Actually about 7% of those that have tried it are still alive and well! 😀 (Our current global population represents about 7% of all humans that have ever lived)
most humans cant drink milk, humans are the only species that drinks milk as adults, humans are the only species to drink another species' milk. milk involves raping and killing cows. F tier
I mean, you didn't include anything like tea, so it's kinda just easy. Fizzy, calorie-pumped, nutritionless, cheap-dopamine-providing, overpriced and overpackaged water is pretty low hanging fruit.
Water is the goat but have you ever jad a soda pop made botanically? Modern soda is just synth flavors and sugar, but it used to be flavored with actual spices. It's harder to find, but if you can find a truly classic soda brand it absolutely slaps modern corn syrup shit out of the universe
Imagine tasting cola, except it actually has a deep flavor palette and isn't cloyingly sweetened subsidized corn liquid
I kinda always knew she’d end up my ex girlfriend, and that shit was bananas. B-A-N-A-N-A-S. Don’t speak, I know just what you’re thinking. It didn’t happen. Well. You’re right. It didn’t.
I think you skipped the “aware”. If so, then I must argue that I don’t know enough about the topic, and since I don’t know then no body else knows and if they say they do it’s a conspiracy! So there.
Oh, most Assur-edly. But seriously though, that depends on what you mean by "the earliest-known". Which specific cultures are you referring to? Sumerian was the de facto lingua franca (for written language) until superseded by Assyrian, and in either case, warfare between city-states and proto-states was full on raging basically since the beginning until, well, now. So they were quite aware. The Mesopotamian delta is only so big, you've got the two main trading and shipping arteries running through the desert, Eufrat and Tigris, making it super lush and pretty, so generally those were the areas fought over (though back then even the desert wasn't quite as desert-y as it is today, and there's plenty of ruins in the middle of bumfuck sandland, though arguably they wouldn't have settled there without a good source of water. The Assyrians built some sick-ass aqueducts, too, but let's not talk about them because they were not very nice people).
I drink 50% regular water, 50% herbal teas. Never drank sodas, if you're not used to them they taste far too sweet. I used to drink a lot of coffee, but I have quit caffeine completely, with 1 exception. I drink 1 cup of coffee the day after my night shifts, because this helps me feel ok that day. If you don't drink coffee regularly you notice two things when you do: 1. it's very very bitter. 2. the effect of caffeine is really quite strong. I feel like I'm on drugs that day. After quitting coffee I got a little bit bored with just water, I missed drinking something warm, so I started with herbal teas. I now have a large collection of herbs and I started to appreciate all these different tastes.
I've been reducing my sugar intake and recently fully quit caffeine. I was never big on sodas but I recently had one at a work lunch because it was the only option available and it was shocking how overly sweet it seemed
Yup, same thing with people who drink sugar in their coffee, than quit this habit for a little while and then add sugar once: suddenly you taste how incredibly sweet it becomes and how different the taste is and you can't imagine how you've been drinking that shit for so long. You get used to sugar very very quickly and things with less sugar will become unappetizing.
Really? How? Keg and c02? Do you add anything, like citric acid? Im a home brewer, I've got a kegerator set up with 3 kegs. I want to do one with carbonated water some time
I've got a plain older countertop device with mini CO2 cartridges (with a cheap exchange program) for now. I am redoing my living room and study soon and will get a kegarator soon so I have it on tap.
I don't need the flavors infused. But if I'm feeling fancy I'll add a slice of lime or lemon, or both (usually when I need to use the rest of one after making dinner). Although it is my understanding this is certainly possible, adding flavours/syrups or what not.
Any and all alcoholic beverages taste like garbage, people simply get used to the bad taste because they're expected to drink it and/or are alcoholics.
Countless times i've been offered drinks that "taste good", or that "you can barely taste the alcohol" and every single time they taste terrible. Even when there's a hint of flavor behind it all, it is utterly ruined by the taste of alcohol.
No amount of seasoning is gonna make your food taste good if you've already taken a dump on it.
I can definitely see how you would feel that way, but for me, there's definitely a whole world of depth of flavor brought out via fermentation, which includes alcoholic beverages. I don't personally care for the alcohol content usually, but the flavor is truly unique and can be special.
There's common misconseption that higher acid in your stomach causes acid reflux, however it is actually the oposite. There's sphincter in your esophagus which contracts when there's enough acidity and opens when there's lack of.
So when you are having bad reflux, try increasing your stomach acid by either chewing gum, eating sour or eating something bitter. Avoid drinking large amount of water after heavy meals, since you are diluting acid. Also less smoking and drinking helps (quitting smoking really helped for me.
Those over the counter tablets containing carbonate salts actually make it even worse, since they neutralize stomach acid, when you want to increase it. Protein pump inhibitors, such as ranitidine block production of stomach acid completely, however it really messes up with your protein intake. Common pain killers, such as ibuprofen, aspirin mess with yiur stomach too
Does it burn? If I drink cold water, I tend to get esophageal spasms. My heart to my jaw gets this tension and pain, but it doesn't burn. It tends to be worse with normal sipping amounts rather than chugging like a hamster. It can happen with beer but for whatever reason, soda never causes it for me. Probably something about the drink rate or usually having soda at room temp. Not trying to tell you how your body works, just offering up info no one I know knows about.
Yes it burns at the plexus and throat. I find it less so when I filter the (bottled) water in a brita filter (cartridged filters) but then it tastes funny. So I actually never drink water.
What is even weirder if I drink those water bottle with a slight hint of flavor, no reflux. Might be a mental problem?
I have tried both and both taste like a lethal dose of liquid sugar. Among the American drinks only Fanta doesn't outright taste like diabetes, it only has that as an aftertaste.
I'd push water down to C or D level because I'm not sure what they put in this shit where I live, and I'd push low-alcoholic beer to S tier. It's how they did it in the old days and it carried us all into the future.
Tea is an A if you make it yourself and don't add any sugar (except maybe a slice of lemon). I do cold brew a lot in the warmer months, really hits the spot and doesn't taste like drinking corn syrup.
I’d say tea is an S tier because it’s so versatile. You can have a mild herbal tea that‘s barely different to water over intense, naturally sweet fruit teas to ice tea so sweet it puts Lipton to shame. The choice is yours. Water is just water. Still very good, definitely A but it’s still just water…
I’d personally place tea on S and water on A. Tea is far too versatile. Water is great but tea hydrates just as much and has the potential to be much much more.
Possibly depends a bit how you make it. If you make extremely strong black tea and then dump tons of sugar in it it’s definitely less refreshing than unsweetened mint tea for example. Tea, like most things in life, is a spectrum.
I mostly agree, but I'm not drinking any sort of tea after a 10k. Water/tea/coffee is 95% of what I drink. Whole milk is 3%, and boba tea is another 1%. I'm ashamed to say I drink soda in social settings.
I’d argue though, after a 10K, you’re not drinking for any other reason than hydration and in such cases water is always the best. But I’d argue that’s an edge case unless you’re a professional athlete or live in a very hot environment
I‘d argue on that but only because the quality of tap water can vary so immensely… Almost nothing beats good tap water but I’ve had tap water that was so godawful I’d rather drink almost anything else if there’s no way to filter it
Have you never wondered why I drink only distilled water or rainwater? And only pure grain alcohol? Have you ever heard of a thing called fluoridation – fluoridation of water? Do you realise that fluoridation is the most monstrously-conceived and dangerous communist plot we have ever had to face?
I'm going to disagree. Water, alone, is about a B+, maybe an A-. If you've ever been working out really intensely, to the point where you feel nauseous and could drink a liter of water and still be desperately thirsty, then you'll understand that you also need to get electrolytes, things like sodium, potassium, and magnesium. The mineral content in plain water is too low for that; a sugar-free (preferably unsweetened) sports drink is going to be better for you than water alone.
Unless you have a balanced diet that anticipates your workouts and gives you the proper amount of sodium, potassium and magnesium. Sports drinks are just selling you those at a big premium. Stick with water. Eat a banana.
There's approximately 0% of people that actually need Gatorade/sports drinks, unless they were stranded without water for a prolonged period.
It was developed to help football players in Florida stay hydrated for the duration of a game. The conditions there are 90%+ humidity, and 80+ degrees while wearing full pads. Then being in that state for about 5 or so hours without eating.
No one really is exposed to that level of perspiration except athletes.
Water drinkers are so smug. So proud to be so boring that they drink only something that tastes of nothing. Unless you're absolutely parched and/or it's scorching outside, literally anything else that actually has a flavor is better.