Yeah some lazy asshole dropped a box of perogies (from the freezer section) in the cereal area at Costco the other week. I brought it up to the front and it ended up in a bin for disposal. Sad
At least the bananas can be reshelved in the proper place
I work in the meat department and you cannot imagine how often I get someone from a different part of the store bringing me something (like a pet bringing me a present) like "Oh yeah I found this 10 lb. pork butt behind the cheezits" or "This tenderloin fell behind the register and we only noticed it because it started to smell" (real stories)
Worked at walmart many, many years ago on a cash register. One day, someone was out, so I got moved to the floor to make the shelves look pretty. It involved putting stuff like this where it belongs, and it was, by far, the best day I had working at walmart. I've never understood the complaints from employees who have to do this.
My wife and I see this all the time. We've made a game of it. "Choices were made" - can get interesting imagining why someone's dropped the other item there (like a food item in with the cleaning supplies...)