Out of curiosity, what Firefox addons do you have in mind?
Why cant two things be horrebly bad without being the same...
The meme clearly states that there is no difference between nazi germany an Israel. I know the idea is to show how bad Israel is but whats actually happens is that crimes of Nazi Germany are relavated.
So congards, your helping fashists saying that Nazis werend that bad...
You clearly have no idea what revisionism means...
Collabora has a quit well working Android APP https://www.collaboraoffice.com/collabora-office-android-ios/
And thats basically libre office
He developed HTML, HTTP, URL, the first browser and the first Webserver...
The report did forget to mention that the minister was suspended for his first statement in November...
I really don't want to defend anyone here but I think it is important to stay as close to the facts as possible
No sure if you proof the right point here...
I don't remember singing to be the key of freeing France from Nazi-Germany
Hey Trittin hat damals Dosenpfand eingeführt, das ist die beste finanzielle Aufbesserung für Rentner*innen in den 2000ern jetzt müssen die beim Sammeln nicht mehr so schwere tragen wenn sie dank Riester-rente pleite sind
Naja dann wird in Neukölln halt noch nen Jugendzentrum mehr geschlossen... Hauptsache freie Fahrt für freie Bürger🤬🤬🤬🤮🤮🤮
Framasoft created an extra search engine for that, a instance can be found here: https://search.joinpeertube.org/
I'm not using in much but it queries several servers so it might be what your looking for