AFAIK they have a war cabinet, and this minister's far-right party ('Jewish Power') isn't part of it.
Apparently this story is from november last year, a month after the attacks, and he claimed it was hyperbole after most people in Israel derided him as a lunatic:
Too late .... several advocates have already pointed out that Israel have dropped enough munitions in Gaza now to be beyond the level of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima
And risk having nuclear fallout spread in Israel? Are they mad?
Also this would be the first time since Hiroshima and Nagasaki that any nation used a nuclear weapon against another nation.
If they do that, fuck it, I'm siding with everybody else who believes Israel needs to disappear and the land be given back to Palestinians. They would lose the legitimacy of the existence of their nation in my eyes.
I mean, Israel is literally right next to it, it would almost certainly make parts of their own country unlivable. Nothing they do seems to be based on logic or morality in any way though, so it's not that surprising.
Depends, modern electronic triggers and airburst munitions can yield smaller nuclear detonations without the fallout of traditional "slap two chunks of uranium together" style nukes.
Not sure exactly how much room a tactical nuclear device would need but it's possible to do it without taking out the entire place, yes.
The question is that if they drop atomic bomb the radiation from some radioactive isotopes has a really long half-life, and not sure if you can create a bomb only with isotopes who have short half-life. I am definitely not an expert and now I am curious if someone managed to achieve that.
For perspective, and don't tell me that dropping nuclear bombs over civilians was the necessary evil to do during WWII. Because if it was, how would you explain this:
The atomic bomb that detonated over Hiroshima used Uranium-235, while the Nagasaki bomb had Plutonium-239. The half-life of U-235 is 700 million years, while that of Pu-239 is 24,000 years. In other words, once on the ground, they will be there for a very long time.