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KredeSeraf I don't disagree that water is king. But putting coke and pepsi in the same tier must be some kind of crime.
9 3 ReplyKiwi_Girl
I agree, coke should be lower.
14 5 ReplyKredeSeraf And forever more shall our families fued. On my blood do I swear undying enmity towards the PepsiApologist, Kiwi_Girl.
8 0 ReplyhelpImTrappedOnline Fun fact: I've never heard of a Kiwi soda. It'd probably be delicious.
3 0 ReplySiegfried You mean, like carbonated pressed birds fluid? Please add ice to that
2 0 ReplyhelpImTrappedOnline That's called kiwi soup. You ever have chicken soda?
1 0 ReplySiegfried I once bought a stange Chinese can that according to the label (and because of multiple translation mistakes) it was a soup, a beverage and a soda.
And I also bought another one from Vietnam that says it's a soda and includes "bird nest" as an ingredient.
1 0 Reply
O Holy One, Pepsiman, who blesses our teeth with holes shaped in your great symbol's image.
Grant us the strength to drive these CokeCrusaders from our lands, led by the dastardly KredeSeraf.
May our rivers once again flow ripe with the chemical by-products of your majestic factories.
Dulcis. Immutabilis. Pepsi.
2 0 Replywieson Dulcis. Immutabilis. *Bepis
2 0 Reply
FluffyPotato I have tried both and both taste like a lethal dose of liquid sugar. Among the American drinks only Fanta doesn't outright taste like diabetes, it only has that as an aftertaste.
1 0 Reply