When it comes to dealing with a Florida college student who uses public data and social media to track the private jets of billionaires, politicians and other celebrities, Taylor Swift apparently can’t just shake it off.
In late December, Swift’s camp hit Jack Sweeney, a junior studying information technology at the University of Central Florida, with a cease-and-desist letter that blamed his automated tracking of her private jet for tipping off stalkers as to her location. In the letter, attorneys from the law firm Venable accused Sweeney of effectively providing “individuals intent on harming her, or with nefarious or violent intentions, a roadmap to carry out their plans.”
Sweeney provided the link to that letter in an email to the Associated Press. In that message, he emphasized that while he has never intended to cause harm, he also believes strongly in the importance of transparency and public information.
“One should reasonably expect that their jet will be tracked, whether or not I’m the one doing it, as it is public information after all,” he wrote.
A spokesperson for Swift echoed the legal complaint, saying that “the timing of stalkers” suggests a connection to Sweeney’s flight-tracking sites. The spokesperson did not respond to questions seeking elaboration of that charge, such as whether stalkers have been seen waiting for Swift at the airport when her plane arrived or, alternatively, if there is evidence that stalkers have somehow inferred Swift’s subsequent location from the arrival time of her flight.
The legal letter likewise accuses Sweeney of “disregarding the personal safety of others”; “willful and repeated harassment of our client”; and “intentional, offensive, and outrageous conduct and consistent violations of our client’s privacy.”
Such statements are difficult to square with the fact that Sweeney’s automated tracking accounts merely repackage public data provided by the Federal Aviation Administration, a government agency. That fact did not dissuade the Venable attorneys, who demanded that Sweeney “immediately stop providing information about our client’s location to the public.”
I am also a bit lost as to why Swift would bring this suit. Most of her (work) trips are already public information, since being a public person is part of her job description. It’s a bit like the president complaining that we are tracking Airforce 1 when all news networks already report where he is going.
She could be getting legitimate death threats from Republicans not happy about her politics, which if it's being published as a form of stochastic terrorism, there has been a legal limit on that as free speech.
I live under Iraq and this comment made me look up whether she's a billionaire. Guess that's why she's been in the news so much lately. Jesus. I wish the billionaire count was going down, not up.
In the short-term more billionaires might be better. The more there are the more there are to claw at eachother's throats. Hopefully they all kill eachother in the process.
This 10000000 percent. You can't become that without being a horrible person. It entails having copious amounts of money than others could have instead.
This doesn’t seem like a dickheaded move to me. First, it was a C&D letter, which has no legal status, and second, the stalker thing is a legitimate concern, especially since the MAGA camp is all riled up about her.
But like, shouldn't she be taking it up with the FAA then? I'm sure you can apply for delay or exemption in extraordinary situations like this one undoubtedly is?
That is the source of the data after all. If you don't actually stop the data source from publishing your data, others will continue to use it.
It's a dumb approach that makes it look like a hurt ego thing rather than a legitimate concern.
The data comes from the FAA. It's public data. All this guy has done is put an interface on it. Unless Swift's legal team can prove that each individual stalker used an interface hosted by this guy I don't see how he can be thought of as responsible for anything. And even if they did use an interface hosted by him, he's still not doing anything other than showing public data. Data that the FAA clearly believe is in a legitimate public interest to make public. If she's got an issue with that, they're the people to go after.
Well here's a wild idea, why not ride on a normal god damn plane like 90% of every other person who flies. Boom, can't be traced by some kid then AND its better by a wide range for the environment. Nothing to see here but rich people problems lol
You ever heard of the curse of being famous? Imagine everyone took a love potion and everyone knows your face. Everyone around you is staring at you and attempts to speak to you, touch you, they might even actually worship the ground you walk on. Not only those that love them are around, but those that want to do harm. Cut her hair and sell it, harm her to boast about it. Who knows?
That's a fucking hell I'd not want to live. That is why they don't fly normal. There's a reason that high profile celebrities don't fly with the rest. It's not necessarily a status thing, but a safety thing. There's a reason the president has secret service and a private jet.
She's rich enough to hire a private jet if that's the problem. I don't feel sorry for her at all. Or any other billionaire having their jet tracked for that matter.
She could ride in an anonymous tour bus, harder to track, she could even have a security convoy, and still save money and emissions. Billionaires are murdering us all, I have no sympathy for her or anyone with her wealth if they take private jets on trips that would take two hours to drive.
You don't have to own a plane to charter a private flight. She could just take private planes and not have to deal with crowds of people. Then you wouldn't be able to track her plane, because she would be taking different planes. This is how most famous people deal with the issue.
Sorry, but this isn't a reasonable take. Someone like Taylor Swift cannot go into the public without it being a huge security risk. This isn't a TS thing, this is a "being the most famous person ever right this moment" thing.
Okay but she's actively choosing to be that famous. She spent 6 years with Joe living a quiet low key life, but she decided to do another breakout into more fame and this is the cost. Plus she could charter jets like other celebrities, or idk just not fly home every weekend from halfway across the world?
She could just rent a different jet each time. Would still pollute, wouldn't stress out a college kid, would be more difficult for stalkers to track, wouldn't have drawn as much attention.
And thousands of MAGA maniacs now thinking she is some villain. I bet she's getting tons of death threats now. First AI porn, then conspiracy nutjobs on FOX news, then everybody is projecting the worlds failure to act on climate change on her (brilliant piece of fox news propaganda I must say now), and now this. It's really not her week lol.
I hereby sure myself for publishing information about my location in my Instagram posts. Continued posting clearly shows a blatant disregard of my safety and feelings.
Yeeeeah... I understand her not wanting it to be easier for stalkers to track her, but also private jets are a luxury that's very bad for the environment, and the information is public anyway. Swift shouldn't win this one.
Lol, I love that article. The author clearly also thinks that Taylor and her goons are full of shit on this one. Like, it's public information provided by the FAA. Will they sue the FAA then?
Both of her planes are blocked at the vendor level, which means they don't show up on the ASDI feed from the FAA. Her flights are tracked by volunteers at places like flightaware who have their own ADS-B transceivers in their homes
The stalker argument is absolute bullshit. A stalker would most likely not use the flight path of Swift's private jet as a means of stalking her; it would be too cumbersome. Additionally, this is not "willful and repeated harassment" of Swift since Mr. Sweeny, as stated in the title and the article, obtained the information from public data provided by FAA. The intent of Mr. Sweeny's tracking project was not to expose Swift to nefarious individuals but to expose the environmental impact of her private jet. The rich and famous are public figures and, as such, are open to criticism from the public. This is merely a flex (and a futile one at that) by someone with the resources to silence critics.
Yeah and how many different ways would a stalker have to find a famous person. She goes to concerts and events all the time, the stalkers know where those places are.
It's because there's no commercial flights that go from concert halls in Japan to football fields in the US.
Edit: whoops this got misinterpreted. I'm agreeing she should take commercial fights, she doesn't because it's inconvenient for her. I'm not saying I agree with that.
Hey, Ms Swift...? I love some of your music and political opinions. But can you please go fuck yourself? Public = public. You have more privileges than most working people will ever earn in a lifetime, combined. And the climate emergency WE are all experiencing is irreversible...
That fully depends on your definition of what the "reversed" state is. Will ecosystems adapt to the changed climate? Yes. Can temperatures even drop again? Sure. But species lost are gone forever. Ecosystems destroyed will never be the same again. Different ones can develop with enough time and stopping the human interference... But that is hardly "reversible". That is... natural systems covering up the damage. Going on. Not reversing it.
Well, I had no opinion of her since I don't follow her entertainment. And I did not care about her. I thought sheust be not so bad to have such a following but now she publicly displayed she is as deranged and out of touch as the other billionaires out there. Thus I now have an opinion on her and it's not good.
Her music is not for me, but I've never had anything against her. I have grown to support her a little in the past year or so for taking shots at Ticketmaster. This jet thing offsets the Ticketmaster things plus some. My opinion of her is now at a net negative.
Hopefully she's not close to this personally, and she can call it off, but that sure doesn't seem likely.
but now she publicly displayed she is as deranged and out of touch as the other billionaires out there
Well you said you didn't follow her at all so that might come as a minor surprise to you, but she's always been incredibly entitled and out of touch with normal people. Even before, but especially since she became a billionaire. She was one of the artists pulling her music from Spotify at one point, which is fine but she argued that her music has a certain value that she expects people to pay for, implying her music is too good for streaming or you know... poor people.
I don't think she has ever really been in touch with the average person. Her dad is a stock broker who could afford to fund her enough for her to get a big break. Nothing against her personally since she seems decent enough. But she also has a case of afluenza that we can help cure her of. She has alternatives: use a tour bus or charter a private plane.
I'm literally here watching the planes on the map and listening to the noises as they pass by. What's wrong with this at all? It's like just tracking cars and the guy is doing nothing more than just relaying data.
A quick googling....Taylor Swift owns two multi-million dollar private jets: A Dassault Falcon 7x, registered N621MM under Island Jet Inc. And a Dassault Falcon 900, registered N898TS under SATA LLFC.
My house is under the approach path to Boston Logan. Even though I’m over 30 miles from Logan, we can still hear planes if we’re outside and the winds are right for them to come in this way.
I have an app that shows me the exact position of any plane, where it came from, and where it’s going…though the destination isn’t always available for private and charter flights, a reasonable person could make a pretty good guess, well before landing, just going from changes in altitude and speed.
This is a free app. There’s a paid version that’s probably slightly less annoying and gives more tracking features. But even the free version…I click on a plane overhead, and I can see every flight it took in the past 7 days. The paid version bumps that up to upto a year.
I'd love for this to go to court, the judge to tell Swift to fuck off, pay the defendants legal fees and a massive fee for a frivolous lawsuit wasting the courts time 🤞
Excuse my ignorance, but if her legal team decided to sue him into the ground, there's virtually nothing he could do about it, right? There's no recourse to protect "the little guy" from being legally bullied? Would his best bet be to find someone willing to work pro bono with potential to countersue for damages?
Yes civil suits, if her pockets are deep enough she can sue and appeal and bury anyone and any lawyers that might defend him. She does run the risk for nonsense lawsuits that the defendant's lawyers can collect all attorney fees at the end of it, so a rich pest suing people might lose millions in their own lawyers fees plus pay for defendants attorneys.
But a small person puts a lot at risk and there is no reward (just not owing anything). So you might settle just to cut losses and remove whatever from Internet. If you are rich, you might settle and pay someone falsely accusing you just to limit losses to lawyers and also get case sealed and an NDA as part of settlement.
this shit is psychotic to me, why is this even a thing corpos/individuals are allowed to do?
Your options at that point are settle, immediately, do the nissan uzi strat, waste ten years of your life, and millions of dollars. Or just stop existing.
I guess there are some counters to this in court, but im guessing you're gonna have a hard time countering good lawyers with DEEP pockets behind them. Good luck finding someone to do a percent cut on that one.
She also sold her jet which I'm guessing is related. She had a dessault falcon 900lx registered as N898TS but she very recently sold it to a company in Missouri.
But seriously though, can't they just register the jet under some conspicuous shit and dodge all of this? I mean, she may be the money of the operation but there has to be several levels of separation between her and operations. Pay a "transport company" that pays a "jet company" and make all the companies in between ambiguous and under different shell companies. Obviously this isn't possible or the billionaires would have done it. But it would seem there is a way to hide their jets just like they hide their money.
Seems like an excuse to stop people from drawing attention to her jet use. Easy solution would be to share the flight records only after she's left each location
The problem is more to do with ADSB I think. If I remember correctly, all aircraft in the US must have an ADSB transponder now. That info is broadcast for traffic awareness but also contains a ton of other info like speed, altitude, and most importantly the tail number. That signal can be picked up by anyone within range using very simple radio equipment, sites like ADSB Exhange do this and populate a map. So right now unless they want to rework the entire ADSB system, as long as you know the tail number, you can track anyone's aircraft live. Delaying this data would make the traffic avoidance impossible.
ADS-B is not required to be carried by all aircraft, but the requirements read like the Mode C Transponder requirements; it's legal to take your Cessna up for an hour's flight around Somewhere Regional Airport without one but it will prove necessary for aircraft engaged in basically any commercial operation.
Delaying the ADS-B system itself would render it useless, but it may be possible to delay any public-facing web display. Wouldn't stop any particularly interested party from buying an ADS-B In unit and receiving the signals directly though. Or building a radio receiver and decoder from scratch; ADS-B messages aren't encrypted, nor do they carry any authentication so...honestly the FAA probably doesn't want to encourage people to start fucking around with ADS-B hardware and would rather they just download aircraft position data from their web portal.
I don't think she is being a dick, as privacy is definitely important. But the tracking info is public knowledge, so you can't really stop people from tracking you. Your private jet flies in public airspace, and that's that.
Lol problem definitely not solved, that's making her even more public.
People would swarm her. She would probably cause a bunch of delays. She's literally too famous to justify flying commercial.
Edit: she's definitely complaining about someone simply relaying public information, but she can't sit down at a football game without people parking themselves outside the door to the suite she's in. There's no way she could just chill in the back of C group with the rest of us.
Nah. She is choosing to fly in a private jet. That data needs to be tracked and publicly available. She is free to take a tour bus. One of her flights is my CO2 emissions for the year. Certainly not as bad as Musk who regularly takes 15-20 mile flights but definitely something that needs to be cut down on.
Privacy is important, and transparency is important. It's public knowledge for a reason, and to try to take legal action against the people who use it is worse than just "being a dick."
Want us to compromise on anything else while we’re at it? Burning down the rainforest? Poisoning small children? Clearly you’re comfortable letting billionaires who shouldn’t exist have everything they want. What else can we do for you to facilitate the apocalypse?
Yeah, but the two cults started bumping heads after the conservatives got alarmed that she was encouraging her cult to vote. I personally went from neutral to thinking she was a good one, but now she's firmly in the "just another billionaire throwing her money into a legal attack because she is upset flying a private jet involves public information and someone is making it more accessible".
I wish people understand that if you have any public/online presence, pretty much you can get tracked, especially in this age where ordinary people can track someone from their fingertips (and devices), for example Elon's Jet which get tracked too using public data.
It feels like when someone use Facebook (or any big services), skipped EULA, and then complain that they're being tracked...
I didn't see it mentioned in the article so I'll just say it here:
Careful about assuming TW even knows about them. People with broad teams, and especially lawyers on hand, also sometimes find themselves with those teams acting on their own to the letter of their contract. You see it at times with legal teams of larger organizations. Not saying that's the case here, just wanted to remind everyone to not take things at face value nowadays as it's very easy to do.
I have no issue seeing this, based on her past behavior. Sometimes you get Lars Ulrich, or maybe it's her handlers, but she always seemed on board with that. Regardless of her other positions, whoever gives a fuck about those.
Well if you don't want your lawyers to do shit that puts you in a bad light, then you have to control them better. They literally only do what you tell them to do. So if you tell them to just deal with shit and don't bother you about it, then you shouldn't be surprised if it comes back to bite you in the ass. That's just PR 101!
I have a legitimate question: why is this public information? Like.... I'm not taking sides either way, I just don't understand the reason that the current location of someone's private property (her jet) is considered public info. They location of someone's car or boat isn't publicly available.... So why a plane?
I understand that flight controllers need access to this info for logistics, but that's not really public. They also need access to air waves for communication and those are heavily regulated.
This system is called ADS-B. It's a peer to peer communication between airplanes where each plane will share its own data (flight level, speed, coordinates, flight number, etc.) and data from other planes by broadcasting it on same frequency as others. Result of this is that all the planes know where other nearby planes are located and their heading thus providing additional safety in avoiding collisions and other issues.
Data being broadcast in all directions means us on the ground can listen to them as well, which is what some sites are doing. Add internet to that mixture and we have a world coverage of every plane on the planet. You might wonder why data is not encrypted or something similar. There's nothing that can be abused about the data and all this tracking helps enormously with resolving incidents and other useful functionalities like precise arrival estimates and similar.
Now, since every airplane has a registration number, people figured out which plane was hers. Just like they know which plane Musk uses and many others. Data is recorded and known and completely legal, helpful even. If she has issues with this fact solution is rather simple. Get a charter flight or rent a plane and no one is the wiser. This is just rich people entitlement and the only way she can "win" this court case is to go a step further in stepping over the line which is to drown the poor man with legal expenses.
Edit: Oh, also location of boats is known. Not all boats, but commercial ones for sure. Their system is called AIS.
Part of the answer is "it's always been that way". All this is done in coordination with the FTC and there are certain frequencies assigned for aerial radio communication. It's not just done on 2.4GHz to be cheap like Wi-Fi / microwaves / etc.
Since the long-long-ago planes have been required to have their registered tail number visible. So if you do something not okay someone can find you and talk to you about it. After all cars are (mostly) limited to roads, boats are limited to waterways (and also have to have a name/number visible somewhere), planes can go anywhere and be annoying.
Radio communication to/from planes is just 'in the clear'. It's not encrypted because there isn't/wasn't a reason for it to be and for a long time it wasn't even possible. Encrypting it offers no benefit and many potential downsides. It's one more thing that can go wrong when you have a problem and need to talk to someone.
When tracking was upgraded to transponders ( a small radio dedicated to sending out info about who you are ) all that just stayed the same. They transmit a code you set and your altitude (and other info including tail number for newer ones/requirements after 2020 (just a coincidental year, the upgrade was planned years in advance)) so Air Traffic Control can say "Bugsmasher 123 turn left please". Radar is expensive, a device in the plane constantly broadcasting "plane here" is significantly simpler and cheaper to track. Most airports don't have Primary Radar.
ATC doesn't care about your tail number for tracking anything other that what to call you to get your attention on the radio. For your current flight, if you are using Flight Following (talking to ATC so they know where you are) or filing an Instrument Flight plan, they give you a semi-random transponder code for that flight. That is what they use for logistics. They don't care who you are, they care where you're going and when you're going to get there.
Tracking a tail number isn't much different from the <1900s version, which would be "weird the Mayflower is in port in Boston" or something.
Radio communication to/from planes is just ‘in the clear’. It’s not encrypted because there isn’t/wasn’t a reason for it to be and for a long time it wasn’t even possible. Encrypting it offers no benefit and many potential downsides. It’s one more thing that can go wrong when you have a problem and need to talk to someone.
There's tons of radio chatter one can listen to that's just blasted into the air with zero enceyption that you can pick up with an inexpensive radio scanner or SDR. Tons of first responders haven't updated to digital or encrypted radios (this will vary by state and municipality), railroad radio communication is often in the clear, as are boats and of course aircraft. There's a public database of crowd sources frequencies here:
She's been anti piracy and streaming to an astonishing degree and her concert ticket prices show what's wrong with everything entertainment right now. I reckon that alone doesn't sit well with the lemmy crowd who I believe are not the typical swift fans to begin with.
Probably not a big overlap with lemmy and taylor fan worshippers. Still not a mainstream site and she's absolutely positively a mainstream music artist.