In audio released Friday evening, senators and representatives from Ohio and Michigan revealed the "endgame" is to ban transgender care "for everyone."
In audio released Friday evening, senators and representatives from Ohio and Michigan revealed the "endgame" is to ban transgender care "for everyone."
I'd say it's more the dog that caught the car. They need trans people to exist so they can whip their base up into a panic over trans people existing. Total victory, then, means they need to move on to a new target to hate. It's hate in and of itself that matters to them, hate is more than a necessary evil, it's the ultimate object of their desire.
We already have slavery and it's working quite nicely. We just renamed them "illegal immigrants".
I think people get hung up thinking slaves were cost-free to the slaveholders. Of course they weren't! Just like any livestock, you gotta feed and shelter them, breed them, take care of the offspring until they become productive, etc.
The current slave system is brilliant! Pay 'em some change, so no one can call them slaves, and let them figure out all the items above. If anyone comes along and says maybe we should provide... STFU socialist! You trying to take MY money and give it to people breaking the law?!
It gets better! Now we can use fear of these people to get votes, keep in power. (Fuck it, I'm exhausted, you all know where I'm going with this.)
Being a modern so-called "wage slave" sucks, no doubt. But equating it to actual, literal slavery belittles what those people actually went through to a disgusting degree. No one today can whip you if they feel like it. No one today can separate you from your spouse and children, selling them to some random asshole two states over, never to be seen again. If you decided to try to make it on your own and move, no one can sue to have you brought back to your workplace in a cage. If you break your leg, no one can shoot you in the head like you're a useless animal.
The closest thing to slaves we have today are convicts. There's a whole different discussion to be had there about how immoral it is to use prison as a punishment instead of rehabilitation, allowing a court to take away someone's rights, exploiting time behind bars for labor, the incentive that provides for pronouncing people guilty, and removing felons' rights to vote. But poor wage workers are NOT slaves.
Not sure if you're ignorant to reality or what. Your comparison falls flat and looks childish because the US still has actual slaves. Not metaphorically, not hyperbolically, but actual, literal slaves.
The 13th amendment banned slavery EXCEPT as punishment for a crime. And hoo-boy has the US taken that to heart. One of the reasons we have more of our population imprisoned than any other country is we use prisoners as slave labor. Actual, literal, slave labor.
No. This is a bad take.
Even though wage slavery bucks, no illegal immigrant is their employer's property.
You already have slavery in the US and it's all the convicts being leased to companies: 13th Amendment, babies!
A year or so back I heard a trans activist on a podcast saying that the “protect kids” rhetoric was bullshit and all the bans on providing gender affirming care to trans kids was a foot in the door to ban it for all trans people.
Now we just need the leaked audio of republicans talking about banning birth control for the awfulness hat trick.
What the kids really need to be protected from is these hateful motherfuckers. We need to put the lot of them in a rocket and fire it into the next sun over. Not our sun, that's still too close to home.
They believe all trans folk are pedophile groomers that are brainwashing children into becoming trans by sneaking into bathrooms and school sports teams, so they want to kill us to Save The Children.
Even the usage of the term "endgame" implies an almost sportsman like perspective on the legal battle for transgender rights, devoid of any acknowledgment that transgender people have humanity and that their actions will have dire consequences for real people. A literal battle plan for how to dispose of us. No vague language, no hand waving away accusations of genocidal intent. Point blank, openly asking, "How do we get rid of trans people for good?"
They refuse to acknowledge that trans people, that any trans person, benefits from acceptance and support and freedom to be themselves. In their ideal world, first they'll deny our healthcare, deny our legal rights and protections from violence and discrimination, they'll replace mental health care facilities with religious conversion therapy camps, and when all is said and done and trans people continue to exist in any shape or form they'll resort to incarceration and disposal. They'll make laws enforcing dress codes based on assigned gender and make it illegal to change your name to one not approved for your assigned sex. This is what they've been saying they want for years. If they could do this, they would without a second thought.
We're the basis of the entirety of the post pandemic Christian conservatism movement. None of these people would even have jobs without us to scream about during the two minutes hate.
Important why the reference is valid as well, is that endgame is rhetorically near 'Endlösung' (ultimate solution) and 'Endsieg' (ultimate victory), meaning complete genocide as 'solution' to 'the problem of the jews (existence)' ( 'Judenfrage' ) and world domination as solution to the growing extremes of the Second World War.
Please don't use 'Endlösung', 'Endsieg' and 'Judenfrage' in casual speech.
Americans don't like talking about how Nazis came to power. We literally remove the first line from Martin Niemöller's "First they came for" quote from school textbooks because it sympathizes with Socialism.
Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.
-Francis Wilhoit
They are exercising the out group to appease their base, nothing more. When they can't target trans people anymore, they will move on to someone else.
This is a red herring lie to induce fear in homophobic followers. It is little different from the lies to that crime is rising, and that black/Latino/immigrant/Antifa crime is skyrocketing. Do not take my word for it. Look at actual crime statistics. Republicans are both being lied to, and spreading those same lies.
The common thread is Republicans are dividing our country by promoting fear, distrust, and rage through their lies.
That's a rounding up by a pretty big margin. I am in one of the most trans friendly cities on the planet and we're sitting at 0.4% of our population being trans.
A lot of the rhetoric tends to fall on the "we shouldn't have to change our behaviour because it's such a small number!" but then we are also supposed to be this society wide menace that is "socially contagious"...
We are prime scapegoats because you require extra empathy to understand the basics of what being trans is actually like compared to being cis and conservatives generally rate pretty low on empathy. They don't care that they are condemning us to permanent misery, they can't conceptualize that misery anyway.
I think one can be bigoted AF against gay and trans people and still defend their rights, I mean I think a lot of people are shit, doesn't mean I want them imprisoned for it, I just don't hang out with them. End of problem. Because you don't go knocking at their doors asking them to be gay, right? These fuckers go door to door asking me to vote to end gay, and that is more annoying than I ever found a gay person. Fuck that, you be you and I be me, you stay there I stay here everyone happy, bigots and gays together, not divided.
Yeah what even IS their stance on infrastructure? Just let it burn, or what? Because I'm very heavily invested in that, but all I get is that they are going to remove the gays or something. In twenty five years of truck driving I have never once run over a gay person, that is simply not an issue for me in my day to day dealings, I want to know what the fuck about the roads?
Representative Shriver asked, "In terms of endgame, why are we allowing these practices for anyone?"
Because trans people doing this for themselves to themselves doesn't hurt or harm you in any way whatsoever.
"If we are going to stop this for anyone under 18, why not apply it for anyone over 18?"
First, I don't think it should be banned for under 18. However for those over 18 are adults that are able to make their own choices.
It's harmful across the board, and that's something we need to take into consideration in terms of the endgame."
How is it harmful? Even empty conservative arguments about homosexuality being bad in the bible don't apply to trans people. Conservatives only apparent reason for harming trans people is you don't like it. If that's the bar, then whats to stop others from banning conservatism itself because there are lots of people that don't like it?
How is it harmful? Even empty conservative arguments about homosexuality being bad in the bible don't apply to trans people.
That's the fun part, as far as they're concerned, they do. To them, someone who's trans is still the same as their assigned birth gender. So mtf trans is still male to them. Therefore, it is gay for a man to have sex with a trans women and can get you damned to hell. It's why "trap" went from referring to femboys with sexuality conversion fetishes to referring to trans people. Many of them literally believe it's an attempt to "trap" straight men into being gay. Go even further right, and you start running into people who believe trans people are literally agents of Satan sent to claim the souls of good, straight Christian men.
Soooo.... Yeah. That's why evangelical christians tend to lose their shit about trans people.
It doesn't make sense. People like these build their careers around the fear of the other: foreigners, immigrants, crossdressers, homosexuals, transgender, socialists, communists, etc. Any group that's small enough that a significant portion of the population doesn't know any members. They spread lies about how these evil minority groups are out to get special rights and your stuff, then campaign on protecting you from them. They're absolutely the worst kind of people.
Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.
If we are going to stop this for anyone under 18, why not apply it for anyone over 18? It's harmful across the board, and that's something we need to take into consideration in terms of the endgame."
Representative Click then responded, "That's a very smart thought there. I think what we know legislatively is we have to take small bites.”
This is why they call everything a slippery slope. Projection.
Michigan isn't red. And don't fucking kill yourself. I'm an old cis white dude, and if I can help fight for your rights, the least you can do is stick around to enjoy them, right?
I'm terrible at pep talks but just don't fucking kill yourself. There is beauty in the world you have yet to experience, and you make the world a more wondrous and beautiful place just by existing.
If I manage to pay off my trailer before they issue my death sentence I'll try to move, but if I run out of time I'm not going to try and thread that needle. I'll just make sure it counts.
Our people have endured worse. They destroy our homes and livelihoods and push us to crime and professions of desperation. And yet we persist. From the Molly houses to the prostitute priestesses we have endured throughout history. And no law will stand between us and ourselves.
I think it might just be time to move bud. You’re in an escapesble situation. You don’t HAVE to stay and listen to their bullshit. You’re much much better than they are. Keep positive thoughts and you WILL get through it!
I'm still paying off my trailer, I can't just move without destroying my life anyway. My resume is unimpressive, I'm going into my mid 30s, I'd just be condemning myself to a life in homeless poverty.
it must be nice having a party that just always manages to force through all the shit you want no matter the odds
it's so awesome that we still haven't fixed roe. like, ridiculous that that night the president didn't write something saying 'actually it's legal everywhere executive order fuck you'. i don't care if that's not how it works!! he's the president!! that's how 40% of people think it works anyway!!
Oh man, I hope they do! What am I going to do with myself in the meantime? Just knowing that there's a slight chance that someone might remove my penis and replace it with a vagina and then give me boobs... It's too much for me. We must prevent anyone from trying! That way they won't do it to me!
Actually, what about two penises? That's like double macho! Ok let's hope they block male to female and female to male... But male to really macho male, that's gotta stay!
Let's see if the population complains about exceptions such as removal due to cancer and such. Maybe toss the doctors in jail for removing boobs that have cancer? And specifically the law should say boobs because that's more funny. And cruel. We are Republicans! God damn it! In God damn we truss.... well it's a sort of truss, it's a cross ❌ truss!
Yes it's all sarcasm and confusing non language. It makes my brains happy.
LOL! I wish I had a big penis. But two or more would be awesome. Just hopefully Texas doesn't shut that door down just when science is working on the keys to living longer and DNA enhancements. I mean I don't live in Texas but it must be awful for those who do... So just trying to help. I'll announce my double penis when it comes up.
Wait was this a thing? Because I fuck as hell am not going to accept them taking away people's right to replace my dick with a vagina and a nice set of tits. I'd be willing to go to war over that!
Yep just keep on stripping life away from those of us with firearms until we have nothing to lose. You think people who had surgery and totally altered their physical appearance can just "go back" to their birth gender? Nah fam. What you're doing is backing these people into an inescapable corner who are armed and have nothing left. Let me know how that works out for ya.
Funny how LGBT, women and POCs are the largest gun buying demographic, yet liberals continue to rail against guns. (And lose votes...)
I'm none of the above, but neither am I some old white guy that thinks he's tough because he owns guns. Kinda the opposite actually, but that's another conversation. I practice and learn, I use guns. Every weekend. It's mostly for fun, until it's not.
I am a peaceful man, but I am not harmless. You got allies you don't know about. You got people that will show out. And I've said 100 times, I'm not getting on a train and neither are you my friend.
Michigan Republicans are extra evil and authoritarian. Thankfully they don't control the legislature anymore. Or the state Supreme Court. Or the Governorship.
Isn't this literally apart of Nikki Hailey's campaign?
And if this goes as well as their war on Gay Marriage, it ends when a Right Wing Leaning Supreme Court gives us Trans-Inclusive Single Payer Healthcare and then they go after the next "Freak of the Week", probably furries since New Hampshire's already making legislation agianst them.
Michigan Republicans are extra evil and authoritarian. Thankfully they don't control the legislature anymore. Or the state Supreme Court. Or the Governorship.
Well, at first, yes, but when they're done with them there's communists, black folk, the disabled, intellectuals, anyone in the political opposition, nuns... They have a whole agenda for us!
Occasionally Democrats from blue states will do what they've done with abortion and cannabis legalization and the minimum wage: They'll look at the victims of Republican policy in red states and say they deserve it. Say their suffering is a good thing because they committed the heinous sin of being outnumbered.
But what Democrats won't do is try to protect the human rights of vulnerable minorities on the national level. That would require getting rid of the filibuster.
And when the filibuster is needed to stop that really heinous shit the republicans want to do?!
Every damn time... "get rid of the filibuster!" As regular as Texas wanting to secede whenever some weak-ass republican needs to pump up his base.
Also, the "dems are just as bad" is tired tripe, and I don't know what kind of dems you hang around, but I've not heard any that think those victimized by republican policies "deserve it". Bugger off with that "both sides" bs.
And when the filibuster is needed to stop that really heinous shit the republicans want to do?!
The filibuster is currently enabling the heinous shit republicans want to do. Every state law that fucks over marginalized groups is there because Democrats consider their rights less important than the Jim Crow Filibuster.
I don’t know what kind of dems you hang around, but I’ve not heard any that think those victimized by republican policies “deserve it”.
Then you've been paying no attention at all whatsoever. Or you know better and are lying.