Taylor Swift hasn’t even endorsed Joe Biden’s 2024 campaign, but Trump and his allies are gearing up for the culture war fight.
"Behind the scenes, Trump has reacted to the possibility of Biden and Swift teaming up against him this year not with alarm, but with an instant projection of ego. In recent weeks, the former president has told people in his orbit that no amount of A-list celebrity endorsements will save Biden. Trump has also privately claimed that he is ‘more popular’ than Swift is and that he has more committed fans than she does.”
“Last month, the source close to Trump adds, the ex-president commented to some confidants that it “obviously” made no sense that he was not named Time magazine’s 2023 Person of the Year — an honor that went to none other than Swift in December.”
Taylor Swift is internationally liked and considered a pretty business savvy person, especially for an artist, with all the moves she made to make her music her own again by re-rerecording it.
Trump is an international laughing stock and considered an absolute conman and fraudster who got rich victimizing the rich and poor alike, with all the charity scams, taking dirty money from Russia and reporting fake values for his properties to sucker banks into lending to him.
While he's at least equally well known, it's not because he's popular or liked. It's because he's a big fat orange flag.
Her business move to re-record her old album supposedly had the music industry looking into amending all of their contracts. A lot of living older artists could do it and free their art from the claws of MBA grads.
Yeah, he got his fans to march on the Capitol, and then get arrested for it, and a whole bunch of those still support him. Not saying there aren't Swifties that would go to insane lengths for her, but Taylor hasn't tested her fan's loyalty at that level, at least not yet.
I bet if Taylor Swift insinuated that someone should die/pay/suffer, I'm confident there would be a few swifties that take it too far, and kill for her. But she's more responsible than Trump to do something like that.
Wouldn't it be great if the entirety of her fan base took umbrage and turned his campaign into a grease stain on the rolls of history? Quick someone goad him into saying she sucks and her music is bad in a campaign speech lol.
I mean, he isn't wrong. I'm currently in Taiwan and nobody talks about TS, but talks about how much Trump is an idiot. So I guess he is more popular, but for the wrong reasons.
As always he misses the point with his delusional narcissism. If she can increase turnout amongst her fans, who are mostly younger and might not otherwise vote, she can make a big difference in the election. But this doofus is more concerned about an imaginary popularity contest.
I did that in Detroit last year. Lucked out by getting an airbnb. Hotels were so crazy expensive. Streets basically shut down, full of people before and after the concert
He actually said The Beatles were more popular than Jesus. John was 1/4 of the Beatles so that makes him more popular than say 4 apostles. That makes him more popular than the apostles James, Paul, John, and Ringo. Ringo was an apostle, right? Peace and Love?
Okay, I don't know that she would make a bad president, but without knowing more I wouldn't support a run. On the other hand, I think she should respond to Trump's comment by running as a write-in candidate on all the rest of the Repubilcan primaries. You know, just to find out who is more popular.
Just because he hasn't blathered on about it nonsensically in incomplete fragments of word salad YET, doesn't mean it won't be the main thrust of his speech to the next gathering of idiots who come to hear him speak.
This is the exact type of thing that Trump speeches are filled with; random asides about how much better/popular/cognitive/etc... he is compared to his "detractors".
I find that the most dependable way to make sense of Trump's statements is to start with the presumption that, contrary to the physical evidence, he's actually about 10 years old.
Like with this one - just imagine him as a fat, spoiled little 10 year old, out on the school playground at recess, dejectedly kicking at rocks and whining.
When I asked Donald Trump in 2014 about his temperament, he readily volunteered this: “When I look at myself in the first grade and I look at myself now, I’m basically the same. The temperament is not that different.”
I'm pretty much the same person I was in first grade. But by the time I was in first grade I'd learned how to be kind and polite and work with other people and wait my turn and that you don't touch people unless you get permission.
Challenge her! Make sure your people is there to see it. Cuz you might get embarrassed.
I think it'd give this election an extra tinge of the surreal for him to challenge the Swifties to go to the polls. I heard only people with big hands would do that though.
Eh, you'd hope that voters wouldn't be swayed by celebrity endorsements. But I guess Trump doesn't make the distinction between political popularity and overall popularity.
Pathetic creature and general failure of mankind. One day, his cult followers will realize and dear god, the hurt and embarrassment will be of such a scale that psychiatrists will have jobs for decades. It will be known as "The Great Mental Restoration Project" and the methods used and developed specifically to repair these morons will be taught in classes all over the world.
Seriously, the mental condition of his cult base will spark a whole separate branch of conditions and therapies in psychiatry.
LMAO, LOL, ROFL, PMSL and any other Internet shorthand one can think of to succinctly describe the pathetic hilarity of this stale wotsits unearned ego.
That hasn’t stopped members of MAGAland’s upper crust from plotting to declare — as one source close to Donald Trump calls it — a “holy war” on the pop mega-star, especially if she ends up publicly backing the Democrats in the 2024 election.
Last month, the source close to Trump adds, the ex-president commented to some confidants that it “obviously” made no sense that he was not named Time magazine’s 2023 Person of the Year — an honor that went to none other than Swift in December.
“Joe Biden might be counting on Taylor Swift to save him, but voters are looking at these sky-high inflation rates and saying, ‘We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together,’” Trump campaign senior advisor Jason Miller said in a statement to Rolling Stone.
Fox News host Jeanine Pirro — who’s acted as an informal political adviser to Trump, including during his presidency — warned Swift to stay out of 2024: “Don’t get involved.
Former GOP presidential hopeful and current Trump hype man Vivek Ramaswamy took to Twitter following the latest Chiefs’ playoff win to claim that unnamed forces would rig the Super Bowl to give the as-yet nonexistent endorsement from the “artificially culturally propped-up couple” increased visibility.
Voters aren’t fools,” John McLaughlin, a top pollster for Trump, says, in response to Rolling Stone’s questions regarding Swift.
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Lol..I wouldn't be surprised if it's true...I was watching this video about this American dude traveling through India...and, he's like in the middle of nowhere and these Indian guys, who could barely speak English...were like "you're American? Go Trump!"