Post nudes, but with some other woman's face photoshopped on the body. The greatest troll would be that the nudes they seek are right in front of them, they just don't know it.
I like all the men chiming in who think that Taylor Swift isn't hot enough for them. Because I'm sure all the women interested in them are far more attractive than Taylor Swift, which is why they have such high standards.
I mean, people are allowed to have preferences. I also find it hypocritical that the thread OP is acting like everyone else is super misogynistic when his first thought was to check himself out if he was Taylor Swift. Cause my first thought was to do something good with the billion dollars she has. Not that I think she's a bad person or anything.
Second thought was now I actually have musical talent, so I'd go play all her fancy guitars
I mean, she's unattractive enough that I'd consider not going on a 2nd date if I wasn't into her on the 1st. Where like a supermodel or whatever, I'd put up with not liking them for several months if she's into me.
She's ok looking, body wise, fit but meh. I don't even think she's that pretty, just normal, average looking. But of course she has the makeup, etc. So she looks great onstage.
Nobody asked. She's not gonna fuck you anyway. If I had her body I'd go out of my way to make it known to everyone that I would never fuck you specifically.
Same. She isn't my idea of beauty but not ugly. She has a nice feminine shape but I don't really care one way or another. I couldn't tell you any of her songs, I only know that one is something about never getting back together but I don't know the tune, so might not even recognize it
Counterpoint: this is theft. Counter-counterpoint: still okay because she's a billionaire. But like, imagine waking up as someone normal, and you go and spend all their money. That'd be fucked up.
Those are all valid points. Calling it theft would be a good ethics debate though...
Oh she would be getting a bad deal if she woke up in my body, in my life.
It's fascist propaganda. It's not just that they don't like her endorcing Biden or the conspiracy theories, it's also good distraction from real issues. It's working really well too.
Honestly find how the real Taylor felt about actual issues and her fans as best as possible and then just put it out as a press piece.
No more false figurehead that their conscious only exists as the imaginary paradox of all of their believers. People love to talk on her behalf on how she feels about things and it always seems to agree with them.
I am breaking the swifties and giving a real person to look at and not a mascot.
With her money, you can do whatever you want. That includes buying an island and employing trigger-happy security to ensure you enjoy your life of solitude.
Transfer all wealth and assets to socialist causes, liquidize what I can and have. Have a stiff drink. Record a video where I declare myself loyal to the anticapitalist cause and the steps I took so far. All houses are now open to be ransacked come and get it.
Then I dunno, turn the swifties into a paramilitary organization that will join the struggle against the capitalist class.
When you have as much money as Taylor Swift, you don't need financial knowledge. I struggle to think of how I would spend 1.1 billion dollars. Obviously a really big telescope and the best camera money can buy, but that still leaves me with approximately 1.1 billion dollars to spend
I'd put a picture of myself on Facebook setting fire to a MAGA hat and give conservatives the stroke they've been winding up for about T Swizzle for the last six weeks.