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TheFeas $12 million/yr? The average person isn't able to comprehend that level of income. Thats ~$47k per HOUR. Like the average amount of money the median american makes in a YEAR.
21 2 ReplyBloxlord It's actually $5769.23/hr
21 0 ReplyStoney_Logica1 $47k an hour is more like $98 million a year. Just under.
13 0 ReplyTheFeas Some extra zeros slipped in there somewhere. That careful attention to detail explains the lack of 8 figure salary.
7 0 Reply
TheFeas Math skills like this is why I don't earn $12 million a year.
11 0 ReplyThe_v $12,000,000/52 weeks = $230,769.23 per week.
$230,769/40 hours = $5,769.23/hr.
I know how to use the calculator, Do I deserve it?
8 0 Reply
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