And they have on more than one occasion. It blows my mind that anyone could think of them as the fiscally responsible party. Then again, they also pretend to be the party of morality, so that all tracks.
That is what happened here. Republicans came to the table and said “we will give you Ukraine aid if we get a border deal”. Biden undercut progressives and started making offers that Republicans wanted for Ukraine aid and to put his name on the border deal. So Republicans took their ball and went home.
"Senator, is this deal dead, effectively?” Fox News’s Laura Ingraham asked Hawley Thursday evening.
“I hope so,” Hawley said. “It should be. If it’s not dead yet it should be dead. There is absolutely no reason to agree to policies that would further enable Joe Biden.”
“Senator, is this deal dead, effectively?” Fox News’s Laura Ingraham asked Hawley Thursday evening.
“I hope so,” Hawley said. “It should be. If it’s not dead yet it should be dead. There is absolutely no reason to agree to policies that would further enable Joe Biden.”
Honestly if the RNC had just put its foot down in 2016 and said "no, we will not be associated with Trump because the man is a fucking idiot" they would have eaten the loss in 2016, but would probably be in a much better place electorally now.
Well sure. They want to campaign on it. It’s not as if they really want to end the availability of undocumented labor, too… definitely don’t want that. I mean, which industries depend on the 8-10 million people working in the US illegally? Their goal is to campaign on it, and keep immigrants marginalized so their buddies can keep screwing legal workers and taking advantage of undocumented ones.
Could it be because they’re not genuinely interested in governing?
The Border Crisis is predicated on US Senators shrugging their shoulders and insisting there's nothing to be done. This helps defer more power to the courts (where they were more than eager to govern by stacking the bench with far-right white nationalists) and to the border states (where guys like Abbot can poke a drowned kid with a stick under a giant "Mission Accomplished" banner to look tough on crime).
As soon as Trump is back in the White House, you can guarantee they'll produce all sorts of sadistic legislative reforms that they can ram through a flimsy Democrat opposition.
MAGA "Moses Orange Ass Kisser" Mike Johnson reportedly warned it would be “dead on arrival.” With offer any reason why, other than stinky orange said so
It's possible, likely even, that House Republicans will kill the Border Deal but as of today the headline is misleading. It's not even been voted on in the Senate yet, let alone "killed" by the House.
I mean, just use uBlock like a normal person. All these news sites are crawling with pop-ups and fly-in ads, now that the industry's revenue stream is predicated on getting confused elderly patrons to accidentally purchase a sybian.
They'd rather one of their own - preferably tiny d - was sitting on a throne of swords and the country in utter shambles than actually provide proper stewardship of this country and be out of power or have to compromise with the normal Americans in this country.
come on in everybody. let's all removed and moan about the shitty conservative republicans while never discussing what to do about it. it's like group therapy for limp-wristed liberals.
lol wtf are you supposed to do about it, try to smuggle a bomb into the RNC? attempt to assassinate conservative politicians? or do you think you can just "democracy" your way to getting rid of this cancer? the first two sound like something that'd backfire in plenty of ways, and the last one is a laughable suggestion at this point.
you are so right, we should all be a little more rational, and say... decapitate a family member on youtube.
edit: because someone in this thread is unironically using words like "sheeple" and "limp-wristed" I should clarify that my comment is obvious sarcasm.
that dude was an unhinged idiot and accomplished nothing for his cause. he's a portrait of a fragile mind that lashes out irrationally. if you want change, you get smart, tactical, and clandestine.