Spices too
Spices too
Spices too
The nightshade family also gives us a lot of important vegetables. Potatoes, tomatoes, and peppers being the most common but others as well.
And then there's Brassica oleracea, where it's not even a family, but one single species that brings us a heap of classic veggies including cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, kale, Brussels sprouts, and gai lan. If you expand to its family you can add turnip, bok choy, radish, wasabi, as well as the majority of source vegetables in the eponymous "vegetable oil".
Are you saying a vegetable fried this rice?
So that's why some vegetables sometimes have that wasabi taste to them.
And Cavolo Romano!
Also my lovely Cucurbitales, from cucumbers over pumpkins up to melons.
Brussel sprouts? That's not a vegetable, that's heresy! Awful stuff. The rest can be good, depending on the context though.
Don't forget the brassicas too
The culinary history of humanity is just one long dare about eating the killer plants.
Thanks to all our forefather who ate enough poisonous squashes for us to enjoy squash soup and pumpkin pies.
I love all those vegetables but if I had to give up allium or nightshades, I'd give up nightshades.
I love garlic as much as the next guy, but I don't think I could imagine food without potatoes
Tobacco is also in this family
I once had a coworker who just took a bite out of a raw onion right in front of me. They were completely unfazed, like it was an apple or something. I'm still a little emotionally scarred.
My grandfather used to eat vidalia onions like apples. They’re pretty sweet & mild.
Do you happen to work at a mid-sized paper company?
No, that was a potato… or a beet.
I had a surly paternal grandmother who seemed to revel in making the lives of children miserable.
When I was about four years old, I asked for a snack, and she gave me a raw onion.
I sat at the kitchen table and ate the entire fucking thing like it was the sweetest piece of fruit known to history, staring her in the eye the whole time.
If I had been just a little bit older and thought of it, I would've asked her for another one.
She died when I was seven. My reaction to this, as she lived in Washington State, was, "Does that mean we get to see Mount Saint Helens?" as the volcano had gone off just a couple weeks prior.
That would have given me stomach cramps that made me pray for death.
I once knew a guy who peeled and ate a full garlic like one would do with an orange or mandarin, while walking and talking casually.
Like a clove, or the entire head of garlic?
When I was a child we often had peeled garlic on the table for me to snack on it during dinner. I must have smelled hideously.
There are actually onions that you can do that with. I think the soil where those are grown is low on sulfer or something so the onion cant make the chemical responsible for making your eyes water.
Supportive link: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vidalia_onion
I'll usually eat a could wee chunks of an onion after I dice it up, and the other day I was surprised by how palatable the onion was that I was eating. Normally I enjoy eating a couple tiny pieces raw, but this was an onion I could see myself taking a big ol bite out of
Sweet onions were consider a desert by the Romans and they would eat them like we do apples.
Was he Eastern European?
No, I don't think so. He was a younger guy from the southern US, if I remember correctly. Is that something east europeans do on the regular??
Allium family also make the world nicer, even those for the kitchen have nice flowers if planted.
Holy, that’s so pretty! Would love to have some in my garden.
There are several webs of ornamental allium which show how to plant and care for them, the different species, etc.
And the flowers taste delicious!
Wow!! Do they grow that spherical or are those groomed??
Either way, beautiful!!
They grow mostly spherical, but depending of the species of ornamental allium. Also a normal onion has a beautifull flower if you plant it.
When someone says they hate onions you know they are the most boring person ever.
Some people have intolerances to onions, and I feel so, so sorry for them. I can't think of many meals where onions don't improve the flavour.
It's hard. I still eat garlic on occasion, even though it makes me sick. Luckily, I've always had a bad reaction with an onion, so my body rejects the flavor too
Cooked onions are fine, but raw red onions in salads give me terrible headaches, I always feel bad picking them out.
The first time I got covid it really messed with my smell and taste. Any kind of onions just smelled and tasted completely rotten, even onion powder. Ruined all my favorite foods, even if it was just a small part of the meal. I had just made some pickled red onions and I couldn't eat them for like 6-8 months. Worst part of covid for me by far.
I like the taste of onions, but I hate the structure of them cooked. EDIT: and yeah, I am pretty boring.
Dice or mince them as fine as possible. They will just fade into nothing
I hate onions
Me too. Gives you the farts and they taste like copper. My mum used to put it in everything and i always disliked it. Since cook at home i never use them in and never will.
Did you know some people are allergic to onions? Very sad.
That would suck. Sad sad life without the Allum family
Not allergic, but the very thought of onions (and garlic) in pregnancy made me feel sick. Smelling them or seeing them cooked (with their translucent little stripes) would have me heaving. All the foods I love have onions and garlic in. It was awful.
I don't mind the flavor, but the texture mixes well with absolutely nothing.
At a small enough size they don't have a texture just kind of float into the background. Got to dice those babies
Fine dice and a little caramelization removes all noticeable texture in anything chewable. Improves the flavor too.
For garlic, you either roast or mince, both of which soften the texture way down
Cooked onions, I suppose I’d agree. They’re just kinda mushy. Raw onions on the other hand have a great crunchy texture to me.
Thick sliced raw onion rings on burgers fluffs the whole thing up a bit and adds some airy crunch.
They add a nice crunchy texture to Greek salad as well.
Cut into lengthwise strips, they’re similarly fun in stir-fry if you don’t cook them too long.
Diced on top of a tostada or taco or bagel with cream cheese and lox, they add a little crunchy something but admittedly this could be also be achieved with pretty much anything not-squishy.
As a kid I used to hate them, now I have them all the time!
I still remember my first burger with all the condiments on it, i was a ketchup and cheese only kid. It absolutely blew my mind back then lol
Imagine a more boring person than somebody who judges people because of what plants they do or don't like eating
i hate onions because of their texture in the food. i want food that has the added taste of onions without the onions, or just have them be very small.
I like onions, but the texture can be a big problem for me, depending on the day. Doesn't matter how it's prepared: raw, sauteed, cooked, cooked within an inch of its life, does not make a difference
I love all onions. Except red ones. Fuck 'em.
I usually think that they're probably not very knowledgeable about what goes in their food. It's frankly very difficult to avoid onion entirely.
Or they are a super taster. I love spices, curry, cumin, hot peppers (even Carolina reaper), and have been to twenty five countries but onion is fucking disgusting and I never ever want to eat one.
Dude, just admit you're boring
My mother does not like onions.
I am glad I did not inherit that horrific genetic abnormality.
My gf does not like the texture of onions.
The taste is fine with her, so I think I'm gonna have to get used to cooking for her with minced onions...
My mom was (and is) a terrible cook in many other ways, but the 'I'm not making you anything with onions in it' as a kid kind of sucked.
I'm just glad my grandmother was a good cook.
I don't like onions. It's literally the one food I do not like. I've tried them many times, many ways, and still nope.
Raw and cooked? Maybe try it minced, cooked extremely soft and mixed into a sauce so there are no visible pieces?
I just tied them to my belt, which was the custom at the time.
Onions, garlic, other onions, other other onions
Heh! The pointy ones are shallots. I agree that Chinese chives or European Leeks or something equally different would have better rounded out the set.
There used to be an garlic restaurant near my old house and basically EVERYTHING was garlic based. It was heaven.
Guess what. They had garlic ice cream and it was DELICIOUS. Nothing like I thought it would be. It was light and sort of fruity and sweet.
Goddamit I miss that place.
No way
Straight up.
I'd guess the garlic was deeply roasted until brown and sweet for the ice cream?
You are probably correct. Slowly… veeeeerrrry slowly.
When I first started to cook for myself, I ignored using onions and garlic because I didn't think they would make that big a difference 🤡
I always thought onions and garlic made breath bad so I don't put them on anything and I don't give them to anyone.
Their foil is pretty good at keeping stuff fresh too (as well as making good anti-mind-control hats)
Sucks to have IBS, it's hard to avoid alliums...
Me too, and I just suffer for it haha.
I know it’s stupid, but I just can’t give up good food. My stomach will hurt so bad it feels like I have back problems or something and I’m still not eating spaghetti without my garlic bread.
I don’t eat the good stuff constantly, most of my meals are bland. When I get a chance though I don’t pass on it.
How sensitive are you? I've found I struggle with them a bit if I eat lots suddenly after not eating them for a while, but if I continue, it tends to be fine. My guess is that the reason it is inconsistent for me is related to fluctuations in gut bacteria partially due to what I am eating...
I know actual IBS is no joke, but I think it would be interesting to determine your threshold and see if you can change it at all. For example, eat a pea-sized piece of onion and wait a couple days. No effect, start eating a pea-sized piece of onion every day and wait for cumulative effects (a week or two?). Still no effect, add another piece for one day, go back to regular dose for a couple days, etc. When you reach the point where it starts to cause discomfort, back off a bit and try to push it again in a week or two.
I've never really tried to change it, I adapted as best as I could.
I'm intolerant to most fodmap (lactose, mannitol, fructans, gos and fructose). I also noticed that gluten can wreck me if I eat too much of it, fatty food can trigger me as well as alcohol.
It was hard to get used to it but now it's a question of self regulation. I skip most of the things that trigger me and indulge sometimes, often a bit too much and I have to face the consequences for up to a week or so. Lactose is the easiest to deal with because of lactase, the rest not so much...
I guess at least I'm not celiac or suffering of Crohn's, so that's that I guess.
I am very sad I can't eat these anymore due to IBS
I was this way for years. I eventually recovered a lot and slowly weened back onto them. Good luck and take care.
Thank you for the kind words! I didn't know I could maybe have these again at some point in the future. Did you just try them every now and again to see how you reacted? Do you still need to watch out?
What's this "almost", please?
I would certainly not enjoy garlic in my chocolate cake
Without going too Wittgenstein on you, I read it a bit differently, and I would enjoy onion jam on my chocolate cake.
But that garlic when it's onion cake though
Cake has layers. Onion has layers.
∵ Cake is onion.
You include shallots, but not spring onions? I feel offended.
Gallium enjoyers: 💀
It's fine as long as you're not a robot made out of aluminum or something.
Why 3 onions though? Why no chives?
health benefits too
I have mixed feelings because they are dog poison. Makes me feel like they're kind of evil.
If grapes and chocolate are evil I think I’d rather be evil.
They're people poison too. We just out-toleranced them.
I feel like that's a lot of things. Some of us poison ourselves recreationally with alcohol.
Really? I didn't know!
It sucks having an allium intolerance... no one will take my garlic from me though, even if it makes me miserable later
I love onions. Any one remember that old novelty "I love onions" song. No...guess I am just old. "LA La La"
I remember leekspin if that counts for anything
All yums.
Just found out I'm allergic, which explains a lot, fucking nightmare though
Btw, how are the little onions named?
Shallots? They're bottom left.
Thanks. I hate them.
S TIER: Shallot, Garlic
A TIER: Leek
F TIER: All of the others
Yellow onions are good
Also red, also spring.
OOOOOOHHH ALLIUM NOT "ALLISM"... I was so confused what this had to do with nuerotypical and nuerodivergent people