're vain about your weird makeup? Mocking disabled people? Having Russian officials over to the White House and destroying the translator's notes? Saying things about women like "bleeding out of her whatever"? Demonstrating a pattern of fraudulent accounting for decades? No problem. But this ONE thing, that's too much.

  • Seriously, just how deep does the cult programming go that it takes SO MUCH for cons to even SAY that they won't vote for this monster?

    And, FFS, why do they have to be so cagey about it? Most of them either say they are going wait and see, etc., or that they'll vote third party. That's not really better. They need to come right out and say it - tiny d is a monster and supporting him is supporting fascism and they are voting Democratic.