Kayak customers can exclude Max 9 aircraft after cabin panel blowout on Alaska Airlines flight
Online travel agent allows customers to filter out Boeing 737 Max planes::Kayak customers can exclude Max 9 aircraft after cabin panel blowout on Alaska Airlines flight
I'm all for it to be honest. The 737 Max sounds like a death trap, and until Boeing is banned from certifying their own planes nobody should be flying in these IMO.
The FAA needs to start certifying these themselves again, and remove the existing loopholes/exemptions that allow some design changes to avoid recertification
Hardly likely. If enough people start doing it, either airlines will start hiding the plane model, or boeing will rename it after some marketing to show things have changed, and the world will move on.
If this was the first incident with the Max, I'd agree with you.
But repeated issues close together have caused regulators amd the general public to look closer at Boeing as a whole; particularly their inspection, certification, and maintenance practices.
I don't think this will go away easily.
Nah, they will simply sell the planes to other markets. I’m sure there are plenty of non-US airlines willing to gobble up planes at a discount. The pundit and lobby machine would get engaged and magically there would be a big industry bailout to cover the losses.
No. The "Contract of Carriage" that airlines create between you and them when you buy a ticket explicitly disclaims any liability for stuff like that. Delta's for domestic flights has, under "Rule 2", the following:
Delta will exercise reasonable efforts to transport you and your baggage from your origin to your destination with reasonable dispatch, but published schedules, flight times, aircraft types, seat assignments, and similar details reflected in the ticket or Delta’s published schedules are not guaranteed and form no part of this contract. Delta may substitute alternate Carriers or aircraft, change its schedules, delay or cancel flights, change seat assignments, and alter or omit stopping places shown on the ticket as required by its operations in Delta’s sole discretion. Delta’s sole liability in the event of such changes is set forth in Rule 22. Delta is not responsible or liable for making connections, failing to operate any flight according to schedule, changing the schedule or any flight, changing seat assignments or aircraft types, or revising the routings by which Delta carries the passenger from the ticketed origin to destination.
Every airline has basically the same contract. They can do whatever the fuck they want as long as they get you from A to B. They don't even have to use a plane, or get you there on time.
My guess is most airlines have clauses in their terms and conditions that allow them to change the aircraft type without prior notice. Pretty sure their lawyers would argue that this is considered a management right for operational reasons.
You're asking a good question, but I don't have the answer. I don't usually use Kayak.
There's more than just safety reasons to avoid specific model of plane. While both are Boeing, a First Class seat on a United 737 (of any variety) is a subpar experience compared to a First Class seat on a United 787. If you're making a long trip and paying the top dollar for that, filtering out the 737s and A320 planes makes a lot of sense.
I don't want to filter out the max8/max8 planes because of bad pitot tubes or blowouts or nosedives.
I want to filter them out because even on a good day they're horribly appointed terrible airplanes with absolutely nothing redeeming about them.
And I fly the fancy seats.
The fact they even HAVE a configuration where the back loo is right next to the galley with an open-air American-style bathroom partition separating the two, that should get someone arrested.
thought you were serious for a second, for those who aren't getting the joke, driving your car is thousands of times more dangerous than taking a plane flight
But all those articles about Boeing issues will get more people to drive. It's ironic how fighting for higher flying safety standards can kill people. The surplus in car crash fatalities in the months after 9/11 was higher than the number of passengers on all the planes involved.
Idk man I see this statistic all the time but you might survive a car crash but if you fall from a metal tube in the sky you are most likely dead as fuck. I think crashes happen lessoften but when you do crash in a plane theres usually zero survivors
I was just thinking about this lastnight; I don't fly often, but next time I do, I'll be paying attention to which plane is actually used and avoiding the max.
I've never paid any attention to the plane model before.
Boeing fucked up pretty big with this plane if even those that pretty much never fly are thinking this way.
I don't see the 737 Max being taken off the market even with these options and rebranding wont help as airlines will still list the new model which will be publicly announced by Boeing. So what's the market adjustment going to be? Cheaper fare? I can honestly see people surging to buy a seat on this deathcraft if prices fall enough. It'll be like choosing between organic and pesticide-riddled.
How about just Boeing entirely? The Max planes have been problematic, but what about the 757's having doors blow open mid flight or missing bolts or loose bolts? The issue with Boeing is getting so bad, Bombardier in Canada is starting to actually do business again.
Not to give Boeing any slack but what 757 had it's door blown open? The only one I can find was DHL 757 which had its cargo door open during flight. Boeing had nothing to do with that incident as the plane originally left the factory as a passenger jet. Later in the aircraft's life it was converted into a freighter by Precision Conversions LLC. This wasn't even a door plug situation like with AS1282 as the conversion process preformed by Precision Conversions LLC requires cutting a rather large hole in the fuselage for the cargo door. The other thing is Boeing hasn't produced a 757 since 2004, any manufacturering defect thats made it twenty years before causing issues is pretty impressive.
Also bombardier currently only makes business jets. The closest plane bombardier has ever made to competing with Boeing was the C series however those jets were designed for regional flights which is a sector of the industry Boeing doesn't really compete in outside of the 737 max 7. On top of that because of shady deals bombardier orchestrated Boeing got very scared and lobbied the department of commerce to enact a 292% import tariff on the C series. Due to the tariffs Bombardier ended up completely selling the C series to airbus in 2020 who rebranded it to the A220.
A leading online travel agent has added filters to let users exclude flights that use Boeing’s troubled 737 Max planes, after a piece of fuselage falling off an Alaska Airlines flight led to a surge of user interest in avoiding the airliners.
Following the Alaska Airlines incident, it says there was a 15-fold increase in use of the original filter, prompting it to rework the setting, making it more prominent on the search page and adding the ability to distinguish between 737 Max 8 and Max 9 planes, since only the latter has been grounded by America’s Federal Aviation Administration.
The surge of interest in the new feature demonstrates the unusual extent to which typical travellers are actively avoiding the 737 Max planes.
Such filters are more commonly used by regular travellers with esoteric preferences around particular seat locations on various planes, rather than a broad-brush fear of an entire family of jets.
On Sunday, the FAA expanded its scrutiny of Boeing jets to another, older model of 737, the 737-900ER, which it says uses a similar door design.
“The safety of the flying public, not speed, will determine the timeline for returning these aircraft to service,” it said.
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Presumably it only shows models that actually fly the route you're trying to book.
There aren't many Max 9's in the world, it's a brand new model. Also in some countries the model is not allowed to fly with passengers on board right now.
You lack perspective. I'm literally sitting in an office looking out to the big ass Boeing facility right here. Like imagine me just walking over and telling them "hey you don't know how to make airplanes". That's a fucking removed comment. As much as I don't like the company....well more like I'm just ambivalent about them since I have no business with them and they don't affect my every day life in a direct way...other than food, deliveries and people I talk to, yeah they, Boeing are important to the local and the national economy. So it's short sighted to say let's shit down the company. If you were an engineer and got a letter accepting you for a position at Boeing, you would be thrilled to accept. The technology and know how you would earn would be a once in a lifetime experience....but somehow they can't make airplanes? No fuckin way. It's their management. Change management.