General Cortés Vargas, who commanded the troops during the massacre, took responsibility for 47 casualties. In reality, the exact number of casualties has never been confirmed. Herrera Soto, co-author of a comprehensive and detailed study of the 1928 strike, has put together various estimates given by contemporaries and historians, ranging from 47 to as high as 2,000.[1] According to Congressman Jorge Eliécer Gaitán, the killed strikers were thrown into the sea.[1] Other sources claim that the bodies were buried in mass graves.[2]
Thats almost 100 years ago, no one responsible for that is working for that company anymore. I'm usually supportive of boycotting companies, but that seems pointlessly petty
The company that is willing to commit terrible crimes including murder is still the same company. They have not been adequately punished for their various crimes against humanity. The punishment for these crimes should have been large enough that the company wouldn't exist today, not just a small fine.
My favorite tweet from that first day of all hell breaking loose when you could buy the check mark was that Tesla account that said a second Tesla has hit the world trade center
"Since overthrow of President Jacobo Arbenz of Guatemala in 1954 in a US-backed coup in support of the United Fruit Company (now Chiquita Banana)." From Google.